My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and eighty-five, successful rescue

A few days later.

In the morning, a convoy of several cars drove slowly towards the Huanghe Industrial Building.

As soon as the convoy reached the entrance of the underground parking lot, it was forced to stop by crowds of people emerging from all directions.

In a BMW 7 Series car located in the middle of the motorcade, the bodyguards looked at the human wall that was constantly gathering around and surrounding the car as if they were facing an enemy.

There are too many people to count!

All of them were wearing yellow vests and holding signs, and some were holding loudspeakers and shouting slogans.

“Everyone has a home!”

“Oppose the monopoly of the real estate market!”

"Li Wong Tai is attached to this city to drink blood and eat flesh, and has made no contribution to the economic development of Hong Kong Island!"

Looking at the ferocious-looking street performers outside the car window, the bodyguard was worried about his employer's safety and quickly turned to look at the back seat of the car.

Although he was greatly shocked and frightened in his heart, Li Huangtai was not an ordinary person after all, and his face always remained calm without panic at all.

He calmly waved his hand to the bodyguard, "Don't move the car, and don't get out of the car to conflict with these people. Notify Sir immediately and let them come and deal with it."

After receiving the order, the bodyguard looked around cautiously and quickly called the police office.

Li Huangtai bowed slightly, his head pressed against the 6-centimetre-thick bulletproof glass window coated with a layer of polycarbonate, and he looked gloomily at the crowd of performers outside.

In the crowd, a sign held high caught his attention.

The sign is very large, with a picture of a cartoon character with a big head and a small body posted on it.

Bald, black-rimmed glasses, wearing a suit...

Li Huangtai recognized it at a glance. It was a painting of himself.

When he saw the two thick fangs on the cartoon character's mouth, his eyes became colder.

Does this paint him as a vampire?

Li Huangtai suppressed the anger in his heart and thought quickly in his mind while sitting in the car waiting for rescue.

Soon, a person's name came to his mind.



The heads of the other three major real estate families also suffered the same fate as Li Huangtai.

Their cars were blocked by a dark group of people downstairs. They didn't dare to get out of the car, and they didn't dare to drive or crush the crowd casually.

When Sir arrived at the scene of each incident, the scene was already crowded. No less than a thousand street artists gathered at each place, and there were even more melon-eating passers-by watching the excitement.

At the same time, many reporters from TV stations and newspapers came to the scene.

These reporters are like sharks after seeing blood. They are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or beatings. They shuttle excitedly among the crowd and interview street art performers one after another.

"Due to the financial crisis, I unfortunately lost my job. Without income, I couldn't pay the mortgage, and my children still needed to go to school and there were elderly people to support, so I sold the house at a low price and lost a lot of down payment. , if the real estate market situation on Hong Kong Island does not change significantly in the future, it is likely that we will no longer be able to afford a house..."

"I'm thirty-five years old. I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for ten years, but I don't dare to get married because I don't have a house. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Every time I want to do that with my girlfriend... I can only go to a hotel to get a room. Because more than a dozen people in the family are crowded into a house of more than 20 square meters..."

"This city has no future. Young people who are under pressure from housing prices can't breathe. If we don't seize the time to make changes, our sons and grandsons will still suffer. Oh, that's wrong. There are no sons or grandsons. Young people can't even get married. , no descendants..."

After a large number of Sirs came to the scene, they were very polite and did not force them to leave. They just offered kind words and advice.

But no matter how Sir tried to persuade them, he could not persuade these street performers to leave.

Because it’s not time to get off work yet!

At this time, all the heads are hiding in the crowd and carefully observing everyone's performance. Those who are late and leave early will have their wages deducted.

And if you work hard, if you are interviewed by a reporter, published in a newspaper or on TV, your salary will be increased.



Thousands of street artists taking to the streets are no small thing.

Soon, relevant news reports came out, occupying the front pages of various newspapers.

Discussions quickly ignited on the Internet.

The high housing prices on Hong Kong Island itself are a tinderbox that will explode at the first touch.

On weekdays, everyone suppresses their emotions and lives numbly because they know that individual power cannot change the general trend of housing prices. At most, they can only moan a few words and still cannot afford to buy a house. It is better to go to work and make money.

But now there are thousands of people taking the lead in making trouble, and the commotion is so big that there is no time to discuss it.

Even if you don’t have the time or much interest to rush to the scene to support, it doesn’t take much effort to be a keyboard warrior online.

As the top wealthy families in Hong Kong Island, the four major real estate families are both envied and hated by the ordinary people. Now that they have the opportunity to make fun of and curse them, who can refuse this kind of trash can that comes to their door to vent the stress of life.

On this day, thousands of street artists confronted Sir offline for more than ten hours. It was not until evening that the crowd gradually dispersed.

Hundreds of thousands or even millions of keyboard warriors criticized the four major real estate families on Facebook and YouTube. The entire Hong Kong Island was as lively as the Chinese New Year today.

The offline street performance lasted for three days, with tens of thousands of performers, and millions of online viewers and comments.

The whole Hong Kong Island is paying close attention to this matter.

However, the four major real estate families did not respond in any way.

Except for successfully blocking the heads of the four major real estate families on the first day, these people behind them all learned the lesson and never showed up again.

The requests from the street artists were many, but reasonable.

For example, in order to cope with the impact of the financial crisis, it requires rent reduction and interest rate reduction, deferment of mortgage payments, the construction of more public housing, etc.

However, except for the response from the Hong Kong government, the four major real estate families have played deaf and dumb throughout the whole process.

The common people can at most scold them for being "unkind", but they can't do anything to these people.

Although the three-day street performance incident did not cause any substantial losses to the four major real estate families, it also successfully diverted public attention.

Compared with Xia Jingxing not taking over the mini-bonds, the four major real estate families, as locals, made their fortune from the city of Hong Kong Island and are extremely wealthy, but they have no intention of giving back to the society, which is undoubtedly more hateful.

After everyone scolded the real estate family for three days, they basically forgot about Xia Jingxing's decision not to take over the mini-bonds.

Even if there are still people who are still determined to set the pace online, they can hardly afford to spend much money.

Investors, including those in mini-bonds, also recognized the situation at this time.

Moral kidnapping has no effect.

If you have this energy, you might as well go to the bank entrance and make a fuss.

In the end, someone actually succeeded.

Several banks that were not deeply involved in the distribution of mini-bonds really couldn't stand the trouble. In addition, the losses were not large, so they simply reached a settlement agreement with investors for tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, saying that they could fully compensate investors for their losses, but investors could no longer You can no longer go to the bank entrance and interfere with the normal working order.

The compromises of these banks have deceived many teammates.

Naturally, other investors will follow the same example. They only need to focus on the banks that sell their products to them.

With the hope of getting their principal back, investors no longer hold on to Vision Capital.

The pressure of public opinion, moral kidnapping, condemnation, etc. faced by Envision Capital were suddenly wiped away, and life returned to its original state.

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