My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and sixty-seven, more wealth and more than 100 million

Xia Jingxing discussed with Paulson and Soros for a long time and reached a strategic alliance plan in which "the three funds join forces to do long gold and jointly promote the rise of gold prices."

In fact, even if the three funds do not join forces, in the long run, the price of gold will still rise as it should. After all, the general trend is there.

However, the three funds are relatively large, and if they join forces, the price can rise faster.

Even in some short-term operations, large funds can also perform some fancy operations, such as giving small funds short or long positions a head-on critical attack, and then backhand short or long positions.

Xia Jingxing only discussed a general framework for cooperation with the two of them. The specific cooperation plan still requires further consultation and filling in by the following teams.

In addition, as a large number of short positions were liquidated and profits were withdrawn, Vision Capital also needed some time to count the spoils of the second phase of the subprime mortgage crisis, sort out the internal team, and redefine the strategic direction.

In short, cooperation matters should not be rushed and should be carried out in an orderly manner.

At noon, everyone gathered together to have lunch.

After the meal, Xia Jingxing sat for a while, then took Ivanka and left.

After walking out of the villa and getting into the car, Ivanka excitedly took Xia Jingxing's arm and kept rubbing her with the ball.

"Darren, are we going to see a house in Greenwich next? I just visited the whole peninsula with Jenny. The surrounding scenery is so beautiful, like a painting. I am so happy to live here. ah!"

"Looking at a house?"

Xia Jingxing deliberately pretended not to understand and frowned: "Isn't it comfortable to live in a large flat-floor apartment in Central Park?

Is it because the living room with a large corner facing 270 degrees from three sides has too much lighting and dazzles the eyes? Or is it too poetic and picturesque to lie in the bathtub, drink red wine and watch the sunset over the Hudson River, which can easily lead to a slight feeling of sadness? "

Ivanka rolled her eyes.

She didn't know how to respond to what he said, so she could only give Xia Jingxing a look and let him understand it silently.

Xia Jingxing gently patted Ivanka's smooth and delicate little hand, then pointed out the window and said earnestly: "Look carefully, the environment here is really too spacious, and there is no privacy at all.

If one day we swim together for a tandem, they buy a DJI drone and fly around the peninsula. Everything will be photographed, including your swimming style, whether your swimsuit fits, and how long you swim...all exposed to It's not good for the public.

As a foreigner, it doesn't matter to me. No matter how they comment, the swimming time may make many of them feel ashamed.

But you are a New York socialite! Your little sister may also laugh at your poor swimming skills, and you will be out of breath after swimming for only a few minutes.

Hey, I think that small forest is quite secluded, but there are a lot of mosquitoes. If you get into it, you'll probably be covered in mosquitoes..."

Ivanka's face turned red due to these frivolous remarks. She quickly put her hands on Xia Jingxing's shoulders and bit her ear and said, "Then when we are on the balcony... the drone can take pictures of everything! You are a liar and you lied to me. They said they would move the company here.”

"The company can't move here!"

Ivanka's reaction was very surprised, "Why?"

"I just asked Paulson that the Renaissance Medallion Fund team has prepared two sets of diesel generators and four thousand tons of diesel in their office in Greenwich!"

Four thousand tons? Ivanka was confused on the spot. She heard that Renaissance made money faster than a money printing machine. Could it be that she also had a side business... selling electricity?

"Don't think too much! Prepare generators and so much diesel to prevent power outages!"

Xia Jingxing said speechlessly: "Connecticut's power supply system often causes large-scale power outages due to aging circuits. Even if Greenwich is a wealthy area, power outages are common.

If we move the company here and there is a sudden power outage during the peak trading period, we will be completely blind.

Trading by phone? Then you won’t be crushed by other people’s computer trading? "

Xia Jingxing also didn't expect that the infrastructure of the famous fund town would be so stretched.

If this were placed in China, if a small town had an asset management scale of 300 to 400 billion US dollars, the power grid might have to build a dedicated transmission line for the small town.

Some electric power companies in the United States are privately funded, making money first and taking care of the overall situation.

Is it free to renovate aging lines? If a power company suffers operating losses and its stock price plummets, the executives' year-end bonuses will be wiped out, and their positions will not be guaranteed if they seriously miss out.

Therefore, the system determines the butt, and the butt determines the head.

Ivanka nodded lightly and stopped bothering to buy a house. She said very grandly: "Okay, I understand, forget it. If you move the company here and the fund loses billions of dollars due to power outage, don't you hate it?" Kill me!"

Xia Jingxing smiled, she was indeed a sensible daughter, she was sensible!

Seeing how sensible Ivanka was, Xia Jingxing decided to give her a surprise.

He just asked Paulson. The houses here are not expensive, and prices have dropped a lot to catch up with the subprime mortgage crisis. A peninsula manor villa covering an area of ​​5 acres and more than 20,000 square meters surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on three sides is priced at Just over ten million US dollars.

For him, this money may be just a few hours of work income.

The media estimated that Paulson earned $1.4 million an hour last year.

Will he be worse than Paulson?

Moreover, the media is exaggerating and reporting that making $1.4 million per hour actually refers to the Paulson Fund’s earning speed and the company’s income.

The data that really falls on Paulson personally is actually 30% of the fund's profits.

But he is different. Unlike ordinary hedge funds, Vision Capital's own funds account for a large proportion of the total asset management scale.



A few days later.

In the morning, Xia Jingxing got up, washed up, and came to the dining room.

The sensible Ivanka had already gotten up early and prepared a table of sumptuous breakfast.

Seeing Xia Jingxing walking out of the room, Ivanka pretended to be mysterious and brought a plate of food from the kitchen that was tightly covered with a lid.

"what is this?"

"you guess!"

Xia Jingxing guessed several answers in a row, and Ivanka shook her head gently.

"Forget it, you are too stupid, I will reveal the answer myself!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ivanka opened the lid with a smile, "This is the Chinese pastry I made - Xiao Long Bao!"

Xia Jingxing stared at the two square buns on the plate, shaped a bit like steamed buns and as big as Shoudao. Are these called Xiao Long Bao? Big meat bun, right?

Looking at these two "mini" buns and Ivanka's proud expression, he couldn't help but laugh.

He picked up a bun with chopsticks, turned it over and looked at it carefully, "Did you really make this? Can you make buns?"

"I specially went to Flushing to learn from a famous Chinese pastry chef. You should try it quickly."

Ivanka put her breasts on the table, then supported her chin with both hands, looking at Xia Jingxing expectantly.

Xia Jingxing dared to take a bite of the bun, and then he found that it was really a steamed bun, with a mouthful of skin but no filling.

Half of the buns were eaten, and he finally had some beef filling.

"Is it delicious? If it's delicious, I'll make it tomorrow."

When Ivanka saw Xia Jingxing almost destroying all the buns in one breath, she felt a little proud. She felt that she was indeed a genius. She had learned how to make Chinese pastries after only one day of training.

"Hiccup~, please let me slow down!"

Xia Jingxing was a little choked because the steamed bun was so strong that he had a hard time swallowing it.

He quickly grabbed the milk on the table and drank it wildly. After drinking a large glass, he finally felt that his esophagus was unobstructed and the feeling of pressure in his chest was gone.

"There's nothing wrong with the filling, it's just the bun skin... Well, you might as well take the other bun to the pastry chef in Flushing and let him try it for himself. Remember to ask him to prepare a glass of water next to it in advance, otherwise Press the phone number of the ambulance first..."

Ivanka heard Xia Jingxing's strange aura and turned away with an unhappy expression.

"I know the buns may not taste good, but you can't say that to me!

Today is my first day making steamed buns, and I will definitely continue to improve in the future.

Do you know that my hands are swollen from making dough? "

"Ah? Show me where the swelling is?" Xia Jingxing quickly stood up and walked to Ivanka's side.

Ivanka didn't want to talk to Xia Jingxing, so she shook off his hand on her shoulder.

She felt aggrieved. Chinese pastry making was so complicated and labor-intensive. She was willing to learn and try it, but Xia Jingxing didn't even say a word of praise or encouragement, which made her very sad.

At this time, a piece of paper suddenly fell from the sky, blocking Ivanka's sight.

She raised her hand to block it, but after seeing the words "Property Rights Transfer Letter" clearly, her hand froze in mid-air.

"Why are you standing there, take it! I've had people look for the Peninsula Villa that you've been dreaming about for many days, and this is the biggest one I can find."

Ivanka took the document, looked at it for a few times, and suddenly covered her mouth: "10 acres!"

"Yes, the area is larger and easier to renovate! I don't want the drone to take pictures that are not suitable for children."

Ivanka put down the documents in her hands and threw herself into Xia Jingxing's arms. Then she kissed him passionately, almost making Xia Jingxing breathless.

"Okay, okay, let's do another show tonight..."

Seeing Ivanka suddenly squatting down and starting to untie his belt, Xia Jingxing became anxious and quickly pressed her head and grabbed her restless hand, "Today's meeting is a bit important. It's not good to be late!"

After all, Xia Jingxing finally managed to persuade Ivanka and did not let her do whatever she wanted.

After carefully sorting out the wrinkles on Xia Jingxing's clothes, Ivanka sent him to the door, then winked at him: "I'll go buy some of your favorite clothes later, come back early. Home."

This is a lot of information!

Xia Jingxing frowned suddenly and couldn't help but put his hands on... his waist.

There are many skills without straining the body, and there are hundreds of millions of people without back pain.

A boy with more than 100 million yuan will not have a bad waist.

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