My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 49 Visiting your thatched cottage for the second time

After joking around for a while, they got down to business.

First of all, for the first question, Yuan Ye naturally wanted to know who he had just faced.

He has strong strength, but he doesn't obey discipline and doesn't act according to the rules. He just does whatever he wants.

Logically speaking, it is normal for some such thugs to appear in this spiritually resurrected world at this stage, but the strange thing is that they appear in large numbers, and they are not just doing idle activities and committing violence aimlessly. That kind of pure thug.

They are organized, disciplined, and extremely cruel in their methods and ideas.

You can get a glimpse of it through the various violent comments they just said.

They called Yuan Ye "the same kind" in an attempt to persuade him to stay away from ordinary people. In other words, this group of people did not regard themselves as the same kind as ordinary people at all.

And they are all capable.

So how did this group of people gather? this is a problem.

So Yuan Ye immediately asked: "I want to know, who were those people just now?"

Who is it that can make them have this idea?

Faced with this question, Xie Ying hesitated for a moment, and finally said with a very hesitant expression: "Although I don't want to admit it, they are actually the same kind of people as me."

"How do you say this?" Yuan Ye asked, his eyes extremely confused.

"Actually, spirit warriors existed in this world long before the seal was broken, and spirit warriors have always existed."

Xie Ying said slowly: "From ancient times to the present, more or less many ancient books and folk literature within or outside Hanxia have preserved many records."

Yuan Ye nodded to express his understanding.

After all, as early as the day he tore off the talisman and triggered the achievement, he had already guessed that there was a high probability that there were other extraordinary beings on this blue star.

And the so-called day when the seal is broken may be the day worthy of spiritual energy recovery.

"It's just that before the day the seal was broken, this power belonged exclusively to a small group of people. This group of people, called 'blood successors', existed in the form of families in Hanxia. Many blood successor families have inherited quite a lot of inheritance. It has been a long time ago, but before the day when the seal was broken, the spiritual energy was thin, and the blood warriors could not practice and use their power effectively. Each family only had so much spiritual energy stored, and it could be said that they used less and less, so they were usually dormant. In order to survive, some blood descendants choose to join the world and integrate with the world, while others choose to live their own lives in seclusion."

"That's it." Yuan Ye suddenly understood when he heard this.

In other words, although the spiritual warriors had existed before this, without the spiritual energy recovery, they could not use their power well, and they were equivalent to a power bank.

Use a little less, and sooner or later the battery will be completely exhausted.

So he seldom moves outside.

"Until the seal became unstable and some strange things began to appear, the official began to seek help from the blood successors and wanted to rely on the power of the blood successors to suppress the strange things. In addition, in fact, there has always been a faction of the blood successors within the official body. Strength has always been the official background.”

"Yes." Yuan Ye nodded.

"Then outside the staff, a small group of blood successors who have close contact with the outside world accepted this commission and chose to join the official."

Xie Ying said: "For example, our family is the official blood heir, and we have successfully persuaded some blood heir families to join in. After all, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of Hanxia, ​​and there are still people who deeply love the land under their feet, and we don't want to see that. This world is in ruins."

But then, Xie Ying changed the subject.

"It's just that the people who made these choices only accounted for a small number of the entire blood successors. Most of the blood successors chose to turn a blind eye when faced with requests."

When Xie Ying said this, she began to gnash her teeth: "We originally thought that they just simply didn't want to be born, and it didn't matter, as long as they didn't cause us any trouble, but no one expected that they would actually show up in such a critical moment. If you want to come out and add fuel to the fire, for example, the organization just now is actually the part of the Huawai Xuehei who still regards itself as 'extraordinary' and believes that the extraordinary is the supreme. This organization is also one of the organizations they created, called Jishengshe. They What they want is actually very simple, extraordinary, supreme, to be the head of heaven and earth, and everything else should surrender to them.”

Hearing these words, Yuan Ye also frowned deeply.

Now he finally understood where these people came from.

In fact, it is unavoidable. People, desires are infinite, especially after they have great power, they will infinitely intensify the desires in their hearts.

Especially for those who have power in this part of themselves.

"Next question, how did you know that I am a species of order? The New Era Network does not list the abilities of this species." Yuan Ye asked.

"Because the species of order are rare." Xie Ying said: "Even among the blood successors, there are no more than one palm now, and the ability of this species is huge. We will not announce the existence of the species of order too early, and Alongside the order species, there are also taboo species, and the abilities of these two species are currently under the highest control."

"Okay." Yuan Ye nodded, his doubts finally answered.

"Your question has been answered, now it's my turn to ask." Xie Ying looked at Yuan Ye, her eyes shining brightly.

"Can you stop looking at me like that? I'm scared." Yuan Ye complained.


Yuan Ye looked at the surrounding ruins. Who could have imagined that before this morning, this was a peaceful and peaceful campus: "Okay, let's ask."

"Are you a blood successor?" Xie Ying looked at Yuan Ye seriously: "This question is very important to me."

"No." Yuan Ye shook his head and looked at the horizon.

He thought of his parents, whom he had not seen for a long time.

He and his parents haven't seen each other for four or five years, and Yuan Ye's contact with them has always been through Green Bubble videos and chats.

The most communication is probably to give him living expenses and give him gold coins.

His parents must be impossible, and the possibility can be ruled out.

I just opened the blind box.

If he really had to choose, he really didn't want this kind of life.

As long as I can't see the truth, life is smooth sailing, but if I can see it, there are 'surprises' everywhere.

In fact, living like this is quite boring.

He even began to wonder, is it possible that his ability is to see achievements? Is this his true ability?

After all, there are all kinds of spiritual abilities, including all kinds of weird things.

"Then let me ask again, do you want to join our Zhentian Division? Join the official! Han Xia needs you." Xie Ying extended an olive branch again: "This is the second time I visit your thatched cottage."

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