My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 375 Only your enemies know you best

The entire gymnasium has never been short of people since the martial arts exam. It has always been full.

However, when there are no strong players competing, there will still be some empty seats, and the seats will not be fully occupied.

After all, the audience is not a god of war, and they will not always stay at the scene to eat, drink and sleep. In fact, compared to coming to the scene, more people will choose to lie comfortably at home, holding their mobile phones or watching the computer, and watching the live broadcast. There are always only a few who can grab the live tickets.

But today is different. Today, whether it is the seats in the field or the channels for online live broadcasts, they are all packed, and even the live broadcast channels are all stuck. Due to the influx of too many people and too many barrages, the server is overwhelmed, and the screen is almost stuck into a PPT, which forces the platform to urgently transfer the server.

The main reason for this is that today is a very special day.

Because this is the day when the national team headed by Yuan Ye plays for the first time in the second round!

How can this not attract attention?

Originally, after a bunch of powerful Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list became popular, Yuan Ye, a national teammate who did not make it to the Tianjiao list, or a Tianjiao who was very dazzling in the first round, such as Ye Canglan, all encountered some criticism in the second round.

Moreover, in the Internet age, information changes very quickly, and people's memory is also very limited. Under the impact of the new stars on the Tianjiao list, their popularity and attention are declining rapidly day by day, until no one pays attention to them at all.

But no matter what, Yuan Ye is also the captain of the national team, and his team also has Li Qihe, who was also popular in the first round and even given a title.

It's just that with the emergence of the Tianjiao list, Li Qihe's title of "Sword King" has become more and more ridiculous. The Sword King who did not make it to the Tianjiao list, and the captain of Hanxia Guoding, have become the topic of conversation for many people who don't know the truth.

During this period, the "buying list" incident that was reported has pushed Yuan Ye and others to the forefront.

At this point, it was inevitable that so many people were watching their game.

The game hadn't even started yet, but the scene was already buzzing.

After the network live broadcast was repaired, it finally stopped freezing, and the number of people in the live broadcast room reached an astonishing 10 million!

The barrage of comments floated by like snowflakes, dense and dense.

"Smooth landing, thanks to the command center."

"Self-blind landing, backhand blow up the command center!"

"Come on, come on, let's see how strong the so-called national team is."

"To see how strong? Are you sure you are not here to watch them make a fool of themselves?"

"I want to see how long they can last and witness the historic moment when the national team is rubbed to the ground."

"I hope they don't lose too badly, otherwise the official will not be able to be partial to them even if they want to."

"It has been confirmed that Yuan Ye and his team have someone above them, and the position of the national team was won unfairly, but if they lose under the attention of so many people across the country, the official can't continue to pretend like a blind man and insist on keeping their position in the national team, right?"

"Hey, if the official really does this, you can't do anything, because the national team can choose not to participate in the second round, after all, the quota has already been determined. They came down, and they were directly sent to the third round of the national competition. "

"Now I'm afraid they won't come. Even if they don't come, it's in accordance with the regulations."

"They shouldn't be so cowardly, right? If I were questioned like this, I would never tolerate it anyway, and I must prove myself."

"Young people definitely can't tolerate it."

"Witness, once Yuan Ye and his team lose, the rest of our country, the real Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, will have a fair chance to compete for the quota of the national team."

"Hahahaha, what real thing can there be? Didn't you see that the exclusive seats of the national team are now divided by Fan Jian and Yang Wei's two teams? They are enjoying it up there, so happy, and even have exclusive drinks and food, and what about the so-called Yuan Ye and Sword Lord Li Qihe? I don't even dare to have a mother's opinion! I don't dare to go back to grab the position back. "

Everyone is looking forward to the scene they want to see.

After the fermentation of online public opinion, they are now extremely convinced that Yuan Ye and his group are just a facade, and they can get a seat in the national team only because they have an unspeakable background.

The power of public opinion is very terrible. Once it is slightly guided, it will fall in one direction like dominoes.

Sitting on the national seats at this moment are Fan Jian and Yang Wei.

As for this important day, they naturally cannot be absent. How could they miss the day to witness their blockers make a fool of themselves?

"It's almost time. As soon as today is over, there will be a place for us in the national team!" Fan Jian held a glass of fine collection Moutai, proudly raised his head, and said confidently.

"Cheers in advance." Yang Wei was also in a good mood and raised his glass.

Other players were also watching.

Including all over the country, those Han Tianjiao who have already been on the Tianjiao list and are on the list are also watching the scene at this moment through live broadcast.

A single move can affect the whole body, which is also an unspeakable opportunity for them.

"Today is the moment when the false god falls and the new god is about to be crowned!"

However, unlike everyone else's reaction, when everyone was celebrating, some people's reaction was exactly the opposite.

That is the American national team, and the national teams of other countries.

At this moment, Xinhai City, facing the Hanxia national seat, is the American national team seat at the same height.

Two white youths, a black man, and a white girl, each sitting in their seats, looking at Yang Wei and Fan Jian who have already started celebrating in the distance.

However, their eyes are full of teasing, just like watching clowns in a circus.

The black youth sneered: "A bunch of clowns, I don't know why anyone would really look down on the Hanxia national team."

One of the white youths laughed and said: "Isn't this the nature of the Hanxia people? They always look down on their own people. In terms of attacking their own people, Hanxia has always been number one. This is the bad nature of this nation."

As he spoke, his eyes were full of disdain for the Hanxia people.

The leading white youth spoke to stop them: "Okay, as long as we can understand that the Hanxia National Team will be our biggest enemy."

Some things can be understood with a little thought, or even without thinking.

Can the designated person sent by a country that can threaten their America in international status be a weakling?

Hanxia has always been a country that is willing to hide its shortcomings.

There is even a deadly threat hidden!

Only the enemy knows you best! This sentence has always been correct.

Only the American National Team understands how terrible it is to be directly assigned by the Hanxia official without being selected.

Because they have not been selected, but directly assigned by the White Palace.

And there is no doubt that they are absolutely at the top of the entire American young generation!

"Then do you think they will come?"

The white girl asked.

"I don't think so. If I were Yuan Ye, I would never care about the remarks of these clowns." The leading captain shook his head slightly. (End of this chapter)

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