My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 423 Let Yuan Ye support us

"That's right! That's right! This kind of competition system is simply sending candidates to die!"

"If the competition system is not cancelled, our children will withdraw! Our children's abilities are very rare, and losing them is also a loss to the country! You should weigh it carefully, anyway, our family will not take this risk!"

"Same, if it is not cancelled, then withdraw! We are definitely not the only ones who think so. We urge everyone to unite and not let the candidates die in vain. This is the matter of Zhentian Division! It is the matter of the authorities! How can you have the nerve to drag a group of children to the battlefield?"

"But will this be counterproductive? What if it has the opposite effect?"

"Ken Many people will definitely withdraw from the competition. If the third round of participants cannot be gathered, it will not be embarrassing for us. "

"Yes, the official has said many times that fresh blood is very precious now. These are all spiritual warriors. There are no weak ones who can make it to the third round. They are basically geniuses. Who will lose such a large group of geniuses? So they will definitely be cautious. "

"As long as we stand firm and don't let go, they will always let go. No one wants to die. "

The Internet is boiling. Many parents of candidates and candidates themselves have joined in, setting off a storm of public opinion war.

The Northwest Shanxi, which is already a mess, is wrong. The Internet has reached a new level of chaos.

Now there are all kinds of comments, and there are many people who join in from a third perspective. After all, there are not a few people who pay attention to the martial arts exam.

Many onlookers also feel that it is inappropriate. They stand from the perspective of these parents and express their own opinions.

Don't underestimate these people. There are at least 20,000 or 30,000 candidates who have squeezed into the third round, and this is not counting the number of foreign candidates. At least half of these 20,000 or 30,000 candidates have joined the protest.

The organizers looked ugly, and there was a dead silence in the meeting room.

The faces of the big guys were not good.

Finally, after a long while, the chairman sitting in the first place slowly said: "Since things have come to this point, what do you think about this matter?"

"It is absolutely impossible to cancel it."

A member below said: "We spiritual warriors should have been prepared since the first day we chose this path and stood on this path. We are fighting for the position of mankind. This has been sworn. Now the strange race is pressing on us. This is the responsibility of all mankind. If we don't resist and fight against it, more people will die."

"The world still underestimates the power of the strange race and its hatred for us." Another big guy said.

"Next, let's deepen the popular science education and information about the weird races."

"What about this?"

"Don't worry about it." The chairman shook his head: "The third round will be held as usual."

But it's impossible not to be disappointed. They just didn't expect that today, when all aspects of publicity and mobilization have not been left behind, the situation of their human beings has become so critical that there are still people who have illusions about weird races!

Even more, they only think about seeking benefits for themselves and are unwilling to take the responsibility behind them!

But they haven't given up yet, and still think that these can be corrected.

They won't think about whether the official can think of what they can think of? Will they not be prepared?

Will they let the candidates die in vain?

Definitely impossible.

But fortunately, not everyone has this idea.

Facts have proved that not all candidates are like this. Half of the candidates are preparing for the third round of exams steadily.

Just when the parents of the candidates and the spectators who called for it were looking forward to it, finally, the organizing committee of the competition made a move.

This immediately attracted their attention.

But what they didn't expect was that they didn't see what they wanted to see.

The organizing committee of the competition issued an announcement that the third round would be held as usual, and even reported the progress. The venue preparation work had already begun, and the vanguard team had set off and would soon enter the virtual realm used as the competition venue.

At the same time, many official accounts and official accounts of many departments began to publish relevant information and videos for popular science.

What popular science? Naturally, it was popular science about strange races.

There was also the New Era Network, which began to gradually put the information of various strange races in the most prominent position.

On the New Era Network, there was a special forum for spiritual warriors, where heated discussions were also taking place.

"Alas, my mother is really determined. She won't let me participate in the third round no matter what, and she also wants me to use the real-name method. To be honest, I really don't want to. I think it's okay to take the exam. After all, who among the spiritual warriors doesn't know about the strange races? But my mother just won't do it."

"Me too. My family is very dissatisfied. I don't know what to do now. It's not easy to get to this point. It's absolutely impossible for you to let me give up like this. But it's not realistic for you to let me go against my mother. I hope the official can change the competition system. It should be said that it's not appropriate for us to face the strange races directly now. It's a bit too hasty."

"But I always have a bad feeling. Aren't the lessons of the first two times enough? They all forced the official through public opinion, but what happened later? Didn't they still force something to happen?"

"It's different, the first two times it was Yuan Ye who participated, this time it's not Yuan Ye's own business. To be honest, even if it's Yuan Ye, he should be on our side, because if the third round of the competition system is changed, even if he is the national captain, he is still one of the candidates, and he is also a direct beneficiary."

"Yes, even if he is the national captain, he won't want to die, right? This is very dangerous."

"You will get into trouble sooner or later."

"If you think it's inappropriate, you can choose not to join, but you can't blame those of us who are fighting for the overall interests."

Not only the candidates themselves, but also the external public opinion is fermenting rapidly.

This is a complete touch of the powder keg, especially after more and more weird race information has been widely publicized.

The opposition of public opinion has become even louder.

"Change the rules! Change the competition system! Candidates cannot enter the virtual realm! Otherwise, they will be withdrawn immediately!"

"Change the competition system immediately!"

"That's right, it's so dangerous, how can you let candidates step on the landmine?!"

"Everyone is just trying to get into a good university and find a good job. It's no different from other majors and other universities. You have no reason to let students take the risk of death and injury. The first and second rounds are already very dangerous. I was terrified when my child was in the competition. Now, it's good, and they are sent directly to such a terrifying enemy's territory?"

"Yuan Ye! I remember that Yuan Ye, the national captain, has great power! Leave a message to him! Send a private message! Find him! He can influence the decision-making of the upper level!"

"Yes, let him support us!" (End of this chapter)

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