My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 43 What is the virtual realm?

Almost everyone in the class looked in Yuan Ye's direction in shock.

What do you think of Yuan Ye's usual results? It belongs to the type that is not very outstanding and mediocre. It is not at the bottom, let alone the top. It is right in the middle.

To put it bluntly, he is a stinking silver, a _____ patient.

It is this kind of player who is the least noticeable.

Or if you are particularly bad, the teacher will remember you for decades.

Either you are so good that everyone can notice you.

Only in the middle position, no one will notice, and they do not belong to any circle. Yuan Ye is such a person.

But now, when the new round of results comes out, the person standing in the first position is actually Yuan Ye?

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to a late silver player who rose to the thousand-point king overnight, which is incredible.

And at this moment, the other party actually said it was a matter of luck?

Xie Ying: "."

I really believed you!

Yuan Ye didn't explain too much.

There is no other way. After all, under the current situation, he will never sign up for a martial arts class. If he doesn't take the martial arts exam, his grades must be improved to be able to get into the first line.

After all, both books have been cancelled. If you want to continue to live an ordinary life through schooling, you still need to have a bachelor's degree.

However, Yuan Ye is actually a little dissatisfied with today's result.


Where is Xinhai No. 8 Middle School? That's a key high school in Xinhai. The average score here is not low, and the annual return rate is scary.

Yuan Ye was able to take first place in the class. This score was actually far beyond the first line.

With this result, a very good double-class 985-211 is not a problem at all.

"It's high." Yuan Ye shook his head.

Fortunately, not many people paid attention to Yuan Ye.

After all, times have changed. In the past, grades could indeed affect a person's future and everything.

But now, the spirit warrior is the focus of everything and the center of everyone's attention.

The days that followed returned to calm.

Yuan Ye felt the peace that he had not seen for a long time. He went to school, studied, ate, slept, wrote papers, and played games every day.

The achievements that are triggered every day are also very common and ordinary achievements.


Unlock achievements: [Rat, rat, duck (district-level achievement), you eat a duck neck pretending to be a rat head, unlock a new life experience, Helicobacter pylori antibody +10%, physical health +100. 】


Yuan Ye put down the chopsticks in his hands, walked to the stall owner, and looked at him with a smile.

"What?" The boss is tall and thick, and he doesn't look easy to mess with. He also has faded hair on his arms, which look like they have been worn for a long time.

It looks like the kind of people who get jobs after cleaning up the trouble.

Seeing Yuan Ye walking forward with a smile, he did not give Yuan Ye a good look.

"Sorry, I took the liberty of capturing your birth point." Yuan Ye said.

"What do you mean?" The big man frowned, put the frying spoon in his hand, and wiped his hands.

"Nothing else, just give your mother a quick fuck." Yuan Ye said with a smile. As a good young man in the new century, he has always followed the principles of being civilized and polite.

"What the hell are you looking for?" The boss immediately started to use the kitchen knife.

"I just want to ask, boss, what do you mean by selling rat heads as duck necks?"

"You have to provide evidence when you speak. Why do you say that what I sell is a rat head? This is obviously a duck neck!"

"Okay." Yuan Ye nodded and showed a piece of black stuff held with chopsticks, with hair on it: "Is this a duck neck?"



"Yes! It hadn't had its hair removed at that time."

"I said this is not a duck neck!"

"Yes! This TMD is not a TMD duck neck! I said TMD is not a duck neck either!"

After more than ten minutes, Yuan Yecai walked out of the stall with a smile on his face, waving politely to the boss as he walked.

This boss was so polite. He even gave him some money before leaving. He didn't want to force it on him. Seriously, how could there be such a polite person?

But fortunately, the other party is still a reasonable person.

This is Yuan Ye's current life. He has basically returned to a peaceful moment, and the achievements he triggers are all very ordinary.

This period of time gave him the illusion that the world was normal.

He desperately hopes that the world will be normal.

It wasn't until I stepped into school that I felt that the world had really changed.

There are a few people missing in the classroom. Yes, several students who have detected spiritual seeds have already left Class 6 of Senior High School.

The school has specially opened a spiritual martial arts class. There are three classes in total, all of which are students whose spiritual seeds were detected in this physical examination.

Including Li Qihe and Xie Ying.

To be honest, although he was usually annoyed by Li Qihe, but suddenly he couldn't hear his voice, and it was weird. Without him jumping around next to him, he still felt like something was missing.

But that's okay.

Yuan Ye took out his mobile phone with a smile, clicked on WeChat, and found Qian Hui's chat box.

During this period of time, he and Qian Hui didn't chat as frequently as before. They basically said good morning and night to each other and talked about some interesting things they encountered today.

Although the communication has decreased, Yuan Ye does not feel that the relationship has weakened. On the contrary, he feels that this mode of getting along has become more relaxed.

Maybe Qianhui is starting to get busy too.

Yuan Ye began to edit the news.

Five equal parts Shang Yang: "Good morning."

Ding dong——

Qianhui: "Morning, have you arrived at school?"

Shang Yang of the Fifth Division: "Not long after we arrived, we got ready for class. To be honest, you should be more careful during this period. After the spirit warriors appeared, many dangerous things also appeared."

Qianhui: "It's very safe here. You can rest assured that nothing can hurt me."

Yuan Ye couldn't help but shook his head.

It's still safe. At this time, no place can be said to be absolutely safe.

He is also a spiritual warrior himself, and he knows very well how much destructive power a spiritual warrior can cause.

And there is such a ghost thing as the virtual realm.

This is the place where the legendary weirdos live, the biggest enemies of mankind at present.

But until now, he doesn't know much about it. He only knows that these are prehistoric civilizations that hid during the previous mass extinctions.

It is truly incompatible with humans.

However, he had never seen what it was like.

A virtual realm?

Yuan Ye raised his head.

He didn't know if there was anything he needed inside. His shelter hadn't been built yet because of a lack of materials.

He searched many places but couldn't find these materials.

Maybe it's in the so-called virtual mirror?

"But where is the virtual realm?"

However, right now.


A deafening violent sound sounded, and the ground began to shake.


In an instant the whole class screamed.

Dust filled the air and it suddenly became a mess.

Yuan Ye just kept the posture with his legs crossed, his hands behind his head, and watched the space that suddenly opened in front of him, with the swirling flow inside, right in front of him.

There was dust all around.

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