Time passed like this day by day.

During this period, Li Qihe was still wandering around major examination rooms, still taking on challenges everywhere.

However, compared to the situation some time ago, the outside world's evaluation of this situation has suddenly changed, forming another extreme.

That's the rapid rise in Yuan Ye's reputation.

Because people finally discovered that the national team was not just revenge.

Some teams were not eliminated, but ended with Li Qihe voluntarily admitting defeat. These teams eventually successfully entered the third round and were able to go to Beijing to participate in the national competition.

Of course, these teams were actually only a very small minority, and most of the teams were ruthlessly eliminated by Li Qihe.

"It seems that the national team really has its own sense of proportion."

"Before, I might have felt aggrieved for these teams, but now I won't, because the facts have proved that the national teams are not without a line left. If there are still teams that can be eliminated, then they deserve it. "

"Our team just listened to the rhythm on the Internet some time ago and misunderstood Captain Yuan Ye, so we followed the trend and carried out real-name verification. We already faced the national team yesterday, but Jianjun still chose to admit defeat. We feel extremely lucky. We We are able to go to the third round, but we know very well that this opportunity was given to us by Jianjun and hard-won by Captain Yuan Ye. While we cherish it, we should also be grateful to Captain Yuan Ye.”

"This is how the national team handles things, fair and equitable."

"However, most teams are still eliminated. Facts have proved that the martial arts test can only filter out the scum, but not the scum. For these teams, Captain Yuan Ye and the national team have no grudges in the past and today, even the national team To a certain extent, they already represent the prestige of our country, and they carry the heavy responsibility of winning glory for the country. Normally, we should cheer for them, shout for them, and then feel proud, but still There will be people who choose to inflict hardship on them for their own selfish purposes.”

"Some candidate teams are indeed a little ignorant. They really think that being on the so-called genius list can shake the status of the national team. The national team has obviously been given the opportunity, but they still don't cherish it, or even Choosing to go further and be aggressive is something they brought upon themselves.”

"Many people are like this, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. Don't think that taking a step back will really lead to a brighter future. Taking a step back will only make them push forward. When retribution really comes, they will realize what true regret is!"

“Support the execution of justice!”

This is the current situation. Wherever Li Qihe goes and fights, his reputation becomes better and better. Yuan Ye's name has a tendency to become the leader of Hanxia candidates. Countless candidates have also expressed that they will take Yuan Ye as an example. .

There is no way, Li Qihe's propaganda is too fierce, basically talking about Yuan Ye wherever he goes, saying "Brother Yuan has a kind heart" and saying "Yuan Ye's spirit".

Coupled with the help of those students who escaped and were spared, Yuan Ye's reputation naturally became better and better.

At the same time, this is what Li Qihe hopes to see. Whenever he sees Yuan Ye's name being praised over and over again, he will smile confidently.

"Through fire and water, Brother Yuan!"

Presumably Brother Yuan will be very happy if he knows his results, right?

Yuan Ye didn't know about these things that happened at the end of the second round.

Because after confirming that Li Qihe was okay, he had already left Fog City.

After all, Li Qihe has so much time and energy to find people to compete offline, but Yuan Ye doesn't have such free time.

He has more important things to do. He is reading "Spring and Autumn"!

It’s not that he is going to receive enlightenment in Longchang.

That is to say, what Sister Xianyuan has mentioned many times is about the development and use of Tianxin's abilities.

In fact, the reason why the cheap lady is still staying in Xinhai is also for this reason.

At this moment, in the yard of Yuan Ye's home, Yuan Ye put on a training uniform. Next to him, Yuan Xinyan was also wearing simple and smart clothes, with her hair tied into a neat bun.

This is what is suitable for practicing Qigong.

When practicing or fighting, any superficial things that don't matter are just fancy and will not be applicable in real combat.

Combat and training must be practical.

In the yard, Yuan Xinyan glanced around and said in surprise: "Why is this place so shabby?"

I really don’t blame Yuan Xinyan for complaining.

Because how to say?

Yuan Ye's home is a small foreign-style building with a yard. It's not an exaggeration to call it a villa. Although it can't be said to be luxurious overall, it is definitely clean and tidy, and the layout is in order.

In addition, this house was actually restored later and is considered a new house.

So everything looks new.

Except for the yard, it looks completely different from the whole house. It's not the same painting style at all, and it's even out of place.

Because what can I say about this yard? It can’t be said to be dilapidated, but it can still be said to be a devastated place. Syria was damaged by the war.

Except for the fact that the fence is still in good condition, the floor is full of potholes, one hole and two holes, irregularly.

Then there were some discarded building materials on the side, which were pitch black, as if they had been bombed by missiles.

"Well, I did something here before." Yuan Ye laughed and answered vaguely.

If you want to talk about the yard of a newly renovated house, it is really related to him. It can be said that it is all thanks to him.

Once upon a time, there was a basement in his house.

As for why it was gone later, the reason is very simple. Some of my father's holy relics, some discarded electrical appliances and sundries have been buried alive with the entire basement.

Yuan Ye didn't care.

Anyway, the basement is full of discarded things, and there is nothing valuable or important.

If you insist, there are indeed some things left by my parents in it, which can barely be used as a reminder.

But his parents are not dead yet, and Lao Deng is still alive and kicking.

So this matter has nothing to do with him.

He has a cat, and the dog buried it.

Then in the following days, he would go home from time to time. Tang Lina also knew about the spiritual warriors, so there was no need for him to avoid her if he did anything else.

So he would study some insignificant tricks in the yard from time to time to develop his abilities.

"I have developed some small tricks with average power, don't worry about it." Yuan Ye shook his hand nonchalantly: "Not very high."

"Oh? How high is not very high?" Yuan Xinyan asked: "It's just right, I will also examine your use of abilities. The third round is coming soon, and you will face the top opponents from all over the world. It's a good time to train."

"It's only about three or four floors high." Yuan Ye replied. (End of this chapter)

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