My Achievements are a bit Abstract

Chapter 80 A new world is in sight [15 more chapters, first order requested! ! 】

In a short period of time, there were already more than ten casualties on the A-112 ship. The captain of the A-112 formation was also confused. He was anxious and angry, unable to issue effective instructions.

I'm afraid that in a short while, if the situation cannot be effectively controlled,

"What a stupid person. He has never had any respect for the virtual realm. Little does he know that this is just the tip of the terrifying iceberg of the virtual realm. Zhentiansi is so ridiculous, a bunch of hawks and dogs!"

However, not far away, there was a large ship floating, standing quietly amidst the chaos, neither coming to help nor making any reaction.

"Miss. Do you want to save someone?"

"Save what? What use can they have? Are we on one side?"

A group of men and women with different looks and clothes, not even uniform, quietly looked at the chaos of the A-112 Luan Bird ship in the distance on the deck with various postures.

If it wasn't the Thirteen Families under the Feixia who had a conflict with Yuan Ye S-168 before the virtual realm, then who were they?

At this moment, they were sitting or lying on the deck, seemingly in no order, but in this virtual environment, they seemed very stable, and there was no chaos at all.

"Miss. Wise!"

The person talking on the side was none other than Huang Mao.

At this moment, Huang Mao had a lot of bandages wrapped around his head and body, and he was speaking with a hint of wind. Looking at the large ship in the distance, there was a trace of sullenness in his eyes.

"Indeed, the hawks and dogs of the Zhentian Division should all die!"


Gong Xi Zhilan also nodded in agreement. At the same time, when she thought of a certain person's appearance, her tone of voice began to become gritted: "Especially that bitch! Hiss——"

Her face still hurt when she thought of that person.

This time the force is neither light nor heavy.

"But fortunately, they probably don't have too much information about this virtual realm."

Gong Xi Zhilan's beautiful eyes flashed and she looked at Zhang Wuya who was standing aside: "Now, you can take out the things Ouyang Yu gave you."

"Okay." Zhang Wuya nodded quickly after realizing it, and immediately took out something from his arms with a flattering look on his face.

"Here you go!" Zhang Wuya handed it out with both hands.

Gong Xi Zhilan took it without any politeness and then looked at it carefully.

It was a small box. The material could not be seen clearly. It looked like gold, iron, or wood. It shone with a warm luster in her hand.

Gong Xi Zhilan also showed a trace of greed in her expression.

The Jisheng Society is like a wolf and a tiger, extremely unstable. Cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. Naturally, she is very clear about this and understands the risks involved.

And it is also clear that once this matter is discovered by the authorities, their end may be tragic.

So it comes with a lot of risk.

But they still chose to cooperate with Jishengshe, even if they were involved in the game, they would not hesitate.

As long as that idea can be achieved, even if they are forced into the game by Zhentiansi now, they will definitely regret it in the future.

The situation may even be completely reversed.

They have great intentions.

Not many people know what the virtual realm means yet, and more people just regard it as a treasure land where they can gain opportunities.

They even learned some vague information through fragments of some ancient books.

But even the slim message is full of information.

"Now, let me let you laugh for a while." Gong Xizhilan sneered.

When their plan is accomplished, the humiliation and injustice suffered today will definitely be repaid twice as much.

Especially, that one with hair in his mouth! !

When she thought of the man holding her head and rubbing it crazily on the ground, her silver teeth almost broke.

You deserve to be bullied like this! You deserve to die!

How much hatred is this, even if he doesn't hesitate to have his military merit deducted, he wants to take revenge on her like this.

"Now, hurry up and find the fragmented island! If the records are correct, this must be the former residence of that clan!"

The disappearing clan! The true secret of the extraordinary era!

Gong Xi Zhilan said seriously: "Remember, we have only one goal!"

"Heart of the Void Realm!" Huang Mao nodded affirmatively.

The other members of the Thirteen Families also showed firm eyes.

Gong Xizhilan opened the box with a click.

Inside the box, there is a simple compass!

Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui respectively correspond to the eight directions, and there is a pointer in the center.

At this moment, the direction pointed by the pointer is surprisingly the correct direction among the eight directions.

The left side is the direction corresponding to [Kan].

"Heading here, move forward at full speed to find the new world of the Heart of the Void. In sight, we will also stand completely on the dome of this era!"


"The dome of the times!"

Everyone cheered and abandoned the A-112 that was in chaos not far away.

The Nantian ship began to move forward at full speed.

Gong Xi Zhilan's eyes were full of magnificent things.

They have more information and more advantages. What follows is the truly magnificent aspect of this era.

Zhang Wuya couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

see it? Yuan Ye, Li Qihe.

I, Zhang Wuya, am the darling of the times. I have found the right direction.

On the S-168 Xuannv ship.

Everything returned to normal and the formation began to operate in an orderly manner.

Those responsible for security patrols patrolled the deck in an orderly manner, while those responsible for ship operations performed their own jobs in the control area.

The team members responsible for other matters also found their positions one after another.

It's just that everyone's interest is not high, it can even be said to be heavy.

Wang Erzhu, who fell into the water, has been sent to the medical cabin for treatment. His condition is already known to all the team members.

In the following days, a lottery rotation model will be adopted.

Under normal circumstances, if you are in an upside-down situation, the injury will become more serious the more you treat it, for example, if the bleeding stops, the blood will surge instead.

Injection of sedative drugs can trigger symptoms of mania and epilepsy.

The more painkillers I take, the more painful it becomes.

Adrenaline injection caused cardiac arrest, causing shock.

Therefore, someone must guard it 24 hours a day, and use their own spiritual energy to output it and wrap it around the second pillar.

Only within the envelope of this spiritual energy group could Wang Erzhu receive normal treatment.

And during the healing process, treatment is not over until the injury stabilizes, and it must continue.

In other words, at least, it must last until Wang Erzhu's injury is stable.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

But the only problem is that I can't choose the person who can stabilize the injury.

It's not that someone can't be drawn, the order of eight people has been drawn, and the team members are very willing.

After all, it was to save their comrades, so they were naturally willing.

But the problem was that when Yuan Ye let go of the spiritual energy group and planned to let the team members come up to take over, a problem occurred.

They were unable to effectively gather the spiritual energy into a group, and the gathered spiritual energy was scattered, even if they tried their best.

So no one can take over now, it can only be maintained by Yuan Ye himself.

(First update, please order first!!)

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