My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 431 The past that is hard to look back on

That was destined to be a day that Yuan Ye could not bear to look back on, a day that he never wanted to recall.

At that time, his blind box had just awakened, and perhaps there were signs of spiritual energy revival. The seal became unstable and the spiritual energy began to dissipate. Tianxin appeared at that time.

Then, he obtained an achievement that he would never forget in his life.

This achievement was not a big achievement. After so long, he had triggered so many achievements, and that achievement was undoubtedly the worst achievement.

But it was the one he remembered most deeply.

He ate a cockroach in his sleep.

Thinking about it now, he still wanted to roar at Tianhun and shout from the depths of his soul.

[Cockroach Devourer (Unit-level achievement), you swallowed a cockroach unconsciously in your sleep, unlocking the "murderous aura against cockroaches". Any Blattodea species will be affected when they encounter you, as if they were encountering a great terror! ]

A mere unit-level achievement should have been equivalent to a decoration and would not be of any use.

But indeed, you have to admit that since getting this thing, Yuan Ye has never seen cockroaches in his life again.

In theory, as long as you cook at home, cockroaches cannot be completely eliminated, and they will always crawl in from unexpected places.

But the place where he lived was indeed very clean and quiet.

This may be the greatest effect of this achievement, which is also comforting. Eat one and stay away from it for life.

And cockroaches have lived on this planet for longer than humans. They can be called living fossils of the blue planet and are from the same era as dinosaurs.

So many mass extinctions, so many devastating disasters, countless species that have existed, either turned to ashes or fled into the virtual world if they are capable.

There is also a possibility that some intelligent species may even escape into the universe and escape from this planet.

But no matter how the times change, no matter how many times the owner of this planet changes, cockroaches are always there, and they have not been killed completely.

It is conceivable how strong the reproduction and vitality of this creature are.

And it carries countless germs and bacteria, which is simply the most annoying thing in human life, nothing else.

No tough guy can resist an American cockroach flapping its wings and flying towards your mouth.

Because the tough guy is already screaming on the spot.

Perhaps there is only one creature that can match it, that is the German cockroach that will get into your refrigerator, air conditioner, rice cooker, computer case, display screen, poop, pee, and lay eggs in it. It can't be killed completely, and all the furniture must be thrown away when moving.

Or it is a small house that has both kinds of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks at the same time. Such a person, Yuan Ye is willing to call it the chosen one.

"Cockroaches, I'm not familiar with them, I haven't seen them much, I don't have any impression of them." Yuan Ye immediately said, "I don't care."

"I didn't ask you that." Xie Ying was a little confused: "But then again, I didn't expect that cockroaches would evolve into intelligent species. I remember watching a movie before, what was it called? It's exactly the same."

"Martian aliens." Li Qihe reminded at the right time.

"The world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders." Yuan Ye said, "This species has existed on this planet for a long time. Now even various animals have begun to mutate one after another. It is not surprising that cockroaches have evolved. It is probably a Blattodea species that we have never seen and beyond our impression."

What can we say about cockroaches? In fact, humans have a lot of misunderstandings about them.

Because generally speaking, Blattodea is a very wide classification, with more than 5,000 known species, including home-dwelling and wild-dwelling species. Among them, home-dwelling species, that is, the cockroaches that humans have an impression of, are only a few.

Most Blattodea are harmless to humans, and their habits are very different from those of domestic cockroaches.

It is possible that some species have undergone some changes in the process, which led them to the path of evolution under the influence of spiritual energy.

In fact, it is a coincidence that since Yuan Ye has this talent, is it also useful for the virtual realm that he is about to enter?

They have now evolved into intelligent species, can they still be useful?

Yuan Ye said that he was not very clear.

Next, let's talk about it after entering.

The live broadcast is still going on, and the next step is the announcement of the rules.

The rules are very simple. The team that enters can hunt the strange races inside and calculate the points. The points that can be exchanged for the prey they hunt are different according to their strength.

Among them, the most common strange race civilians can only be counted as one point.

Star level, that is ten points.

Silver Moon level, one hundred points.

Sun level, one thousand points.

Earth level, one ten thousand points.

And so on

But basically for a large number of candidates, there is no need to think about the Silver Moon level and above.

And from this rule, it can be seen that the official does not seem to encourage the practice of killing ordinary weird races to gain points.

Because it is only a small point, even if you kill for a long time, you will not get as many points as others who kill a higher level.

It is understandable. After all, it is an exam. In the final analysis, it is also a test and tempering of strength. The stronger you fight, the more you can see. What can you see if you keep killing civilians?

At the same time, the organizing committee also announced that there will be a safe zone inside the virtual realm, where people from the Zhentian Division and the thirteen families of Yuxia will be stationed.

At that time, the safe zone will be absolutely safe, and the candidates' camps will be set up there.

This time, almost all candidates have their own considerations.

Sure enough, the country will definitely not let so many candidates die.

Everything must be arranged clearly for you, at least safety must be guaranteed.

After the opening ceremony, the whole nation fell into a big carnival, and the eyes of the world were focused.

Because each country sent its own representative team, this martial arts exam not only announced the official change of the times, but also the strong spiritual warriors became the mainstream of this world.

It is also a secret contest.

A contest between countries.

No one wants to see their country's team lose.

After getting ready, teams set out on the road to Shangjing one after another.

The third round is about to begin!

The entrance to the Holy Cock virtual world is located in a mountain kala far away from the suburbs of Shangjing.

The entrance to the virtual world is above a lake, twisting and emitting the light of space rotation.

There are already a large number of Zhentiansi soldiers guarding the surrounding area. The defense is very strict. From a distance, there is a checkpoint every three steps. No one can enter without permission. (End of this chapter)

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