My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 513 The Death Spell is Gone

Everything happened very quickly before anyone could react.

Thomson was the first to sense the crisis. His heart was trembling, his hair almost stood up, and he hurriedly tried to use his spiritual energy for defense.

But it was useless. His spiritual energy did not move at all.

He looked at the water surface getting closer and closer to him in despair, until he fell into it with a splash.

Then there were the sounds of people falling into the water one after another. The water surface was boiling again, and the dense and unknown small creatures struggled to get out of the water again.

People panicked.

"What's going on? Isn't it enough to have a boat?"


"Why! Why do we still have to die?"

"Save us! Lord of Thunder, save us! We don't want to die!"

"There are too many people! There shouldn't be so many people!"

"We are all wrong! This boat can only accommodate one person!"

At this moment, some people have realized the key to the problem, and realized that the so-called wooden boat can only accommodate the next person with a high probability.

If it was just one person, then there would be no problem, and there would be no problem, and they could safely survive this crisis.

But who could have thought of this? They have made their own choices.

No one thought it was a big deal at first. Compared with the previous level, this level was too simple, and it could even be called a reward level.

But as time went on, they discovered the horror of this level.

But some things, even if they realized it now, would not work. They had witnessed the speed of those unknown creatures.

No matter how desperate his eyes were, no matter how desperate his heart was, U could not stop these creatures from eating him.

In an instant, there were screams in the river, including Thomson.

Soon, it calmed down because everyone was eaten into a pile of bones.

After an unknown amount of time, a warm luster flashed on the other side of the river.

The light gradually solidified. This was a figure, which gradually changed from virtual to solid and appeared in the original place.

It was Thomson!

However, Thomson was stunned at this moment, with emptiness and fear in his eyes.

After a moment, he looked at his hands.

He was not dead.

Then he looked around.

There was no one around him.

Before entering the ruins, he had been full of vigor and ambition, and had led a large group of people. Now there was no one around him.

At this time, he suddenly realized.

Yes, they had all fallen into the river just now, and all the members of the alliance had died.

This also included his own team!

Now, he was left alone.

And why did he suddenly come back to life?

He could clearly feel the pain and despair of the gnawing on his body just now. This was real, including his experience before he died of excessive blood loss.

But at this moment, Thomson seemed to suddenly remember something, and his expression suddenly changed.

He reached into his arms and took out something.

It was a yellowed talisman paper.

The talisman paper, which was full of precious light and mysterious energy before, has now lost its luster and become like waste paper.

He didn't even use any force on his hands, but just took it out, and obvious cracks appeared on the talisman paper.

Then it turned into ashes in front of his eyes!

This was the reward he got in the second round, the [Death Substitute]!


Thomson almost vomited blood.

Originally, this death substitute was the biggest gain of his trip, equivalent to a second life. He originally thought that he would keep it as a trump card and would not use it so soon.

However, it hasn't even warmed up yet, and it has been used not long after it was obtained? ?

At this moment, Thomson felt his heart was broken.

It was fortunate that he didn't know Yuan Ye, otherwise Yuan Ye would have patted him on the shoulder and said, "Young people are still too young."

This world is inherently fickle, and you never know which will come first, an accident or tomorrow.

Life will always come to an end inadvertently.

That's why Yuan Ye is so careful and cautious.

But Thomson didn't know that he just felt that his mentality was about to collapse. No matter how careful he was, this kind of thing still happened.

He was a little discouraged and wanted to give up.

Yes, is entering this relic really the best solution?

Originally, he didn't believe that the Immortal Monument Relics could be so dangerous that so many title-level people never came out since they entered.

Now he feels the horror of the Immortal Monument Relics.

This is really not a joke, it will really kill people.

Look, how many people came in? What about now?

In such a large exploration alliance, only he is the leader who is still alive.

Almost all the others are dead.

And this is definitely not all the dangers in this relic.

Now I don't know where I have gone to, and whether there are still these dangers ahead.

But the next road is destined to be difficult.

Indeed, entering this ruins allowed him to obtain unimaginable resources, and indeed there were huge benefits that made it difficult to make a decision.

But the problem was that you had to survive.

If you don't have any life in the end, what's the point of getting more?

But just now when he was outside, the spirit of the weapon also made it very clear that there was a time limit for quitting, and he had missed this opportunity now.

Next, he could only keep moving forward, there was no other choice.

"Let's go."

Thomson took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Fortunately, after he was reborn, he actually appeared on the other side of the river bank.

Otherwise, there would be no boat now, and he would be facing a dead end.

And if he died again, there would be no death talisman to protect him from disaster this time. If he died, he would be really dead, and he would never exist again.

And the death talisman, as long as you use it once, as long as you don't have it on you next time, you will feel that you are living in a world full of dangers, and you will instinctively feel danger.

I don't know what kind of terrifying existence this relic was created by, and it even has the means to bring people back to life.

You know, this is resurrection! What is this concept? It is simply beyond the usual cognition of ordinary people and subverts common sense.

Thomson gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

The tunnel was very narrow, and he was the only one there.

Soon, he reached a corner, and the view in front of him suddenly brightened.

He saw those familiar faces.

There was Ye Canglan! There was Lin Xuanxuan!

There were those who were the first to pass through in wooden boats! (End of this chapter)

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