My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 444: Be prepared for danger in times of peace

"During the next half-month assessment period, this is your habitat!"

Lin Feng looked at the candidates coming down from the Nantian ship one by one and announced: "First of all, everything you have needs to be exchanged according to points, including the place to live, the dormitory, the refrigeration equipment in the dormitory, the food to eat, the water to drink, and even the extra needs, all need points to exchange!"

Lieutenant Colonel Lin Feng said loudly: "This is different from the outside world. This is inside the virtual world. It is not easy to obtain every material. It takes a lot more than the material itself to bring it in. Therefore, we will not provide you with anything meaninglessly. Everything you have needs to rely on your own efforts!"

The large square is full of Nantian ships. Various types and levels of Nantian ships are parked everywhere in the huge square. Each ship is a behemoth, full of mechas and helicopters. Teams of Zhentiansi formations exude a terrifying atmosphere and march past in step.

From time to time, there were a few members of the Thirteen Families who were not wearing uniforms, carrying various things in their hands and passing by. They looked miserable and looked like they had no human rights at all.

Any soldier from the Zhentian Division who passed by could be ordered twice.

And those soldiers from the Zhentian Division, without exception, all started at the Sun Glory level!

At this moment, all the candidates swallowed their saliva.

After all, you have to know that only the representative teams of those big countries can achieve full Sun Glory level. Among the representative teams sent by some small countries, you can even see one or two Silver Moon level mixed in!

After all, even the Hanxia National Team has two Silver Moon level!

It seems that Hanxia's strength in spiritual martial arts seems to be more terrifying than many countries imagine.

After all, with just such a military garrison, ask yourself, it is not so easy to pull it up in many countries.

In fact, there must be more than one or two such garrisons in Hanxia!

After all, with the nature of Hanxia, ​​if it can be shown to you and the people of the world, it must prove that it is something that can be shown casually, and it doesn't matter at all.

Many people are under great pressure at this moment.

Especially after the dormitory is assigned.

They were taken to a building area. No, it's an exaggeration to say it's a building.

Because in a military station, there are extremely advanced facilities everywhere. After reaching this area in the corner, you can see a wasteland, and some thatched houses stand in the wasteland.

Yes, it's a thatched house, even a very shabby one. When the wind and sand blow around, you can see the straw sticks sticking out of the wall shaking.

"Here is where you will live next." Lin Feng's light words made everyone present in an uproar.

"We're going to live here? How is that possible? Are you kidding me!"

"That's right, is this a place for people to live? Wouldn't people die if they live in this kind of conditions?"

"This kind of climate is really deadly! We come here to take exams, not to be slaves!"

The crowd was excited.

But it's not the fault of the candidates for being excited, but what they said is indeed true.

The environment inside this virtual realm is already very extreme, with the lowest temperature of 45° and the daily average temperature of about 50 degrees.

In such weather, they are also spiritual warriors, otherwise ordinary people would basically not be able to hold on for one or two hours.

Maybe many people have no idea about this kind of temperature, so let's just make an analogy.

Lop Nur!

That life forbidden zone that exists in the real world and is called a forbidden area by countless people.

It can be called a real desperate place, and it has even become a nuclear test site.

The average temperature there is equivalent to the average temperature inside this virtual realm, or even lower.

Moreover, when the temperature rises, the body's perceived temperature will also rise accordingly, not including the ambient temperature, because the ambient temperature will only be higher!

Heat will accumulate and be absorbed!

If a person gets lost in Lop Nur, it will not take a day for him to vaporize and disappear.

Not to mention surviving in such an environment.

Even if they are spiritual warriors of a high level, they already feel the heat at this moment.

In such an environment, there is no air conditioning, no cooling facilities?

Can people really live here?

The dissatisfaction of the examinees did not arouse Lin Feng's anger. He just waited for the examinees to finish speaking before saying: "You feel very dissatisfied, right? Do you think it is uninhabitable here? Are you starting to complain about the harsh environment?"

"But I have just made it very clear that everything is not gone, you can have it! But first of all, the premise is that you must earn points through your own efforts. Everything you need needs to be exchanged for points. I can even tell you honestly that there is not even a bed in these houses."

Lin Feng said: "The conditions are very difficult? But these buildings you see now are where we used to live, and where the officers and soldiers of the Zhentian Division used to live!"

Every word was loud and clear.

"Do you think that this settlement fell from the sky? Do you think that this is our human territory and everything has been prepared in advance? If you really have this idea, I also feel sorry for you. There’s nothing to say, you’d better give up as soon as possible.”


At this moment, all the candidates were silent.

Yuan Ye has been watching all this indifferently.

Because he knew very well that what Lin Feng said was absolutely not a lie.

The struggle between human beings and strange races has been going on for a long time, and remembering the bitterness and remembering the sweetness has always been the favorite thing for Hanxia soldiers and Hanxia people's soldiers.

They will not forget the suffering they have experienced just because their current conditions are better.

I don’t dare to forget, I really don’t dare to forget.

So they will retain, remember, be grateful for everything now, and re-experience everything in the past.

The purpose is to live in sorrow and die in happiness.

This is what makes it different from all countries and all nations in the world today.

Lin Feng looked at everyone coldly: "There is an exchange office at the front of the camp. You can go there to exchange your daily balance points for the items you need. I will give you one night to adapt. We will gather again tomorrow. Listen. After the whistle blows, I need you all to assemble within three minutes. If anyone can't do it... Haha, but don't worry, the whistle will definitely not blow until tomorrow. After what I have said, dismiss!"

Lin Feng finally nodded with Yuan Ye and left.

At this time, some candidates were dissatisfied and went to the so-called points exchange office to check.

Then, he cursed: "What the hell! What kind of bed costs 2,000 points! Is it inlaid with gold? An air conditioner costs 10,000 points? A glass of ice water costs 500 points? A piece of bread also costs 500 points?" Why don't you grab it?" (End of Chapter)

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