My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 41 How could it be? It shouldn't be

Not only Yuan Ye, but all the students around him also trembled.

"Huh?" Li Qihe was immediately confused.

"Oh, that's it. Strictly speaking, your big classification actually belongs to all species, but each ability has subdivisions under the premise of the big classification. For example, we humans belong to the class Mammalia. Primates, abilities are also classified in this way, such as my abilities."

The big man in the white coat slowly raised a hand and pointed a finger at Li Qihe.

The next moment, Li Qi's plump and plump body like the emperor penguin actually floated directly up, floating in the air.

Then, as soon as the big man waved his finger, Li Qihe would dive forward and backward.



"Hey, eh - ah -"

Li Qihe would scream every time he dived back and forth.

The big man said: "My ability, in terms of broad categories, is the elemental type of soil, and the sub-category is sublimation type, gravity!"

After the big man finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the next second, Li Qihe landed on the ground.

Only then did he continue to explain to Li Qihe: "The spiritual seed in your body, in terms of its overall shape, is close to the shape of a sword and has become mature. You are the one who is on the verge of self-awakening." innate'."


Not only Li Qihe, but others including Yuan Ye were also confused.

"Speaking of innateness, this is a rare concept among us spiritual warriors, because basically most spiritual warriors need to be guided by self-cultivation before they can let the spiritual energy stimulate their own spiritual seeds and trigger awakening step by step."

The big man explained.

"But there are always some exceptions in everything. There is such a group of people among spiritual warriors. They do not need to be deliberately guided or channeled. They will come into contact with spiritual energy on their own and complete self-awakening. We call these self-awakening people innate, and they are innate. It’s rare, basically only one in a thousand spiritual warriors will meet. This type of spiritual warriors all have one thing in common, that is, they have a very high affinity for spiritual energy, and their cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary spiritual warriors.”

"In other words, I am a congenital self-awakening?" Li Qihe's eyes lit up.

"Yes, that's right." The big man nodded: "And your ability can be calculated in detail. According to the results, it is a sword-shaped ability. From a broad classification, it belongs to ten thousand species and sword species, but as for the details What kind of ability it is and what its effects are, we still have to wait until you truly awaken to know it, which shouldn’t be too long.”

It's time to run away!

Yuan Ye saw that Li Qihe was still excited in the field, and his legs were already ready to move.

From current observations, it seems that this physical examination is a bit evil and he will definitely not participate in it.

The results of the investigation are somewhat accurate.

But just when Yuan Ye turned around and planned to leave.

"I can become a spiritual warrior." Li Qihe naturally couldn't bear this expectation.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Yuan Ye, who was sleeping in the corner of the crowd, waved and shouted: "Oi!"

This sound resonated so much that it shook the world and directly attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked at Yuan Ye who had his hands in his pockets and was about to step out of the classroom door.

Yuan Ye: "."

Yuan Ye turned around and looked at Li Qihe dangerously.

However, Li Qihe was still unheard of and waved to Yuan Ye excitedly: "Brother Yuan! I can become a spiritual warrior! I can do it! Brother Yuan!"

OK! You are great!

Well done!

Yuan Zhizhong applauded.

You, Li Qihe, are worthy of being my relatives and friends, Yuan Ye! It’s truly a heart-to-heart connection!

"I congratulate your whole family!" Yuan Ye gritted his teeth.

At this moment, the big man in the white coat also turned his gaze. Xie Ying on the side winked at Yuan Ye, walked over, and whispered something into the big man's ear.

Upon hearing this, the big man's eyes lit up, he looked at Yuan Ye twice, nodded secretly, and smiled.

This smile is the first smile the big man has had here for so long, but this smile seems inexplicable.

Yuan Ye: "."

"Okay, next, Yuan Ye."

This time the big man didn't even get the list, he just looked at Yuan Ye and said.

Yuan Ye: "."

If you're not a big brother, why don't you just pretend? Are you not even going to pretend? At least get a list and look at it!

"I have something wrong." Yuan Ye took a deep breath and began to think of a remedy.

"Oh? What's the matter?" the big man asked.

"WC!" Yuan Ye nodded seriously: "I wanted to go to WC just now. I had Wallace for breakfast this morning, so I'm a little motivated."

"That's indeed a bit serious. Go and come back quickly." The big man thought for a moment and nodded seriously.

"Farewell!" Yuan Ye clasped his fists, turned around and left.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, the veins on Yuan Ye's temples were immediately exposed.

How to do how to do?

How to fool it now?

He really didn't want to come forward. There was basically no way to escape this thing once he was caught.

Then the little plan he had planned to hide comfortably in the rear would no longer need to be fought.

The two solar-level videos on New Era Online are still fresh in my mind.

Haven't you seen how miserable those official spirit warriors died? An unknown death is still the most terrifying way to die.

Not to mention those monsters and opponents.

Those inexplicable spirit warriors were ruthless and powerful, making Yuan Ye realize how dangerous this world was. If he stood on the bright side, he would have to face more opponents than just those monsters and the so-called virtual realm. Weird, there are people.

So the question is, what is his current strength?

He is a small Star Glory class, what if he encounters those Sun Glory class?

Can he beat it?

Don't be ridiculous, it's not enough for him to be hung up and rubbed.

So what now?

Yuan Ye was troubled.

But at this time, he passed by a place.

Yuan Ye looked up and saw the infirmary.

"Yes." Yuan Ye smiled.

A few minutes later, Yuan Ye returned to the classroom.

At this moment, the physical examination actually stopped, and the whole audience was waiting for him to come back!

The first time Yuan Ye entered the classroom, the big man in white coat spoke: "If you are ready, come over."

"Okay." Yuan Ye looked calm and not panicked at all.

He was very calm and lay down silently like all the classmates in front of him.

A few minutes later, when Yuan Ye came out, he put his pockets in and was about to move forward.

The big man and Xie Ying took the report sheet with excited faces.

However, at this moment, all their smiles froze.


"This is impossible!" Xie Ying looked dumbfounded when she saw the result.

"You didn't mean..." The big man looked at Xie Ying.

"Yes, he is indeed!" Xie Ying nodded, looked at the report sheet, and then at Yuan Ye, who was dumbfounded: "How could it be?"

I saw it written clearly on the report card.

【Innocent species】

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first." Yuan Ye smiled and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute! You can't leave yet!"

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