Immediately, some team members panicked, and the shouting made Yuan Ye's eardrums vibrate.

"What are you yelling about?" Yuan Ye immediately frowned and began to educate: "As people facing crises, we must stay calm. No matter what we face, we should always stay rational. What's the big deal? What? I was shocked!"

It was so exaggerated that it shocked him.

"There is no one in this virtual realm. It is an abandoned virtual realm. The original inhabitants have long been gone. What is left is only a few miscellaneous ruins, and there are some strange dangers."

Then Yuan Ye looked over with disdain.

He wanted to see what the big deal was.


"Fuck me!"

For a moment, Yuan Ye was stunned.

Everyone was stunned.

Yuan Ye quickly covered his mouth.

But it was too late. Just now, everyone was quietly listening to Yuan Ye's sermon. His voice was quite loud, and it was particularly bright in the empty control room, and even had a little echo.

The eyes of many team members began to become enlightened.


It turns out that the captain is a human being too.

People will let down their guard and relax sometimes.

This virtual world is like this. If you don't pay attention to anything at any time and don't act in a specific way, then everything will be the opposite.

It's over.

This was Yuan Ye's first thought.

Some teammates have died before. As the captain, he is now the person who is familiar with the rules of the virtual world the fastest and the smoothest.

Logically speaking, this virtual realm has little impact on him.

But he actually made such a stupid mistake.

No, we can’t stay!

Yuan Ye's eyes immediately flashed, revealing a thick red light, which contained a lot of murderous intent, and he looked at his brothers and subordinates.

In an instant, everyone shuddered.

"Captain, we didn't hear anything just now."

The main controller stood up tremblingly and raised his hand.

"Did you really hear nothing?" Yuan Ye's smile was very dangerous.

"Didn't there just be a wave of strong radiation that hit us? We were all affected. It's a pity that we didn't hear what you said, captain."

The team members spoke smoothly and directly used Reiki.

Yuan Ye looked at the others.

"Yes, yes! That's right!!"

The other team members also nodded wildly.

Yuan Ye just snorted.

In fact, I don't blame him. The main thing is that what I saw was really shocking.

Ignore these episodes, after all, it is now, and everyone can understand some small mistakes that are easy to happen in this virtual realm.

For example, inverted sentences.

Yuan Ye just wanted to say 'f*ck' for the first time.

Because what I saw was really ‘f*ck’, and it was very worthy of this exclamation.

At this moment, in the control room, half of the room can see the transparent glass-like observation area outside. Even half of the ceiling is transparent, and you can see an extremely spectacular scene.

A bright red blood sun hung in the sky, as if soaked in blood. The red was pure and dull, and the whole world came into view with a bleak blood color.

Directly in front of them was an isolated island in the sea.

This island is so big that you can't even see the end of it at a glance. It's obviously that kind of large island.

Moreover, the overall terrain is very steep. A mountain peak is the main body of the island. This mountain is like pulling onions on dry land. It reaches directly into the sky. It is like a razor-sharp iron tip. It is very sharp and steep, comparable to the steepest mountain peaks.

This kind of mountain peak looks like it cannot be conquered by human power.

But this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that there are countless buildings built on the mountain top.

These eye-catching buildings are extremely simple in shape, and even through the screen in the control room, you can still feel the accumulation of time.

If I really had to find an adjective, it would probably be that the Jade Tower shines brightly with golden towers, the throne hangs high in the purple sky, the jade pavilion reflects the morning glow, and the pearl curtains and green curtains are painted with divine horses.

It turned out to be a continuous group of palaces, and the style was very consistent with Hanxia's aesthetics and style.

"How could such a building appear here?" Yuan Ye was confused and looked at Xie Ying: "Didn't you think this thing was built by those extraordinary powers before the mass extinction of species?"

There were probably no human beings at that time, they were all intelligent races hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago.

It has nothing to do with them humans at all.

Why does this still happen now?

These architectural techniques are also very clever. All the buildings are built on top of the steep mountain peak that reaches into the sky, row upon row.

It is the traces of time that make these buildings look a bit dilapidated and have a desolate and primitive feeling.

Their Nantian Ship also looked unusually small below, unable to compare with this magnificent scene.

"You ask me who should I ask?" Xie Ying was also stunned: "I really can't do it!"

According to assumptions, indeed, there will definitely be traces of those strange races that have survived in the virtual realm, and they will definitely have little to do with them humans.

Maybe before the mass extinction, people's technology was already ten thousand times more advanced than today's humans.

You don’t know how long it has existed or how long it has developed.

So it is very reasonable to discover anything, even discovering a cyber city is very reasonable.

However, now there has been a series of palace complexes that fit Hanxia's aesthetics.

In fact, they blood heirs don’t know much.

"Do you want to go down?" Xie Ying asked.

"Down!" Yuan Ye said immediately.

Ever since they arrived at their destination, the feeling of being inspired by him and calling him became more and more exciting.

He could clearly feel that something was calling him inside.

After the order was given, everyone, except those who stayed on the ship, were all geared up and ready to set off.

Six of the more than ten light mechas fixed on the devices on the deck were also operated, each controlled by team members who had learned the system.

These mechas are made of spiritual energy materials and have extremely high strength.

Yuan Ye stood in front of everyone and took a deep breath.

"We are about to face the unknown of the virtual world for the first time. There may be more unknown dangers in the traces left by the strange races. Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" the team members replied loudly.

"Are you ready to disembark?"

"Let's disembark!" The team members responded with their spiritual energy: "Always be ready!"

"Very good." Yuan Ye nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go!"

After that, he jumped up and jumped off the Nantian Ship first, landing on the island with a 'snap'.

Then, all the team members followed and fell down.

At this moment, they could finally clearly feel how shocking everything on this island was.

First of all, what comes into view is a stone tablet.

Engraved on it are extremely mysterious square characters.

Every stroke is very primitive, and the most shocking thing is.

He can actually understand it!

These words were very complicated, even millions of times more complicated than traditional Chinese characters. Although he couldn't understand them individually, but when combined, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Tao Palace?"

(There will be another chapter later. My legs are covered with plaster. Now it takes half an hour to get home from the gate of the community, because I can only move a little bit. I live alone, so it took me until now to get home to write. .)

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