My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 467: Accountability

At first glance, it was Yuan Ye, who was raising his hand. Basically, he didn't need to think to know that this was done by Yuan Ye. At this time, he was watching his body being stretched into noodles in horror, and his heart was shocked.

What kind of weird method is this? What kind of ability is this?

He could clearly feel that his body did not feel any discomfort, not even a trace of pain.

And at this moment, he was distorted to the point that he was completely unlike a normal person.

At this moment, he thought of countless possibilities, and finally a terrible guess came to his mind.

He found an ability that could match the ability that Yuan Ye was using now.

That is the space system.

It is also called one of the most terrifying and rare abilities.

It is even rare enough that there may not be more than two hands in the world!

Among the three titled Marshals of the Zhentian Division, the most terrifying and mysterious one is Haokong.

His ability is space.

As a top powerhouse of the upper five families, Wenren Jinglei naturally knew the existence of Haokong.

Think about it again, Yuan Ye has been very mysterious since the beginning, and the only ability he reported is "Extreme Speed".

However, although the ability of Extreme Speed ​​is a very powerful ability in the early stage.

But it is only limited to the early stage, from the Starlight level to the Silver Moon level. For the Starlight level and Silver Moon level who are still in the superficial use of abilities and have limited strength, they can really be invincible, and it is difficult for others to beat them.

But once they reach the Sunlight level and above, various abilities begin to be solarized, and the only advantage of "Extreme Speed" is gone.

After solarization, spiritual warriors begin to usher in qualitative changes, and the simple speed is no longer able to do anything to anyone.

Therefore, if Yuan Ye is really the owner of "Extreme Speed", he will definitely not be able to reach this point today, and he will definitely not be able to lead the Hanxia Guoding team.

You know, the Thirteen Families have received intelligence that there are players from the top five families in the Hanxia Guoding team.

So their goal all along was just to get rid of Yuan Ye, and only Yuan Ye, and they didn't think of targeting the other team members.

Or, they couldn't afford to offend him.

It would be too easy for any of the top five families to destroy them.

But now it seems that Yuan Ye's ability is really likely to be the space of the Order species!

Many strange signs overlapped instantly!

But Wenren Jinglei still didn't quite understand one thing, that is, why is the ability Yuan Ye is using now so strange?

Is this the ability that space can have? Is it something that can be done?

But it's not his turn to say more.

Because in this state, he couldn't say anything after he opened his mouth.

His vocal cords were stretched.

Yuan Ye just clenched his hands slightly.

In an instant, Wenren Jinglei felt that the strange aura on his body disappeared instantly.

He began to feel severe pain all over his body, and then he actually saw blood coming out of countless parts of his body.

"No! No!!!" Wenren Jinglei wanted to shout out, but when the words came to his lips, he could only make a sound of 'Ah ah. Ah.'.

He watched his body fall apart and disintegrate in despair.

During the whole process, he was awake.

At the same time, the other dozen members of the Thirteen Families suffered the same scene.

The surrounding area suddenly became a mess, with blood everywhere and human body parts that were torn into pieces.

Even the members of each team who claimed to have excellent psychological qualities and had undergone countless tests had ugly faces and could not help retching.

After all, they were just students. Even if they had killed people, they were a minority. After all, not everyone was like Yuan Ye, who had joined the state agency early, went out to suppress crime, and had the opportunity to get blood on their hands.

Most people actually did not have this opportunity. Instead, they practiced day and night, with the goal of improving themselves as much as possible before the martial arts exam, so that they could make a big splash and soar to the sky.

I have never killed anyone, let alone witnessed such a brutal scene with my own eyes?

Many team members looked at Yuan Ye with a changed look, and became terrified.

It was because the means Yuan Ye showed were too cruel and too decisive.

What stood out was that he was ruthless and didn't talk much.

He bit people's lives without saying anything before they said anything, and he didn't care who you were, he just killed them.

It was like this just before entering the virtual realm. He fired directly at the Nantian ship that came from the station, and almost killed the people on it.

People finally had a clear evaluation of Yuan Ye: a killer!

Obviously, this is an absolute killer.

Many team members have been silently calculating in their hearts and giving up on Yuan Ye and his team.

Are they really qualified to wade into this muddy water?

I'm afraid they don't have this qualification, because they ask themselves, if they face this situation, they will definitely be killed like the examiners of the thirteen families.

There is no room for resistance.

"What's going on here!"

Suddenly, a furious shout broke in.

The person who came was Gong Xile, the eldest son of the Gongxi family.

He looked at Yuan Ye with an extremely gloomy face and walked forward: "Candidate Yuan Ye, shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation? What kind of martial arts candidate is it? You want to ignore the rules and regulations of the garrison and kill people, and even kill my people. You, shouldn't give me an explanation?"

At the same time, Gong Xile's expression was very ugly.

He didn't expect that the brainless people below really acted privately without his consent.

If it succeeded, it would be fine, and he would be happy to reward him. After all, Yuan Ye was indeed a big worry for their thirteen families, and a deadly enemy that could not be resolved.

Not to mention for him.

His poor sister died so tragically that even his brother didn't have time to see her for the last time.

He hated it!

"Sister, I miss you so much." Gong Xile spent every day in grief.

When he thought of the voice and smile of his "sister", and the familiar gentle path.

He was furious.

But even he had to admit that planning revenge on Yuan Ye must be a long-term plan and not be done rashly.

But now such a thing has happened.

He has already planned many things. If everything goes well, Yuan Ye will definitely stay in this virtual world and never get out.

But no matter what, it is related to the face of their Thirteen Families, and he must be held accountable.

And in this matter, to put it bluntly, it is also Yuan Ye's fault. The other party was wrong first and killed so many of his men.

He can make use of this to make a fuss. Otherwise, if he suffered such a big loss and remained indifferent, how would others see their Thirteen Families?

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