My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 459 Sweeping across the three fronts

However, the earthquake did not stop there.

Just after the teams on the first front set up camp, they felt two more violent tremors.

However, these two tremors were much weaker than the first one, and the energy aftershocks were also weaker.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, but I always feel that this is not something we can handle."

"Let's rest for one night, continue to dig for points tomorrow, and then return to the camp first!"

In fact, it is called rest, but how miserable the scene is is self-evident. Basically, the so-called temporary camp is to find a relatively flat place to build a campfire. Some teams with more difficult conditions may not even have a tent, and the rations on their bodies are also extremely simple, basically some emergency rations.

In fact, this is also normal. With limited carrying capacity, the national teams must give priority to carrying more important things, such as weapons, and some life-saving trump cards.

After all, before entering the virtual realm, no one thought that even food and drinking water need to be solved by themselves, and it also requires sky-high points.

However, just when the citizens of these countries who were watching their own teams' live broadcasts thought that this was normal and that everyone was like this.

On the other side, the live broadcast room of the Hanxia Guoding team had completely exploded.

Because compared to some other teams, the environment they were in was completely different.

In the Nantian ship, the lounge was brightly lit and the air conditioner was on. All the team members gathered together, and a sumptuous dinner was placed in front of them.

At a glance, there was no end to it. There were at least dozens of dishes for four people.

What can be recognized are roast chicken, roast duck, braised pork, and even some seafood, such as fish, steamed crabs, and even a plate of blanched shrimp!

There was also a bottle of beer in front of each person, and there was condensed water vapor on it after being chilled.

Of course, this is not the most shocking thing, nor is it the real reason for the explosion of the live broadcast room.

The real reason for the explosion in the live broadcast room was what happened just now.

"My God, is everything I saw today true?"

"It actually crushed three fronts directly. Is that really the ability of Captain Yuan? What the hell is this ability?"

"I am still stupid now. There are islands falling from the sky. Who can believe this?"

"And the most terrifying one is not Hong Yanpei? Her ability is also very strange. She can actually share everyone's ability!"

"I originally thought that even the Hanxia team would not be particularly smooth in the face of strange races. We were prepared to see a long battle, but who would have thought that the three fronts would be washed so quickly."

Yes, just as the audience who are watching said.

Now Yuan Ye and his group are in the third front, which is also the border of the entrance to the virtual realm. It is the farthest, most tightly guarded, and most concentrated third front with high-end combat power.

After the third front, that is where the holy cockroaches gather, which is the real territory of the enemy.

Originally, even if it was a team from their own country, the audience of Hanxia did not have high expectations.

After all, the horror of the strange race is there, and the official has spared no effort to publicize the harmfulness of the strange race.

Moreover, this virtual realm is also classified as "extremely dangerous".

It must not be so easy to deal with.

However, from the first battle, the Hanxia team showed extremely amazing destructive power.

And the most dazzling one was not Li Qihe who was in the limelight in the second round!

Originally, in the second round, Li Qihe, with one man and one sword, killed all the teams that questioned the Hanxia team, and completely spread his reputation. The word "Sword King" was completely famous.

As the first Sun-level strongman who emerged in the Hanxia team, many viewers had great expectations for Li Qihe, hoping to see him make great achievements.

However, in the end, Li Qihe didn't even make a move.

Instead, the other two in the team showed their strong roles.

Xie Ying, a guy who can be called a human script, as long as she exists, she doesn't need to fight at all, any enemy will have nowhere to hide, and even any information can be seen clearly.

And she has the ability to predict the enemy's offensive in advance!

Hong Yanpei! The whole team can be directly connected together!

Ability sharing!

This ability has never been recorded in any situation before. It can be said that the existence of Hong Yanpei has completely revitalized the entire team and directly increased the combat effectiveness of the Hanxia Guoding team to the maximum!

Then, it was Yuan Ye, the most unexpected person in the team.

As the captain, no one would underestimate Yuan Ye, especially after Li Qihe showed amazing combat effectiveness.

Since then, everyone knows that as the captain, Yuan Ye's combat effectiveness must be higher than Li Qihe.

But no one knows how much it is.

But what Yuan Ye showed was different from what anyone thought.

At first, the ability Yuan Ye reported was just a simple "extreme speed", which was just a simple speed.

But it was not until the moment when Yuan Ye actually took action that people realized that this was bullshit "extreme speed".

This ability did not match the number at all, and it was completely incompatible.

He has unpredictable speed, but he also has all kinds of incredible means.

Including but not limited to islands in the sky, palm repulsion, and strange space distortion and vibration.

No one knows what kind of ability this is, because there is no report about Yuan Ye's ability on the New Era website.

Until a viewer pointed out the key to the problem.

"Captain Yuan Ye is likely to have a controlled ability."

"Yes, I am also in the Lingwu Association, and I am doing well. I have heard some things. Some abilities are actually not fully announced. They belong to the controlled type. These abilities are generally top-secret. They will not be announced too early unless necessary. The destructive power and effect that each of them can cause are extremely amazing."

"Today is an eye-opener."

"And I went to other live broadcast rooms to watch it. I was really numb. The conditions of other teams are as difficult as they can be. The best conditions are just eating canned beef and drinking Coke in the tent. Captain Yuan's side is good, eating a big banquet and drinking beer."

"I heard that the goal of the American team is the third front. I don't know what their expressions will be when they come over tomorrow and see what they are like now."

America's goal is indeed the third front.

But the third front is a long way from the border. It is the last line of defense to enter the actual control area of ​​the Holy Blattella Clan.

So it is very deep and the defense is very tight.

In addition, the American team must take it slowly. It is impossible to just rush in after arriving.

So we have to spend a day on the road. (End of this chapter)

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