My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 78 Terror is silent

"If everything is upside down at the moment, the brightness of the starry sky is the same as during the day, walking is in the opposite direction, and talking is upside down, then what if there is sea water below."

Yuan Ye's figure blurred immediately. When he reappeared, he had already grabbed a rope, quickly tied one end to the guardrail, grabbed the other end, and jumped.

In mid-air, Yuan Ye's figure blurred again. When he reappeared, he was already above the sea, holding onto Wang Erzhu's clothes on the water.


With the person in hand, Yuan Ye disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had the person in his hand, appeared in mid-air, and then threw it hard.

The unconscious Wang Erzhu was thrown directly onto the deck with a thud.

Yuan Ye's figure blurred again and appeared on the deck.

After completing the whole set of actions, Yuan Ye breathed unusually heavily, and his eyes were filled with fatigue.

At the same time he began to think.

Sure enough, it would still have a big impact, although he had tried his best to overcome the discomfort caused by this inversion.

But normally, when he performs this operation, he only needs to disappear and appear at the Wang Er Pillar very smoothly, and then he can directly catch the person, disappear and appear again, and he is already on the deck.

It doesn't even need a rope, let alone have any effect on his aura or anything like that.

But now, he just feels very tired.

Especially the brain needs to think about many things.

The consumption of spiritual energy is also a bit large.

This made Yuan Ye feel a little strange again.

Compared to others, he thinks more.

After all, it is due to his own personality, he is a very cautious person, and in addition, he is now the leader of the entire team.

Although he did not think that he would be a qualified leader, but just a show-off, so many people were looking at him and counting on him.

Even speaking of other things, the more than sixty people on the ship all depended on him.

Naturally, Yuan Ye must think more than others.

And now based on his findings, it seems that everything in this virtual realm has been reversed since entering it.

Day and night are reversed, language is reversed, behavior is reversed, and the results are reversed.

But why does he still feel drained after using his spiritual energy?

Logically speaking, shouldn't the more you consume, the more abundant your spiritual energy will be?

And he actually becomes overwhelmed by maintaining these operations?

Is there a possibility that it cannot be affected?

Obviously, the spiritual energy and brain are both in his body.

Although he himself exists in this virtual realm and is in a virtual realm, his sea of ​​energy and brain are not.

By definition, they exist in another space.

So it can't be affected?

No, no, no

Yuan Ye thought for a while and overturned this conclusion.

If you put it this way, he was hungry after eating, which would be even harder to explain.

Then there is another possibility.

The order of this world is different from the current world. The laws of order are different, so some things will naturally be different.

And aura, outside of order? Not affected?

Yuan Ye thought.

He seemed to have found a new discovery.

He needed confirmation.

With a wave of his hand, a hole in the alien space opened in front of his eyes, and Yuan Ye took out another compressed biscuit from it.

He did not rush forward, but placed a small piece. In an instant, spiritual energy enveloped the small piece of compressed biscuit.

Yuan Ye put it in his mouth and chewed it.


Feel it carefully.

Yuan Ye felt a little full!

It’s that sudden increase in satiety and the feeling of eating!


The next moment, Yuan Ye's body was wrapped with terrifying spiritual energy, and the surrounding space was boiling.

"!Good on you"

Yuan Ye blurted out and was stunned for a moment.

He spoke consciously in reverse order.

But now, it's actually the normal reverse order!


Yuan Ye spoke again.


next moment.

"Go right!"

Yuan Ye made a sound and moved to the right.

"Go forward!"

Go along the way.

The next second, the spiritual energy dispersed, and Yuan Ye was shocked.

He found it! He found it! !

Aura, outside the order! Not affected!

If you want to get back to normal, just use a lot of Reiki.

But the problem comes again.

The consumption is too great!

The consumption of uncontrolled use of spiritual energy is very terrifying, and it is difficult for ordinary spiritual warriors to bear it.

Especially someone like Yuan Ye.

In such a short period of time, he felt that his spiritual energy was falling, and a large amount of it fell.

It won't last long, the spiritual energy will be exhausted, and then it will once again enter the state of rewarding the God of War.

"This still won't work. I still have to endure this kind of DeBuff on weekdays." Yuan Ye shook his head.

The most urgent thing now is to tell all the team members about this.

Of course, this harvest is not completely useless, it still has a great effect.

At the very least, they can fight normally when fighting.

Now let’s take care of Wang Erzhu first.

There are still a few team members on the deck who are responsible for the medical work on the ship full-time, and their own abilities are also of the medical type.

Li Qihe and Xie Ying were also still on the deck, currently surrounding Wang Erzhu, with solemn expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Ye stepped forward and asked.

"Seriously injured." Xie Ying said with an ugly expression.

"Fourth degree severe burns." One of the team members in charge of medical treatment said: "The burns are deep into the muscles, bones, and internal organs, especially the lungs and stomach. The burns are extremely serious and the situation is not optimistic."


Yuan Ye was stunned.

Falling into the water and getting yourself burned?

Take a closer look, right?

At this moment, Wang Erzhu's entire appearance looked miserable.

However, the medical team members still said: "This is not the most fatal."

"Say!" Yuan Ye took a deep breath.

"Unable to Treat" the team member reported: "We... tried emergency first aid and injected medicine, but the situation became more and more serious, and we had no choice but to stop treatment."

Yuan Ye's eyes turned ugly after listening to the report.

Will this virtual realm, the truly dangerous place, finally be revealed?

"Let people be wrapped in spiritual energy for treatment, 24 hours a day, changing the guard in turn, one by one." Yuan Ye ordered.

Non-combat attrition was unacceptable to him.

Especially when you first enter the virtual realm, you have to reduce your staff.

And the most critical point is that Yuan Ye feels that some team members have been reduced under him, which is a serious dereliction of duty on his part.

People's safety is the most important thing, this is the philosophy he has always adhered to.

On the other side, the A-112 Luanniao-class Nantian ship.

There was a scream, and more than a dozen team members fell into the sea one after another.

Let out a shrill scream.

Each living person gradually became charred black in the sea, and finally turned into powder!

The chief officer of A-112 was still roaring on the ship.

"! What's going on!"

"! Oh, help me!"

The scene is shocking.

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