My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 509 Choose one of the two?

"There are so many light balls here, they must be put out for us to use at will! Hahaha, if you don't dare to go, I'll go first!"

Some players were already laughing wildly as they looked at the countless floating light balls, their eyes turning green.

Just now in the second level, it was confirmed that these light balls contained rewards that could really drive people crazy.

The value of that pill alone was beyond their imagination.

Even if they couldn't take it anymore, even if they took a few more back, they could sell them for a good price, and even if they donated them, they could make a great contribution to themselves, and maybe the country would give them more resources and attention.

Becoming a strong man in the future, even surpassing those national teams in the first examination hall, is not an unattainable dream.

After all, those national teams don't have these ruins to explore, right?

Now Thompson has reached the peak of the Sun Shining level, and Allen, the captain of the American National Team, has only recently broken through to the Earth Level. Before entering the Void Realm, he was also a peak of the Sun Shining level.

In other words, after going out, Thompson will definitely stand on the same level as Allen! They are all geniuses of the same level!

And the players who are still alive and in this ruins have all reached the level of the national team, and a better future is beckoning to them.

So now that you have tasted the sweetness, how can you stay rational when they face so many temptations again?

This is impossible, and it goes against human nature.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before someone rushes up.

"Mine! Mine! All mine! Hahahaha!"

"Got it! I got it! I'm not dead! I'm still alive! This is for us to take!"

"This is the reward for passing the level!"

The first group of players who rushed out to get the light ball randomly picked a ball from the sky full of light balls. Soon, under their nervous gaze, the light ball gradually dissipated and turned into different objects.

Someone got a jade bottle filled with pills.

Someone got a weapon and watched the precious light overflowing and shining.

Some people got a jade slip, which was simple and warm, with simple words written on it.

They were surprised and studied the rewards they had just received.

"This is actually a bottle of elixir that can restore injuries. As long as there is a breath left, I can hang on to my life!"

"This is a weapon. It is said that it can be used until the Jindan stage! Although I don’t know what the so-called Jindan stage is, I can feel that this weapon is very powerful. If I hold it, my combat power will definitely rise by several levels!"

"This seems to be a jade slip with information inside. It’s amazing. What kind of technology is this? It’s a bit like a CD memory card, but I don’t know what’s inside. I can’t understand the words on it. It’s a pity. It seems that I can only hand it in, but it doesn’t matter. It looks like it should be a good thing."

The first batch of people who got the reward have confirmed that this may be a round of rewards, which is for them to use at will.

As for what objects will appear and the quality of the rewards, there seems to be no standard. Everything depends on luck.

At this point, after confirming that there was no danger, more and more people finally couldn't sit still, and rushed forward one by one, randomly picking up the light ball closest to them.

In an instant, the field became chaotic.

Thomson finally couldn't sit still, and began to rush to a ball of light and took one of them.

When the halo disappeared, he looked carefully, and his face was suddenly full of surprise.

[Death Substitute]!

A message appeared in front of him.

Using this talisman can save you from one death injury!

This. There is such a thing?

Looking at the talisman paper in his hand, Thomson's eyes flashed with a burning light.

This is a death substitute, what does it mean?

Resisting a fatal injury means a second life! It can completely save your life when you are in danger!

There is no doubt that I got something good.

Compared with weapons, although it is indestructible, it also needs to be suitable and used.

The effect of the pill must be compatible with his own after taking it, otherwise, if he gets another spirit-enhancing pill, it will be of no use to him.

But this death-substitute talisman is different. Although the spirit warrior has a very high social status and extraordinary power.

But the mortality rate is also very high.

Let alone other things, just say that in the second examination room, how many people have died since entering this relic until now?

When he first came in, his alliance had hundreds of people, and now only a few dozen people survived.

The rest basically fell on various levels in front.

That directly turned into the fuel of the mysterious and weird golden-red flame, and was burned alive into nothingness, as if any trace of existence had been erased and disappeared out of thin air.

Dangers that can endanger life are everywhere.

Therefore, he does not need to hand in this thing, and keeping it as a trump card to save his life is the best choice.

Since he was the first to receive this kind of reward, it seemed that he was really lucky today.

Thomson's mind suddenly became active, and he began to aim at the second group of light not far away.

The ball of light had already been targeted by a member of the alliance.

But Thompson just rushed up and yelled, "Get out of here!"

The alliance member's face changed, but after seeing that the person coming was Thompson, he could only grit his teeth, forcibly suppress the unwilling expression, and retreat.

Thompson's strength is too strong.

Now he is still the undisputed number one in the Exploration Alliance, and his reputation is still hanging over everyone's head.

Thompson immediately fished out the ball of light and waited for his second harvest with great interest.

However, confusion soon appeared in his eyes.

Because this second ball of light, in addition to a jade slip, is constantly changing into the shape of a small wooden boat.

It's as if he had to make a conclusion between two choices.

"What is this little broken boat?" Thompson was a little confused and frowned.

On the surface, this broken boat is not good-looking, and even a little shabby, which is in sharp contrast with the warm jade slip.

Besides, what use would it have for him?

Thomson said, "I want the jade slip!"

No one wants this little broken boat.

Soon, a jade slip appeared in his hand.

Then the conversations of other contestants could be heard.

It turned out that he was not the only one facing the situation of choosing between two options, but almost everyone was facing this choice. (End of this chapter)

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