My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and fifty, Hong Kong Island folding

"Revealing the secret of the grudge between Li Huangtai and Xia Jingxing, it turned out to be over a woman" - Apple News.

"Xia Jingxing: Ms. Zhou Xuan tried to throw the check in my face, but also asked me to discount Facebook's valuation! The Li family is so majestic! 》——Shengbao.

"Li Yikai scolded Xia Jingxing for having muddy legs: He didn't even wash off the mud on his legs" - Sing Tao Daily.

Xia Jingxing put his legs on the desk and lay back on the chair in a comfortable position, listening to Liu Xiaoduo read the titles of various newspapers and periodicals he bought.

After reading for a while, Liu Xiaoduo suddenly threw the newspaper on the table angrily.

"Read it, why don't you read it?"


If you continue to read it, people will be angry to death. People who don’t know it would think that you and Li Huangtai are jealous over an old woman? "

Liu Xiaoduo crossed her arms and had a cold face. It was clearly Xia Jingxing who was "humiliated", but she looked unhappy.

Seeing her acting like a little doormat, Xia Jingxing couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, don't be angry, you can't do it! The Hong Kong media likes this kind of tone. If it weren't for my and Li Huangtai's status, there might be even more exaggerated ones."

"More exaggerated?" Liu Xiaoduo was very surprised, because she felt that this was already unethical enough.

Xia Jingxing sneered and said: "Yes, public opinion is free, so there will naturally be no lower limit for news that attracts eyeballs and attention. I remember that there was a celebrity whose daughter was tortured by them. They have done so many evil things. ”

Liu Xiaoduo stopped talking completely, feeling an indescribable sense of loss in his heart.

She has followed Xia Jingxing to Hong Kong Island so many times. The aura of the Pearl of the Orient created by Hong Kong movies in the 1980s and 1990s is fading little by little, and everything on Hong Kong Island does not seem to be as beautiful as she imagined.

"Okay, you go down and do your work first, I'm going to start working."

Liu Xiaoduo said "Oh", picked up a few stacks of newspapers on the table and left.

Xia Jingxing was the only one left in the office.

He turned on his computer, logged into Facebook, set the region to Hong Kong Island, and then started browsing local information.

Soon, he found an article on a public homepage account that had been forwarded thousands of times.

The title of the article is very eye-catching, it is called "Counting the evils of the Li family in Hong Kong Island".

Xia Jingxing glanced at the title and skipped it, then began to read the text with relish.

"The king of plastic grass, Li Huangtai, relied on his wife to start his business. Later, he was willing to work as a dog for the foreign consortium. He obtained the assets left behind by his master after he transferred his headquarters at a low price. At the same time, he reached a number of secret agreements with the master behind the scenes..."

"For his own selfish interests, he strongly opposed and slandered the apartment construction plan, leaving residents without a house. Today's young people are helpless in the face of high housing prices and dare not get married or have children..."

"He was afraid that the interests of his port would be damaged, and he opposed the construction plan of the Lingdingyang Bridge, which was beneficial to the city and society. At the same time, he also sent people to threaten the sponsors of the construction of the bridge..."

"The Yangcheng Tundi has not been developed for up to 13 years, and the Jingcheng Tundi has not been developed for up to 15 years. Last year, Guancheng issued a fine of 79.15 million yuan to Huanghe Industrial on the grounds that the land had been idle for 95 months. The first shot was fired to expel Li Huangtai..."

“In January this year, the Mainland issued a notice from the Government Affairs Council on promoting economical land use, reaffirming that if land has been idle for two years and should be recovered without compensation according to law, it will be recovered without compensation.

The good days of Li Huang Tai are coming to an end!

A large amount of land acquired by Huanghe Industrial and Lai Kee Whampoa at low prices in the early years in the mainland has been idle for more than two years, ranging from four to five years to more than ten years.

According to relevant regulations, a large amount of land owned by the two companies should be recycled free of charge!

The consequence of losing the mainland market is that Huanghe Industrial and Lai Kee Whampoa will no longer be able to secure their leading positions in real estate on Hong Kong Island, and their revenue, profits, and market value will all experience huge declines. "

Xia Jingxing smiled knowingly. Huang Shengguo arranged for someone to write this appeal. He spent a lot of thought and research on it.

Li Huangtai's various shady business operations over the past few decades have been uncovered one by one, and a large amount of evidence has also been cited.

Precisely because the information and arguments are too detailed, the cowardly Hong Kong media dare not publish it, even if they pay for it!

These media usually just play around with things and make fun of the rich.

When it comes to news that threatens the major industries of the rich, even if they have the courage, they would not dare to publish it.

The small bosses behind these media were wary of Li Huangtai's strength and influence in Hong Kong Island. Huang Shengguo had no choice but to ask Xia Jingxing for help, hoping to use Facebook's network influence to help publicity and exposure.

Since it is a short-selling operation, naturally all kinds of means to attack opponents must be used, including public opinion building.

Huang Shengguo originally proposed to let Xia Jingxing use his own energy to issue a few fines or recycle a few pieces of land owned by Huanghe Industrial and Lai Kee Whampoa in the mainland to create greater influence on public opinion.

But Xia Jingxing didn't have that much energy. He could only say hello to Kristina and ask her to take special care of Li Huangtai.

After several years of development in Hong Kong Island, Facebook already has 2 million users in this city with a population of only 7 million.

In other words, Facebook has actually become the largest media in Hong Kong Island, but it just doesn’t show off on weekdays.

The only time my strength was exposed was at Teacher Chen’s photography exhibition at the beginning of the year.

At that time, all major paper media stopped publishing, but Facebook was still rapidly spreading cultural and artistic photos.

Xia Jingxing continued to read the article. In addition to Li Huangtai, his son Li Yikai's various "sexy operations" over the years were also exposed.

Including Hong Kong Island's Silicon Valley turned into a real estate project, No. 8 caused retail investors to lose 95%, etc.

Needless to say, this article is really well written.

At least after reading the full text of Xia Jingxing, the Li family and his son gave him the impression that they were the kind of rotten people who had sores on their heads and pus on their feet.

I just don’t know what other local residents think.

So he started looking through some comments on Facebook.

"Oh, sprinkle water. The rich people in Hong Kong are all virtuous. As long as they can make money, who cares about means? Everyone, just go to bed! Get up early tomorrow and buy a Mark Six lottery. It's another day full of hope!"

"Well written! The reason why we can't afford a house is because of these leeches."

"Listening to the tone of the author of the article, the stock prices of Li Kee Whampoa and Huanghe Industrial will soon plummet? Then shouldn't I be out of the game as soon as possible?"

"I'm so desperate! If the apartment had been built back then, housing prices would have fallen a long time ago. Your grandpa and I would have gone to the rooftop in the morning, and the grass on the graves would have been several feet high by now!"

"Throw your nuts! Of the 500,000 people who took to the streets back then, I'm afraid you were the only one!"

"I got on the bus late, who can I blame?"

Xia Jingxing frowned. The comment was not a one-sided criticism of Li Huangtai, but a quarrel in the crooked building.

Some people don’t hate Li Huangtai, but why housing prices don’t rise higher?

The psychology of this group of people is actually easy to understand, because they belong to those with vested interests.

Hong Kong Island is divided into three categories of people, the rich, the middle class and the poor who live in subdivided housing.

The first two do not hate the high housing prices. Only those who cannot afford a house want housing prices to plummet, or rents to plummet.

In addition, this city is a money society and worships the rich very much.

Regardless of where the money comes from, money deserves respect, and values ​​are somewhat distorted.

That's why there are so many people in the comment section of this article who don't feel empathy, and even praise Li Huangtai for his good way of making money.

Xia Jingxing felt that most of the soldiers and horses arranged would not have much effect, because people were already numb and were just muddle along.

The real estate tycoons who attended the party that day also left a deep impression on him. Without exception, they all regarded real estate as a kind of belief.

Anyone who dares to say that real estate is not good is the public enemy.

Xia Jingxing sighed and turned to look out the window.

It was getting dark at this time, and the night view of Victoria Harbor was just starting to shine brightly.

Not far away, you can also see luxury yachts starting to sail out from the pier, starting a feasting nightlife.

In the direction of the subway entrance, the flow of people during rush hour rushes into the belly of the monster with its big mouth like a bursting embankment, and every tired body is swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

This is a dream city for rich people, and a besieged city where poor people as humble as dust struggle to survive. It is like a folded world.

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