My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 400 Someone can't sleep [35 more]

Regarding such a big accident at the martial arts examination site, the response of the Shanghai branch must have been very rapid.

The scene was quickly dealt with, and subsequent effects of the incident began to be eliminated.

After all, whether this kind of thing is big or small, it is certainly not small. After all, what happened under the noses of so many people and in full view of everyone.

Some matters that are relatively involved must not be allowed to spread casually. After all, this kind of thing does not have a positive impact.

While all of the negative impacts will certainly not subside, some will.

At the same time, the truth of some things must not be known to the outside world.

Soon, the Shanghai branch issued an incident announcement.

Announcement: [I'm sorry about some uncontrollable events that occurred in the martial arts test the day before yesterday, which caused some bad effects. However, after investigation, the matter has ended. Everything was a misunderstanding. After current investigation, there are no violations in the handling of the national team, and Ye is now deprived. Qualification for the first team competition! 】

A very brief announcement.

This is issued individually.

Soon, another black obituary was issued.

Obituary: [Dear leaders, colleagues and fellow citizens: I regret to inform you that the current deputy director of our company, Colonel Ye Long, unfortunately passed away due to illness in the early morning of June 18, 2027.

We are deeply saddened at this sad time.

Colonel Ye Long is an excellent soldier. He has always been active and serious in his work, never afraid of difficulties, and has made outstanding contributions to serving everyone. Under his leadership, the work of our unit has been carried out smoothly and excellent results have been achieved. score. He is diligent and conscientious and has a rigorous work style, and is deeply loved by his colleagues and the public.

The death of Colonel Ye Long has brought us great sorrow and loss. We will miss him forever and will hold a condolence and memorial service at the "Zhongyong Hall" of the No. 3 Funeral Home in Shanghai in three days! 】

【Shanghai Town Tiansi】

Attached was a black and white photo of Ye Long in uniform, a large circle of candles, and finally, a photo of Ye Long wrapped in a national flag.

Two consecutive announcements were issued, which immediately attracted the attention of the outside world.

Although on the surface, the two announcements seem to be completely unrelated.

But what happened in the Shanghai examination room on that day has undoubtedly been known to the public.

Although the official cut off the live broadcast in a timely manner, many people had a certain understanding of the situation that day.

Without knowing the truth, there are naturally many speculations about what happened that day.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible to prevent them from making associations.

Since then, many netizens have expressed their opinions.

"So Colonel Ye Long is dead? Isn't Colonel Ye Long an earth-level person? Died of illness?"

"I don't care if others believe it or not, but I don't believe it anyway. I was there during the live broadcast that day. Colonel Ye Long presided over the entire martial arts test. He is mentally stronger than me. Moreover, he is also a high-ranking spiritual warrior with strong strength. Very strong.”

"I am a spirit warrior myself. Although my strength is not high, I am only at the Star Glory level, but I am also a spirit warrior registered with the Spirit Warrior Association. I have also joined the expedition team and have executed some of the commissions of the Spirit Warrior Association. For a spirit warrior like this On the one hand, I have a lot of say. If nothing else, let’s talk about myself. Before I became a spiritual warrior, I could be said to be frail and sickly. Basically, I only got sick for three days, and I never stopped taking medicine. I had all kinds of colds. When the virus comes to me, it’s like going home, and my immune system doesn’t even react, but after I became a spiritual warrior, I basically never got sick!”

"Yes, strictly speaking, spiritual warriors themselves are a process of life transition, and it is difficult for them to get sick. What's more, high-ranking spiritual warriors like Colonel Ye Long basically have little possibility of getting sick, and such strong people are even less likely to get sick. He may have died of illness! There must be something behind this!"

"I saw the conflict that day, and Yuan Ye arrived, but the live broadcast was interrupted later, and now there is news of the death of Colonel Ye Long. If you say that the two are not related, I will never accept it. I’ll believe it!”

"But it shouldn't be. Can we still say that it was Yuan Ye who killed Colonel Ye Long? But Colonel Ye Long is at the earth level! How could Yuan Ye and He De kill Colonel Ye Long? Do you still want to tell me, Yuan Ye is actually at the Earth level?"

"This is absolutely impossible. Yuan Ye will definitely not be at the earth level, so there must be another explanation for the truth of the matter. But what is it like? There is absolutely no way to disassociate it from Yuan Ye!"

"Colonel Ye Long's death is definitely related to Yuan Ye!"

"But now the national team has not been held accountable, but everything is normal. Does this mean that Yuan Ye is really awesome? Can he really decide the decisions of the upper management, and the backend is even harder than that of the earth level?"

"It's very possible! And it's very likely that after Colonel Ye Long took action, Yuan Ye's backstage also took action and killed Colonel Ye Long."

"Look at it this way, the national team is really awesome. A deputy director of a municipality can't beat the national team even if you try hard."

"It seems that the national team really can't be messed with."

"But no matter what, Captain Yuan is kind to the candidates. This time, I am on the side of Captain Yuan and the national team."

"Me too."

"However, Yuan Ye is probably the culprit who caused Colonel Ye Long's death, so he won't be held accountable."

"I can only say that the background is deep and hard."

At this moment, everyone's thoughts and feelings are different.

There are those who sigh, those who feel sorry, and those who are happy for Yuan Ye.

Of course, some people can't sleep at night, and there is a group of people who are panicking.

The group of people who can't sleep at night are the ones who have used Yuan Ye's real name online.

Some of these people looked down on the national team from the beginning, thinking that the national team is just a name.

There are also some who saw that the influence of public opinion was too great, and thus were influenced to think that Yuan Ye was extremely evil, and were simply implicated.

But at this moment, no matter what their motives for using their real names were, they couldn't sleep.

Because according to Li Qihe's movements and practices, he really planned to call them offline one by one, and then get all the candidates who had used their real names out.

Cut off the road to the martial arts exam.

And do they want to be cut off from the martial arts exam?

This is of course impossible. The martial arts exam is the most important link for anyone, no matter who it is.

Ye Hongwei is the son of a colonel, and even the colonel himself could not shake the revenge of the national team.

Who else can stop them?

No one!

It is impossible for them not to despair.

Of course, there are still some people who are panicking.

These people are some national teams from other countries, and some strong players. (End of this chapter)

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