My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 369: Vassal? Enemy mark?

"Danger? What's the situation?" Yuan Ye frowned, somewhat confused as to what Haokong meant by this sentence.

Because he was a witness and participated in the whole process, how could he still know what the situation is now?

All the goblins in the entire virtual realm were killed by him and the cheap lady. It can truly be called genocide.

And in fact, this is not a very powerful race. It is just the accumulation of thousands of years. When it finally broke out, it had the illusion of being particularly powerful before.

This matter can basically be over, right? So what does Di Xing’s words mean now?

Can an extinct race still pose any danger to them? Even if there are still dangers, what channels do these dangers come from?

However, Di Xing shook his head and said: "I did not say that these dangers come from that race, and it is not certain that there will be, but it is possible. What I mean is that you should pay more attention and be careful. You You can listen to it first.”

"Please tell me." Yuan Ye thought for a moment and nodded to indicate to Di Xing to continue.

"Very few people know this news, because it has not been widely disseminated at all." Di Xing slowly said: "There are too many weird races, and it is rare for a race to exist in only one virtual realm. ”

Is there more than one virtual realm of existence? This is quite normal, and you don’t need to think for sure to know that similar situations definitely exist.

Because if you think about it from another perspective, if humans enter the virtual realm to live, a single virtual realm will definitely not be able to accommodate such a huge population today.

Not even a large virtual realm.

If some race is as powerful and huge as human beings

Yuan Ye thought slightly.

Di Xing: "We humans have also discovered some relatively weak races in the past. The threat is not that great compared to our own strength as humans. Overall, they are not very dangerous, and it does not take much effort to deal with them. It only cost hundreds of lives.”

Although the number of hundreds of people's sacrifices seems tragic, in fact, for them humans, it is already a very beautiful and glorious record, the kind of victory that is very beautiful.

Because in the final analysis, this is a war, but the two sides of the war have become a racial war between different races.

Since it is a war, it must be accompanied by bloodshed, and it is often very tragic.

What's more, after this kind of racial war in which the two races are completely unrelated, the intensity will only become higher and stronger.

Therefore, it has always been accompanied by a lot of casualties. This is the norm.

In a situation like Yuan Ye's, it's purely a case of a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and they can't even be counted as a handful, let alone copied.

Therefore, when dealing with wars between strange races, we must not take it lightly or be careless, and we must not be complacent. Yuan Ye also knows this very well, because the saying that the situation is stronger than the people is not just a saying.

It was just because he happened to have Yuan Xinyan following him, and their overall strength was stronger than the other party.

If the situation were reversed, they would also die miserably. Even if their defense line collapsed, the result would be even worse. Those goblins invaded Xinhai City on a large scale. With the level of hatred towards humans within them, what would happen? No need to say much.

Even Yuan Ye was rejoicing. Fortunately, this race was not strong and had almost been wiped out. This could be regarded as solving a future problem.

Even if the overall strength of the goblins is very weak, no one can sleep well at the thought that there is such a race that can bite people at any time and hates humans so much.

But it's okay

Yuan Ye said: "They should not have any other Void Realm strongholds. We have investigated and strictly interrogated all their senior officials. This should be ruled out, but it is difficult to say."

There is also a possibility that these high-level officials do not know whether there are other goblin races outside. It is even possible that different branches have not communicated with each other, so they do not know each other's existence.

Di Xing continued: "Moreover, weird races are also subordinate to each other. Some weak weird races will also choose to attach themselves to some races that are stronger than themselves and then seek asylum."

"Subordinate?" Yuan Ye was stunned.

He had never thought about this.

"This is something that will not be publicized so far. For example, our human race itself has secretly instigated rebellion and supported some races for our use. We also have vassals. For various purposes, the vassal races are very useful. High, and don’t think that vassal races have no strength at all. On the contrary, they just have poor overall strength, or their numbers are very small, resulting in that they are generally not as good as large races. However, some races still have a lot of high-end power, such as us humans. The affiliated races basically have at least one titled powerhouse!”

"These subordinate races usually do not show excessive intimacy and friendship with humans, nor do they send out any messages, but at critical moments, they will be our sharpest spear, capable of breaking out unexpectedly. The power that comes out is unimaginable and cannot be increased.”

"The human race also has vassals?" It must be said that Yuan Ye was also shocked.

"You are Haokong's direct subordinate, and you will know these things sooner or later. You may even be exposed to them when you go to perform some tasks next time."

Emperor Xing said: "So this is what I want to express. What if this race also has a subordinate relationship and is attached to a powerful race, and we have not yet discovered this race, or it has not even been born yet."

Emperor Xing stared at Yuan Ye: "This is why I want you to be careful. There are many strange races with some special means to mark some enemies that pose a great threat to their own race, or be killed, or actively mark, just like animals leave pheromones and smells on the predators who kill them to warn and remind their peers. If there is a subordinate relationship, then after you are born, you will be the first to be hunted down."

After hearing this, Yuan Ye felt a chill on his back: "Don't."

What he fears most is trouble. Let alone being hunted down, if it were him before, he would not even bother to do the mission, but now he has more or less a sense of responsibility.

But to be honest, this sense of responsibility exists, but it is not much.

Let alone whether there is a strange race behind the goblins, just the goblin race itself, is that something Yuan Ye can deal with?

Don't be ridiculous. The one who dealt with the goblin was Yuan Xinyan, his cheap sister. What does it have to do with him? If he ran into them alone, wouldn't he be crushed to pieces in one go? (End of this chapter)

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