My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 410 You have to be sincere, right?

Well, I can't say that. Maybe I can barely be considered strong among my peers.

But nothing is absolute. The world is too big and there are too many people.

There is a saying that is very good, that is, there are people outside the world, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there is a sky outside the sky.

Who knew that a freak would suddenly pop out of any corner, and that he would possess extremely strong power and be able to kill the air within seconds?

No one can tell for sure, just like what is described in those novels, the world is so big, there will always be one or two freaks.

What if?

And even if you take a step back, Yuan Ye is no longer competing against his peers.

A long time ago, his target was not his peers, but all the strong ones, those hidden strong ones.

Yuan Ye was targeting them.

In his opinion, there are too many strong people in this world, and there are too many dangers. Compared with those strong people, who do you think he is?

I'm afraid it's nothing.

There will still be people who can threaten you.

Then how can he be called a strong person?

This is really Yuan Ye's sincere words.

Yuan Ye's appearance made Yuan Xinyan feel a little itchy.

Here it comes, that legendary feeling is here!

Most of the time when my sister faces her brother, her first feeling is to beat him to death!

Originally, Yuan Xinyan naively thought that she would never have such an idea in her life, and expressed disdain for this statement.

How cute is this creature like my brother!

A soft, sweet-smelling, cute little brother.

It was too late for her to love him, so how could she bear to bully her brother?

So a long time ago, Yuan Xinyan swore that she would become a qualified good sister, protect her younger brother, love her younger brother, always stand in front of her younger brother, and always insist on protecting her younger brother.

But now it seems that she wants to travel back in time, find her old self, and then give her a few big cock fights.

"Bullshit!" Yuan Xinyan still spit out these words.

But one thing is certain.

The potential and talent shown by Yuan Ye.

It's really outrageous.

Before, when she saw that Di Chunji, even the three title-level people, seemed to be very polite, giving face to her brother, and even valued him, she didn't think much about it.

Maybe they were also looking at the Yuan family's face, and Yuan Ye was the only eldest son of the Yuan family's generation.

In other words, Yuan Ye is destined to be the leader of this generation of the Yuan family.

This is understandable and without any controversy.

Yuan Xinyan knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for her to stay in the position of spiritual master for too long, and although this position was high, it was too tiring. There were many things to pay attention to, and the burden on her was heavy.

When Yuan Ye grows up and reaches a certain level, Yuan Ye will take this position and lead the entire Lingwu world and the Blood Succession world.

Then he took a back seat and assisted Yuan Ye just like his father.

Originally, in Yuan Xinyan's understanding, they valued Yuan Ye, probably because of this reason.

But now it seems that just after Yuan Ye took action, she realized that maybe it was not for this reason.

There may be some reasons for this, but certainly not all.

It's because Yuan Ye really used his potential and strength to conquer them.

All she can see is talent and hard work!

"Now it seems that you have developed your abilities very well." Yuan Xinyan took a deep breath and nodded affirmatively: "This is good, and the subsequent training will be more effective with half the effort."

Tianxin's abnormality does not mean how destructive and powerful the ability itself is.

Rather, it can cooperate with and assist each other with the acquired spiritual abilities derived from you.

This is where Tianxin is so powerful!

In the next day, Yuan Ye finally returned to his peak condition through rest.

Training has finally entered the most important stage.

"The ability of Tianxin is very special. There are many abilities in the world, but none of them can escape the limitations of spiritual species. But Tianxin is different. The so-called Tianxin is the heart of heaven and earth. It comes from the heart and originates from the inside. It is different from the heart of heaven and earth. All abilities in the world are different, different from the spiritual seed, and even beyond the spiritual seed, controlling the spiritual seed lies above the spiritual seed."

Yuan Xinyan replied calmly: "Although the abilities in the world are limited and no one knows how many abilities there are until now, my Tianxin of the Yuan family has not seen any similar abilities so far. It is different from all abilities. The difference Very big.”

Yuan Ye nodded as he listened.

This is true, let alone others who have never seen it before, even a well-informed person like him would find it outrageous.

No matter how outrageous other abilities are, they are all based on spiritual seeds and can be explained scientifically.

But their blind box is wrong, Tianxin's is completely different.

You can even derive the ability of spiritual seeds independently, and there are more than one spiritual seeds!

This also means that this ability is superior to spiritual seeds!

For thousands of years, it has only been transmitted through blood and ★. No, it should be passed down and reproduced only through blood.

Then various tedious abilities can even accelerate the absorption of spiritual energy and feed it back to oneself.

It's like a fucking plug-in. If I didn't say it, I would have thought it was some sort of Heaven's mercy, a son of Heaven, and the Yuan family is the spokesperson chosen by Heaven on this planet.

But is this possible?

It's obviously absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Tianxin is an ability that is so mysterious that no one knows exactly how it came about.

"So, Tianxin is different from all abilities." Yuan Xinyan said: "This also means that if you want to use this ability, you cannot do it in the same way as other abilities. Tianxin is not so easy to drive. "

Yuan Xinyan said loudly: "It took our ancestors several generations to reach the stage where they can use this ability! So you must not be arrogant and learn with an open mind. This is bound to be a difficult process!"

"Okay!" Yuan Ye nodded seriously and took a deep breath.

Good, he's ready now too.

I have to say, it’s a damn challenge!

But he will never be afraid or discouraged.

He is ready for a long game.

It's normal. How could such an ability be mastered so smoothly?

Yuan Xinyan saw Yuan Ye's attitude and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. First, you transport your spiritual energy, and then call your heavenly heart from the bottom of your heart. You must be sincere and follow the trajectory I drew. There will be no mistakes at all. It’s impossible! Don’t be discouraged. It’s normal to fail in this process, even if it happens hundreds of times. It will probably take a month or two before you can make any progress. Come on, follow my path.”

Yuan Ye listened very carefully.

Call with your heart, should you be sincere?

Yuan Ye understood, and immediately followed the mystery carefully to circulate the spiritual energy in his body.

Sincere, right?

Then, he yelled loudly in his heart: "Blind box! Get out of here for your father!"

next moment.


A mysterious and mysterious wave burst out from Yuan Ye.

"Ah?" Yuan Xinyan was dumbfounded again.


Unlock achievement: [Activate Tianxin ability for the first time (epic achievement)] (End of this chapter)

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