"It really stinks, is it really a cockroach?"

Smelling the disgusting smell around, Xie Ying, as a little girl, naturally couldn't stand it at the first time.

Hong Yanpei's face was not good either.

Originally, cockroaches are considered the most disgusting creatures for humans, without a doubt, not to mention that all the cockroaches here are evolved cockroaches, becoming an intelligent race.

They are huge in size, and it's not just as simple as exploding when killed.

Yuan Ye and the others are fine, but they are not very used to it.

When they stepped on the land inside, it was all mud, black land.

They knew very well that what they were stepping on now was not mud.

It was cockroach feces, which had accumulated into a thick layer, and there were some sundries in it that they didn't know what they were.

It looked like the body fragments of the Holy Cockroach Clan, anyway, it didn't look like anything normal.

"Okay, after coming here, the first thing to do is to adapt to the environment inside." Yuan Ye reminded: "Don't expose yourself, do everything according to the plan."

After entering the city gate, the group stopped talking and communicating.

Because the number of Saint Blattella tribes around began to increase.

You can also see one or two female Saint Blattella tribe mothers passing by with egg sheaths under their bodies, which makes people feel physically uncomfortable.

The houses and buildings inside are also very simple. It looks like the black soil is randomly piled up with some buildings that can barely be called "residences".

Then some Saint Blattella tribes set up stalls outside, selling unknown things.

Just when they were still thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic and noisy movement in the distance.


This is a sound similar to the sound of horse hooves stomping on the ground, as well as the screams of Saint Blattella creatures dodging, and their language.

As for the language problem, it must have been solved before entering, and it was forcibly learned through potions.

After all, since they were able to stay here, the Heavenly Guardians here must have mastered the language of the Holy Blattella.

Then, with some medicine, the lurkers will soon be able to learn it directly.

In the distance, something similar to a carriage was moving at a high speed.

However, the one pulling the carriage was not a horse, but a group of Holy Blattellas! They just lay on the ground and walked with all their legs.

They looked like those people in the outside world who had not stood up and were not intelligent, and they had shackles and chains hanging around their necks, pulling the cart like livestock.

In the carriage behind them, there were also Holy Blattellas who acted as drivers. They were obviously a kind of creature, but they were wearing simple clothes, and then they held a whip and kept whipping the four Holy Blattellas who were pulling below.

The sound of "pa pa pa" made the Holy Blattellas who were pulling the cart scream and make a historical cry.

The Holy Blatches on the surrounding roads were also afraid to avoid it, and they dodged one by one to make way.

Even this was not the end. After dodging and making way, the Holy Blatches knelt down again.


"Welcome to the Holy Descendants!"

These Holy Blatches lowered their heads, as if they did not dare to look at them.

"Why are they kneeling?"

Li Qihe was a little confused and frowned.

"Should we kneel?" Xie Ying looked at Yuan Ye, as if asking for advice.

But before Yuan Ye could say anything, Li Qihe shouted, "Bullshit! Why kneel? How can humans kneel to strange races? What's more, Brother Yuan, let Brother Yuan kneel to them? They are so powerful and powerful. Can they bear it?"

"Okay." However, Yuan Ye held Li Qihe down, "You still don't quite understand what it means to lurk in the rear. This is the rear, which is different from what you think. We don't have to do anything like a reckless man. If you really say so, then what are the heroes and martyrs of our human race who are hiding in the rear of strange races?"


Yuan Ye's words also made Li Qihe lower his head in shame.

Lin Feng spoke at this time: "This is the Holy Clan, the direct bloodline of Saint Thomas. They are also called the Holy Clan in the environment of the Holy Clan. They are different from ordinary Holy Clan. Ordinary Holy Clan cannot see the true appearance of the Holy Clan. When they are with the Holy Clan, they must lower their heads, hold their breath, and cannot breathe the same air as the Holy Clan. They also need to kneel down."

So it was the direct bloodline of the title level?

"However, there are many such Holy Clan. After all, the reproductive capacity of the Holy Clan is there. They can produce tens of thousands of larvae in one litter. Even if there is a certain loss rate and they will eat each other, only the strongest ones in one litter can survive in the end. But even so, in the end, there will definitely be a lot of survivors in a nest, and the Holy Clan can basically reproduce four to eight times a year."

"So the number of Holy Clan will not be small."

Lin Feng said.

Yuan Ye also frowned.

It seems that sneaking into the Holy Blatches to collect the title-level information is not an easy job.

However, just when they decided not to cause trouble and were about to kneel down.

The car stopped, and it stopped not far from them.

"Why don't you kneel? You should have kneeled down the moment I appeared on this street. This is a capital crime! This is an unforgivable capital crime!"

The door curtain of the car was opened, and a Saint Cockroach came out from inside.

The old Saint Cockroach driver quickly threw his whole cockroach on the ground, not caring about the dirt on the ground, and buried his face in it.

Even if Yuan Ye and the others saw it correctly, the driver quickly sipped the black shit on the ground at the moment he buried his head, and then swallowed it happily.

This scene made everyone watch, and almost made them vomit.

The first crisis after entering the city has come.

On the other side.

The second examination room, the ruins of the Immortal Monument, has fallen into complete chaos at this moment.

After Ye Canglan's team member successfully obtained the elixir and broke through to the Sun Shining level in front of everyone, everyone went crazy.

People kept scrambling to touch the Immortal Monument.

There are really people who succeeded!

Among them, two more succeeded, and now they are quietly breaking the mirror on the side.

With another successful case in front of them, they naturally couldn't sit still and wait for death.

They all scrambled to touch the immortal tablet.

But there were still many people who failed.

But at this time, can failure still be a reason to stop them?

It's not the case anymore. After all, as long as they succeed, they can enter the Sunlight Level.

They can immediately turn over and become the master in this second examination room!

Isn't this, soon, the fourth successful person came out. (End of this chapter)

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