My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 440 The Thirteen Families Arrive and Clash

That is to say, the situation in the virtual world can be completely changed.

It can be seen that the natural opposition and irreconcilability between humans and strange races are not just empty words.

Everyone is of different races, and each species actually has a different suitable environment for survival. The environment that humans feel comfortable in may be hell in the eyes of strange races.

But the environment of strange races, by the same token, is not suitable for human survival.

For example, the comfortable environment that humans like is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the most suitable temperature is between 15-25°.

Except for some exceptions, some countries have had daily temperatures as high as more than 6,000°.

But excluding these exceptions, most humans are actually the same.

But cockroaches, cockroaches like temperatures above 35°, and like warm and humid places, so there are so many cockroaches who like to drill electrical appliances, because it is very hot inside.

This virtual world is basically the same, which is why there is such a hot temperature now.

It can be seen that once these things invade the real world, what kind of disaster will they bring to the real world after they return, and they will turn the real world into an environment suitable for themselves.


More and more figures came in through the hole, and most of them landed smoothly.

Only Yuan Ye and others looked down from the aerospace ship.

This area instantly became lively.

After everyone came in, they began to be shocked.

"Damn! It's so hot in here!"

"I came from a black African country, just close to the desert. I originally thought that my heat resistance was invincible, but the temperature is hotter and more extreme than ours."

"Is this the battlefield where we will have the third round in the future? This is too hot. If there is no effective means and method to cool down this climate, ordinary people will not survive much."

In other words, all those who can come in are spiritual warriors, and they are not ordinary spiritual warriors.

Otherwise, just this temperature alone is not suitable for people to stay.

However, spiritual warriors are only physically strong, they can endure it, but people are also people, they will feel uncomfortable, and it will not be comfortable to stay.

Some contestants also began to interact with the audience who follow them in their own country through drones.

Yuan Ye and his team were naturally accompanied by several drones, which were broadcasting live.

Their live broadcast room was already very lively.

Hanxia was originally a country with a large population, not to mention Yuan Ye's name, which was already very well-known.

Although there were many teams in Hanxia, ​​the strength of the national team was there, and only the national team would track and film the whole process.

Naturally, the number of people paying attention to the national team's game was many times that of the ordinary team.

The number of people in Yuan Ye's live broadcast room had reached a terrifying 100 million!

This was already a very scary number. After all, you have to know that the martial arts exam broadcast was completely real data on the number of people, without any water.

"Is this the virtual realm where the national team will be assessed? It really looks different from the one next door. The virtual realm of the ordinary team next door is like a fucking paradise, with green plants everywhere."

"It looks very extreme. I just checked the official data. The average daily temperature inside this virtual realm is 46-58°! My God, is this a place where creatures can survive? This weird race is really weird. That's it, aren't they afraid of being cooked?"

"From the published data, we can see that today's temperature is only 46.7°. Although it is already very high, can you believe that this is close to the lowest temperature? In other words, is today's temperature the coldest?"

"Damn, it's amazing. The coldest is more than 40 degrees."

"I always find it a bit funny. Teams from other countries rely on their own legs to walk. Everyone is suffering. I can even see The soles of several of them began to melt, but we drove the aerospace ship directly, which was simply a world of difference. "

"I can only say that the country has become stronger in places we can't see. I have never heard of this thing before, and it looks very big. It should not only be able to fly, but also be able to fight. There must be air conditioning inside, right?"

"Nonsense, how can such a large aerospace ship not have air conditioning? In this kind of environment and climate, it would be deadly without air conditioning, right?"

"I always feel that the eyes of those people below looking at Yuan Ye and his friends are almost broken."

"It's normal. If I were them, I would hate them too. They are too arrogant. They are all suffering. How they will live in the future will become a problem. Only Yuan Ye and his friends are comfortable."

As some viewers observed, indeed, some teams below looked at Yuan Ye and his friends and their teeth were almost broken.

But at this time, after everyone entered the virtual realm, there was movement in front of everyone.


This was a large roaring sound, and it also stirred up a strong wind, causing the dust below to fly, and people who were fascinated couldn't open their eyes.

Looking again, it turned out that a huge ship was approaching from the sky in the distance!

It was a spaceship similar to the one Yuan Ye and his crew were driving at the moment!

But compared to Yuan Ye and his crew, this Nantian ship seemed to be smaller and more mini, and its lines were not very smooth, and even looked a little shabby on the surface.

"Another one?"


"But it seems like it was driven from inside? What's going on?"

Many players were stunned.


The Nantian ship landed on this piece of land, and then the situation on the deck could be seen clearly.

I saw a few figures standing prominently above.

These figures were wearing all kinds of clothes, some were wearing sunglasses, and they were holding wine bottles in their hands. The expressions on their faces were so arrogant.

It was not the standard uniform Zhentiansi was wearing, and it looked more or less lawless.

Who the hell are these people?

Everyone was confused. Only Yuan Ye, who was standing on the deck of his Nantian ship, narrowed his eyes.

He finally recognized who these people were.

Sure enough, after all this time, the smell is still the same, disgusting, disgusting, and the main theme has not changed at all.

Thirteen families under the imperial command!

There is no doubt that this group of people is the group of Yuxiashisan family.

This smell hurts the eyes.

"You are the team of candidates for this year, right? We are here to pick you up. Next, we will board the ship in an orderly manner. Shut up and don't talk. In this virtual realm, we have our own rules. First, bring the You go to the camp and I’ll tell you what happens next.”

After saying that, the man in strange clothes at the beginning looked at the Nantian ship suspended above, with a sinister look in his eyes.

If the information is correct, it's that piece of shit.

Yuan Ye! ! !

This is a name that none of the Thirteen families would dare to forget even in their dreams! ! (End of chapter)

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