My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 436 The Thirteen Imperial Households Reappear

Obviously, the current situation is tantamount to putting Allen's face on the ground and trampling on it one after another. Who can bear this repeated slap in the face? Especially for such a proud genius.

Is Allen a genius? Without a doubt, yes.

For now, Americian's spiritual energy recovery is in chaos and a new order is reshuffling. The fact that Allen can stand out among so many young spiritual warriors popping up across the country is a good proof of his talent and Strength.

Allen has always lived in an environment where everyone praises him highly and stars praise him.

He is always at the top, always at the top, without exception. All the other people he has met and all the people he can see are just his foil.

This kind of life has lasted for a long time, and it should have continued forever.

Then the turning point came, until Yuan Ye appeared.

He had never thought that Yuan Ye was capable of competing with him on the same stage.

In fact, it's not just Yuan Ye, he thinks everyone is like this, and no one is exempt from the vulgarity.

I have to say, it can be said that everyone is treated equally in a certain sense.

However, the fact is that Yuan Ye was slapped in the face many times.

Allen could not accept this behavior. He believed that this behavior was unforgivable.

He also sneered: "Okay, very good, you have a strong background, right? So that's it, even the title level has to bow down and lower its proud head because of your background, but obviously, in this arena, background is useless Yes, because no matter how rich your background is, in this era of natural selection, if your level and strength are not up to par, you are destined to be submerged in the tide of the times! "

He had already made up his mind.

Yuan Ye has a very deep background, and it is only because of his background that he has the glory he has at this moment.

"When you get inside the virtual realm, you can really see the gap between us!"

Of course, he didn't know anything about Allen's secret gaze, or the fact that he was resentful of his own unintentional actions and even secretly broke his defense.

He even quickly forgot about Allen's existence.

Because in his impression, Allen was just an ordinary ghost guy who happened to meet him when he first arrived at the stadium and then started to say some incomprehensible words to him.

Nonsense, after all, this ghost guy is weak in both strength and spiritual energy fluctuations.

And what he said was very incomprehensible.

Yuan Ye himself is not the kind of person who will smile at you even if you don't give me a good look.

Although Yuan Ye has a good temper and is a very docile person, he is also known to be honest, reticent, introverted, and afraid of violence.

But he is not a person who accepts things as they come, okay!

If you ask him now, who is Allen?

He will most likely only answer you with one word: Who? ?

The meeting with Di Xie was in a friendly state, which also made Yuan Ye breathe a sigh of relief.

What he fears most is that this big boss is dissatisfied with his existence.

It seems that so far, at least as far as Di Xian is concerned, he doesn't need to worry about this.

And what does this big man say? Pretty easy to talk to.

Although Di Xie looks very sloppy, and his image is quite oppressive.

But overall, if you have some communication with him, you will find that he is actually a very straightforward man who will not tell you false things and will tell you the truth in everything.

No, Yuan Ye has already started drinking with him.

"Sometimes, I actually admire people like you, Brother Yuan. Brother, I have lived for most of my life, and I have never made any actual supplies at your age. I am still struggling at a very low stage. Well, you have reached a stage that many people may not reach until they are in their fifties or sixties. "

Di Xie said with emotion: "But you must not have imagined that when I was young, brother, I was so high-spirited and prosperous. Compared with what you have now, I was also a real handsome guy back then, hahahaha Ha ha!"

Yuan Ye also laughed when he looked at the other party's cloak, which was oily and stained with various unknown stains, and his shirtless, exposed upper body full of muscles.

"Come, eat!" Di Xie handed over a piece of chicken drumsticks and said with emotion: "I have been here for so long and I don't have any hobbies. Only eating can relieve fatigue and provide some entertainment. I would envy you. If I How great would it be to be able to go back to when you were so young? You were born in a good era and there were spiritual martial arts courses to take, and then I can too."

Di Xie seemed to recall something, and his eyes froze for a moment.

But he quickly came to his senses.

At this time, he looked down at the chicken drumstick in his hand and took it back: "My, my, I didn't notice it. I didn't even clean myself up. My ability is a bit special. It's my fault for being dirty. I Eat it yourself, you eat the ones I haven’t touched.”

"Dirty?" Yuan Ye smiled and took the chicken leg from the opponent's hand: "How can a hero who works for the well-being of all living beings in the world be dirty?"

After speaking, he took a bite, his eyes lit up, and he said with emotion: "Brother Di, the chef here is quite good, his skills are very good."

Di Zheng was stunned for a moment. He was not expecting Yuan Ye's reaction. Soon he laughed heartily again: "Hahahahahahaha, it's all assigned by the higher-ups. After the third round, when you arrive at the headquarters, you will probably get a star. This is unstoppable. Then you will definitely get a chef!"

"Me? Star?" Yuan Ye shuddered when he heard this.

To be honest, if others heard this, they would be extremely happy.

After all, who's ultimate dream of entering the Zhentian Division is not to carry one or two stars on their body?

This directly represents reaching the pinnacle of status.

But for Yuan Ye, this star may not be very desirable.

At least it shouldn't be at this stage, right?

In the current situation, he has been put in this position, which has already made him feel stressed.

If there is one more star, what will happen?

What will he face next? What do other people with star generals face?

That is to face strange races at close range, and those terrifying and outrageous strongmen.

What stage is he at now? Is he qualified? Maybe not.

"However, you have to be careful when you enter the virtual realm for the third round this time." Di Zheng said this and changed the subject again.

"Oh? Why?" Yuan Ye was a little confused.

"I wonder if you, brother Yuan Ye, still remember the thirteen families under the throne? You have been in close contact with them before."

"The thirteen families under the throne?" Yuan Ye searched his memory.

He remembered.

Why don't you remember? Wasn't it the so-called thirteen families under the throne that indirectly caused the disaster in the virtual realm of the immortal clan?

And there was also that dead demon who was neither male nor female.

Thinking about it now, Yuan Ye felt sick.

So why did you suddenly mention them? (End of this chapter)

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