My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 457 Disaster Scene

But fortunately, the energy intensity is not high, and the energy intensity of the Silver Moon level cannot hinder their steps.

"Did something happen in the front?" Allen thought: "The direction should be coming from the front, but we must be the front team. In terms of speed, no team should be able to match us. And I didn’t see any other teams along the way.”

Not to mention anything else, there is the existence of mud horses, which they specially prepared. The biggest advantage is that they can use the power of spiritual energy to run quickly on sand and mud.

With the Hanxia team's Nantian ship captured, no team could match them in terms of speed.

Yes, they still believed that Han Xia's Nantian ship must have been captured.

Otherwise, it is impossible to disappear for no reason. The competition organizing committee should be worried that it will affect the fairness of the competition.

It is estimated that the Hanxia team brought this thing in with the intention of giving themselves some convenience.

But they never expected that the competition organizing committee would still ban this thing.

"Then, if the factors of other teams are excluded, it is probably that there is an internal problem with the weird race ahead."

Alan thought.

But it was okay and nothing to be afraid of, so they continued to move forward.

However, just when all the teams had just arrived on the first front.

Everyone was stunned.

Teams have arrived one after another. If there is the first team, then there will be the second team.

Soon, almost a dozen teams gathered here.

It is not unusual to encounter other teams. After all, everyone has the same goal and everyone is here for the battle front.

But the problem was that what they saw in front of them was jaw-dropping.

They didn't see any strange race, nor did they see anything different.

They just saw the ruins!

Yes! That’s right! Just ruins!

Everything around them looked miserable. Originally, the competition organizing committee had warned them to pay special attention to the boundaries of the battle lines. What they saw was not the various muddy fields in the intelligence, as well as the hot, humid, and germ-infested environment.

But the cracked land, the scattered ruins, and the huge gap!

The dividing line in front of them looked like a huge cliff. At the bottom, there was an abyss hundreds of meters deep.

A piece of life was sunk from the entire land.

Then the deep pit can't be seen to the end at a glance. It is conservatively estimated to be at least several kilometers!

Then there was a deep pit with no end in sight, and scorched blackness could be seen everywhere, as if it had been hit by a huge impact.

"What's going on?" One team asked in confusion.

"Why is it different from what the intelligence said? Is this really the first front?"

"Would you like to go in and take a look?"

"Let's go in and take a look. Maybe the weird race is hiding inside?"

To put it lightly, there wasn't even a single hair growing inside at a glance, let alone any traces of living things.

If you say that this thing has been blown up by the thing that used to bombard you when you were young, I guess these students will nod in agreement without hesitation, expressing their true belief.

However, in order to be sure, these teams still chose to go deep into it and take a look.

There is a huge drop, and the cliff directly reaches a height of hundreds of meters.

The candidates present have not reached the sky level, so they do not have the ability to fly.

So I can only find various ways to land one by one.

Quickly, they descended to the bottom of the huge pit.

They began to explore.

But the more they explored, the more deeply their brows wrinkled.

"What's going on? There's nothing."

Yes, after a series of searches, they found nothing.

Not to mention the holy cockroach tribe, not even a cockroach tentacle can be found!

The entire bottom of the pit seemed to have experienced some kind of catastrophe. There was nothing left, and it was as clean as death.

However, at this time, some teams really found something!

"There is a holy cockroach here! Is it this thing? It seems so! I dug it out!"

On the surface, it can't be found, and many teams immediately choose to find other methods.

Because they have read a lot of information and know that the habits of many strange races are actually different from humans.

Human beings will live on the surface and build structures on the surface.

But not all races are like this.

For example, the environment inside this virtual realm is very extreme for humans and is not suitable for human survival.

But for Blattella, this place is simply a paradise within paradise. It is warm, has some poop, some urine, and some water, and it is humid.

So some students feel that these things may exist underneath.

As a result, some teams started digging immediately.

In the end, I really dug up something.

Some teams with relatively good relationships immediately gathered around to watch.

Then they saw what was dug up.

"Is this thing the Holy Cockroach Clan?"

They are said to be from the Holy Cockroach Clan, but in fact, they don't look much alike. At least they don't dare to recognize them.

Because it is said to be one, but it is actually half one.

An insect-shaped humanoid creature, with only half of its body left, only its upper body, and next to it were its fallen wings.

Starting from the waist, it was cut off in half, and at the cutoff point, green liquid was still flowing out, as well as various colorful liquids and internal organs.

You can even see an egg case slowly sliding out!

It has to be said that this scene made many determined team members shudder and their hair stood up.

Cockroaches are not popular creatures all over the world, and humans hate them deeply.

On weekdays, a finger-sized cockroach can make people feel sick for a long time after being stepped on to death, not to mention now, this head is as big as a person, and at a glance, it is simply a drop in sanity.

At this moment, this holy cockroach is not dead yet! Instead, its mouthparts are opening and closing, and it looks like it is dying, and it is still making some very low chirps.

This vitality is simply amazing!

If a person is injured like this, it will be gone in a little while.

"What happened?" The team that discovered it was confused.

What happened to cause this Saint Blatt to be so seriously injured?

And it was like a scene of world destruction here.

Think about the earthquake and noise just now.

Did something happen here?

And then caused the Saint Blatt to become like this?

Many teams began to doubt their lives.

If this is true, what level of power can achieve this step.

Did a title-level person just pass by here and directly wipe out the entire first front? (End of this chapter)

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