My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 549: Setting the pace

It looks a bit like the legendary totem of Japan, Yamata no Orochi.

"I know what you are thinking."

Miao Renfeng said: "The Yamata no Orochi in their records is this thing, and the strongest existence of this race, the title-level creature, is Yamata no Orochi itself, and Japan has already admitted it."

"That is to say." Xie Ying frowned and thought.

"Well, it is probably like this." Hong Yanpei also nodded.

Everyone present is smart, and many things do not need to be said explicitly, and you can also hear what they mean.

As for Japan's current situation, it is a bit terrifying to think about it carefully.

Yamata no Orochi has always been their totem, which is well known to everyone.

If Yamata no Orochi is a weird race, does it also mean that the Japanese are likely to have always believed in weird races?

So, if during the years when humans joined hands, what role did they play in the human alliance?

At this time, the two words popped up in their hearts at the same time.

Human traitor!

Without a doubt, it goes without saying that it is a traitor!

The number of traitors has always been large. Not everyone can unite when facing a strange race. There are always some people who are weak and can bend without scruples!

Over the years, humans have also found many traitors within the organization.

If it is now confirmed that an entire country is a traitor, it would be a very terrifying thing.

Fortunately, they did not accept Neon to continue to return to the alliance at that time, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

After receiving the opening task, the five of them set off secretly.

This incident did not alarm anyone.

The military training of the rest of the freshmen will continue as usual.

For freshmen in ordinary departments, it is ordinary military training.

For the freshmen of Lingwu College, their training is carried out by Zhentiansi. Zhentiansi has sent many operators to train them, and the subjects are no longer limited to marching, lining up, shouting commands, and standing at attention.

After all, the world is now in a state of war, and military training naturally needs to be updated and iterated.

Freshmen from the ordinary colleges practiced live-fire shooting and tactical movements.

Students from the Lingwu Department mainly practiced actual combat coordination between formations and abilities.

However, when the military training was in full swing, something happened.

That is, some students noticed that there were fewer people in the military training.

It was a freshman named Zhang Sansi from the Mechanical Department of the ordinary college who posted a message on the campus network that day.

Questioning [We are all students, why can some people have the privilege of not having military training? ]

In the post, he listed that he found that the special class was not included in the scope of military training, and did not find that a group of freshmen headed by Yuan Ye participated in the military training. This time, he mainly posted the message of accountability and made it public, questioning where is the fairness?

He even wrote indignantly at the end of the post: "Military training is to train unity and cohesion, and it is a process of sharpening oneself. Every freshman should participate in it. I would like to ask the school, why can some people be exempted? Is this fair to other freshmen? If military training can also be exempted, or even cancelled, isn't it a joke? I hope the school can give us freshmen a satisfactory answer!"

The post was written in a fluent manner, and there may be more than 2,000 words.

The language of the poster Zhang Sansi was very fierce, even with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

It felt like the hatred was very deep.

At the same time, in a dormitory, Zhang Sansi, who was wearing a military training uniform, looked at the content of the post on the computer screen and snorted twice.

I actually embarrassed him in front of so many people and lost his face, so how could he let it go like this?

He must find a way to retaliate, otherwise he would not be able to think clearly.

It should have been his own performance, and it was all Yuan Ye's fault. What kind of hatred did he have with him? He had to come out to lead the rhythm.

He became the one who lost face.

That's right, Zhang Sansi was the one who posted photos in the freshman group. Now he doesn't dare to speak in the group. Whenever he speaks, someone will secretly criticize him as an ugly photo guy and then make fun of him.

This makes him feel that his blood pressure soars just thinking about it.

And he also remembers who caused this situation.

If it weren't for Yuan Ye, he would have been so good at this wave of pretending, and then there would be many girls to add him, then wouldn't he have the priority to mate for the next four years of college?

Now it's all Yuan Ye's fault!

Zhang Sansi gritted his teeth, he completely forgot that in fact, Yuan Ye didn't say a word at the beginning, and even if he spoke during the whole process, he just came out and said a few words, and was scared away by the enthusiasm of the freshmen.

He didn't notice this. Anyway, he only knew that it was because of Yuan Ye that he made a fool of himself. It was Yuan Ye who stole all his limelight.

So if it's not Yuan Ye, who else can he blame?

Fortunately, today, on the first day of military training, he found a golden opportunity, that is, he accidentally discovered that Yuan Ye and his classmates were absent.

He had made preparations before, and he also asked around, and found out that Yuan Ye and others were assigned to a special small class, called the special class.

As for Yuan Ye's deeds, he didn't want to know at all, so he didn't read it.

In Zhang Sansi's mind, who is he posting to? Why should he read his deeds? Is he worthy of it?

He is totally unworthy, right?

Zhang Sansi hates Yuan Ye to death now, and he wants him to know his deeds? How is that possible? He wants revenge now.

This is his chance.

He will scold you to death now, right?

Zhang Sansi sneered.

He is confident and self-confident.

Isn't he invincible? Many students complain about military training, including him. If someone finds out that someone can avoid military training, won't they scold him to death?

Plus a little rhythm.

It's stable!

However, just when he thought that the freshmen would start to scold the incident according to the post he posted, something happened that caught him off guard.

That is, the scolding he expected did not appear, but some comments questioning himself.

"No, I looked at your information, aren't you an ordinary student? From the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the ordinary departments and the Spiritual Martial Arts Department are separated during military training. That is to protect ordinary freshmen. Otherwise, the aftermath of the Spiritual Martial Arts Training alone would be devastating to ordinary freshmen. How did you get into the military training of the Spiritual Martial Arts Department?" (End of this chapter)

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