My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and five, route change

"Mr. Xia, here!"

Seeing Liang Mengsong standing at the door of the factory office building not far away and waving vigorously to him, Xia Jingxing ran over as if he had seen a savior.

A large group of reporters behind him also wanted to rush into the office building, but were blocked by a dense human wall formed by a large group of security guards.

The reporters tried to rush in a few times, but they found that the tough security guards were like rocks on the coast, unable to move, so the reporters had no choice but to leave angrily.

Seeing Xia Jingxing loosening his collar buttons and breathing heavily, Liang Mengsong secretly felt funny. He asked someone to bring him mineral water and started joking with Xia Jingxing.


"Hahaha~, I've made my debut now, right? I'm an all-rounder who can hit the ground running."

Xia Jingxing replied while wiping the sweat from his forehead. Then he unscrewed the mineral water bottle and took a big gulp. He felt that his body immediately felt much better.

These reporters were also very professional. They chased him for maybe half a mile, looking like they would never give up.

Listening to the boss's humorous words, Liang Mengsong couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Xia Jingxing and Fuxing Semiconductor receiving so much attention from the media, he felt proud. This at least meant that their work in the past year had been recognized to a certain extent.

At this time, a large group of shareholders including Chen Hong, Deng Feng, Zhu Min, and others were walking towards the office building talking and laughing.

After a group of people approached, Chen Hong smiled and patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder, "It's good to be young. With my old bones, I definitely wouldn't be able to escape such a large encirclement."

Deng Feng also gave Xia Jingxing a thumbs up, "Jing Xing, with your explosive sprinting ability, it would be a pity not to participate in the Olympics."

Others also joked. They had just seen the scene of reporters chasing Xia Jingxing, and they couldn't help laughing on the spot.

"Boss, brothers and sisters, please stop teasing me. I'm thinking of having a meeting later, so I can't keep spending time with reporters."

Zhu Min's heart moved and she asked: "Jing Xing, what you just said about joining the Fortune Global 500 in ten years shocked me. Are you serious?"

Hearing this, other shareholders turned their attention to Xia Jingxing, and everyone was very concerned about this matter.

Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment, then suddenly sighed. Just when others thought he was about to introduce, he said, "Let's talk about it in the meeting later!"

Everyone laughed dumbly, which whetted their appetites, but they were not in a hurry to understand it now. Xia Jingxing would naturally give them a reasonable explanation at the meeting later.

A group of people stood at the door for a while, then gathered Deng Yuanjun, Li Guangnan and others, and were led upstairs to the conference room by Liang Mengsong.

After everyone sat down one by one, Xia Jingxing did not chair the meeting in person, leaving it to Liang Mengsong.

"The equipment for the first production line of Fuxing Semiconductor's Magic City Factory has been installed and put into production today..."

Liang Mengsong first briefly introduced the company's development, which was similar to what he said in front of the media and employees, and was good news.

Then he talked about the bad news, or some objective problems.

Because all the people present were shareholders and group representatives, there was no need to avoid things that would dampen morale or undermine confidence.

“We plan to officially enter the operation stage next month, which means that the pot is ready, and the next step is to put the rice in the pot, which is the order.

HiSilicon and Spreadtrum plan to hand over some of their 90nm product orders to us for OEM. This part of the order is not enough to allow the No. 1 production line of the Modu Factory to operate at full capacity, which means that some of the production capacity is idle. "

Hearing this, someone turned their attention to Xia Jingxing. Didn't you say that orders are in short supply?

Xia Jingxing replied without blushing: "This is an extremely normal phenomenon, there is no way it would be able to operate at full capacity as soon as it starts.

The 90nm chip has just been tape-out and is in the technical verification stage.

After passing the certification of HiSilicon and Spreadtrum, mass production will not start until the process is confirmed to be mature.

In addition to these two Chinese companies, Renaissance Semiconductor has also contacted many international manufacturers this year.

However, due to Fuxing Semiconductor's lack of reputation and technical strength that has not been recognized by the industry for the time being, many potential cooperative manufacturers are still waiting and watching.

Therefore, our short-term task is to successfully put orders for HiSilicon and Spreadtrum into large-scale production, win the trust of the two partners, and win initial recognition from the industry. "

Hearing this, many people present nodded unconsciously, not only in the chip manufacturing industry, but also in other industries. Why should you, a new company that has just emerged, trust you and give you an order?

Xia Jingxing continued: "Fuxing Industrial Holding Group's home appliance chip design, such as Skyworth's video codec chip, is being jointly developed with HiSilicon;

Companies invested by Fuxing Industrial, such as Spreadtrum's baseband chips and radio frequency chips, Ingenic's main CPU chips, Vimicro's network camera processing chips, etc., are all potential customers of Fuxing Semiconductor.

Of course, potential customers naturally include the revival of mobile phone chips that currently seem to have the greatest market potential.

However, Fuxing Semiconductor is not yet able to accept orders for Fuxing mobile phone chips. We are currently entrusting Samsung to design and manufacture them for us.

However, Fuxing Semiconductor has established a chip design center in Silicon Valley, USA. We believe that in the near future, Fuxing Mobile phones will be able to use mobile phone processor chips that we design and manufacture ourselves. "

Everyone present was silently thinking that Xia Jingxing's words had actually outlined the future development blueprint of Fuxing Semiconductor.

The huge industries under the Fuxing Industrial Group, such as mobile phones, home appliances, drones, and automobiles, all have huge demand for chips. Design and manufacturing orders can all work towards self-sufficiency, which means giving the business to its brother company Fuxing Semiconductors do it.

It is not necessary to completely eliminate the introduction of external chip supply chains, but the most important chip components, components related to product performance, such as mobile phone processors, must be self-developed and can only be rest assured if they are in your own hands.

Just by digesting this part of the group's internal orders, Fuxing Semiconductor can live a prosperous life.

In addition, Fuxing Industrial Fund has also invested in a large number of external chip design companies, such as Spreadtrum, Ingenic, etc. These are also customers that Fuxing Semiconductor can win over.

Relatively speaking, these companies "invested and influenced by Fuxing Industrial" are definitely not as stable as other subsidiaries and business groups of Fuxing Industrial.

But after all, we all have a bit of love. Under the same conditions, we should give priority to cooperation with Fuxing Semiconductor, right?

Thinking about it this way, everyone found that what Xia Jingxing just said in front of the media that "orders are in short supply" was really not an exaggeration. It was because Fuxing Semiconductor was not very successful yet and could not digest the various resources at the group's disposal.

Chen Hong asked: "Fuxing Semiconductor has set up a chip design center in Silicon Valley. Will it set up a similar department in China next?"

If established, Fuxing Semiconductor can change from a Foundry (foundry) model to an IDM model that integrates multiple industry chain links such as chip design, chip manufacturing, chip packaging and testing. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "Yes, we used to follow the route of Gulf Electric and Huaxin International, but now we have changed to the route of Samsung and Intel.

The reason does not need to be explained too much. The foundry model was created and carried forward by Zhang Zhong of Taiwan Electronics. This model only needs to focus all the energy on the "manufacturing" link, concentrate on doing one thing, and become the world's No. 1 manufacturer. The position of one is also amazing.

Samsung and Intel have always insisted on an IDM model that is more bloated, has a larger investment scale, and has a lower return on capital. This is because they have industrial groups under their banners and have the strength to support them. Why should they give up the fat? "

Chen Hong smiled and said: "Then do you think Fuxing Industry has the strength to support it now?"

Xia Jingxing was not careless and answered sincerely, "We are still a bit weak now. Many of our industries are still in the growth stage. Take the best-developed Fuxing mobile phone as an example. Last year, the sales volume was only over 200 units." Thousands of people.

When the annual sales volume reaches tens of millions of units, it can be called the mature stage of the business.

But obviously it is impossible for us to lay out the semiconductor business at that time.

Because before you have finished the layout, the industry status and market share of mobile phones have fallen because you have no technology and cannot deal with fierce business competition and various political factors. "

Chen Hong smiled and nodded, "I'm just asking, I support both the foundry model and IDM, but we are all small shareholders and don't have that much money to support the development of Fuxing Semiconductor. The pressure you face may be Be bigger.”

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Hasn't the Fuxing Industrial Fund started to be established? The first phase of the fund has been raised and everything has begun to operate.

After the follow-up funds of more than 90 billion yuan are in place, at worst, we can invest more in Fuxing Semiconductor.

After surviving a difficult period, the situation will definitely gradually get better. "

Chen Hong nodded and smiled and said no more.

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