My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and eighty-nine, the sun is declining

After sending away many belts, Xia Jingxing took a flight to England that night.

I can’t stay in Hong Kong Island for the time being because there are too many people coming to beg for help.

In addition, he is a boy who doesn't know how to refuse others. No matter how much he has, he can't withstand this kind of serial exploitation of hundreds of millions or billions! Harmful!

The time in Hong Kong Island is 8 hours ahead of London. The distance between the two places is nearly 10,000 kilometers, and the flight time is about 10 hours.

Therefore, when Xia Jingxing arrived at London Heathrow Airport, it was also evening here.

Li Yaozu personally led a team to greet him at the airport and took them to a high-end hotel in Canary Wharf to stay.

Leaving all the chores to others, the two of them sat by the window of the hotel, looking at the night view of the Thames River downstairs, eating a sumptuous dinner and chatting at the same time.

“Aren’t the British authorities planning to lift the short-selling ban?”

Xia Jingxing raised his red wine glass and clinked the glasses with Li Yaozu. .

Li Yaozu took a sip of wine, then wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said with a smile: "There will definitely be no hope within this year. Now the people's livelihood in the entire UK is in decline and has been severely damaged by the financial crisis.

The car drove by just now, and you should have seen that there were no pedestrians on the street.

Canary Wharf, where we are located, is the busiest business district in London.

There are bars everywhere downstairs. On weekdays, the white-collar workers around here like to go to the bars to have a few drinks after work.

Now if you go around the bars, you will find that the business is bleak and there are basically no people around. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "If you don't lift it, don't lift it. Anyway, I got a lot of pounds."

Li Yaozu corrected: "To be exact, it's US dollars!"

Xia Jingxing burst out laughing, "Yes, I almost forgot. Your team did a great job this time. If it hadn't been for signing a large number of foreign exchange option contracts, the pound's plunge would have eroded our short-selling profits by seven to seventy percent." Eighty-eight.”

Li Yaozu adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said rather modestly: "Such a low-level mistake will definitely not be made. The British Empire has long been in decline, and the risk of currency depreciation must be guarded against.

Although the U.S. economy is also facing a severe recession, after all, it has hegemony and the U.S. dollar is still very strong. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Have you read the Hong Kong financial headlines the past two days? The Song family lost 14.7 billion Hong Kong dollars on the Australian dollar contract. The stock price fell by 80% in two days. Even the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission announced that it would intervene in the matter. .

The glory of the Song family, which has been prominent for three generations, may come to an end here. "

Li Yaozu sneered, "I saw the report, this thunder is indeed quite big.

As the financial director of the company, Song Zhijian's daughter had to bear the main responsibility. Not only did she fail to do a good risk assessment, but when the crisis initially emerged, she also failed to stop the loss in time and chose to fight to the end.

At the same time, there are also big problems with their information disclosure. Shareholders have never known that Huaxin Pacific is still making foreign exchange investments.

Now that such a big scandal has occurred, investors will definitely not pay for it. I think someone is preparing to file a lawsuit against the management headed by the Song family, suing them for defrauding investors.

In fact, since late July, there have been changes in the international currency market. The exchange rate of the Australian dollar against the US dollar has continued to fall, falling by more than 30% in three months.

Such a big fluctuation, the Song family's reaction is really confusing.

In addition, the Australian dollar contract they signed with the investment bank is also quite criticized. Under the best circumstances, CEFC Pacific can only earn more than 50 million U.S. dollars, but there is no upper limit on losses. Now it has lost more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. ?

I have briefly analyzed that it should be Citi, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank and other foreign banks that jointly took advantage of pricing advantages to make a move.

The foreign exchange contracts that Huaxin Pacific signed with them were completely out of proportion to the risks and returns.

If you are really professional enough, you should not sign such an unequal contract even if you want to use an Australian dollar contract to hedge the currency risk of a mining project. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly and said with a smile: "These foreign banks have been seriously injured this year and are bleeding. If we don't find a few rip-offs to make up for the losses, I'm afraid they won't survive Christmas this year.

Okay, let’s not talk about them, let’s talk about our GBP/USD contract. "

Li Yaozu Xiaohehui reported: “We and CEFC are going in the opposite direction, they are bullish on the Australian dollar against the US dollar, while we are bearish on the pound against the US dollar.

At the beginning of this year, according to the official exchange rate, 1 pound was worth 2 US dollars.

Yesterday, the GBP/USD exchange rate officially fell below 1.7 and dropped to 1.6589.

Looking at this, it will definitely fall again, probably to 1.5 or 1.4.

If after the contract expires, we execute the foreign exchange options contract at an exchange rate of 1.4, we only need to buy 10 billion pounds at the market price of 14 billion U.S. dollars, and then resell the 10 billion pounds to the opponent and accept the contract of 20 billion U.S. dollars they paid price, it can net a profit of US$6 billion. "

Xia Jingxing listened with a smile on his face. Soros did the same thing when he attacked the pound. He borrowed pounds, then suppressed the exchange rate of the pound, and finally converted them into US dollars to make a profit.

However, they did not take the initiative to suppress the pound. The pound itself experienced an exchange rate collapse due to the financial crisis. They just waited and waited.

"I remember that in November last year, the exchange rate of GBP/USD seemed to have reached a maximum of 2.1?"

Li Yaozu smiled and said: "Yes, the more accurate number is 2.111. In mid-July, the exchange rate was still at 2.002, and then it collapsed at about the same time as the Australian dollar."

Xia Jingxing took a sip of wine and said with joy, "It seems that the Empire on which the sun never sets is really going to die. With the exchange rate collapsing so badly, how long can we keep our capital?"

“In 1864, just a few years after the Old Summer Palace burned down, 1 pound at that time could be exchanged for 10 US dollars.

More than 140 years have passed and the exchange rate has continued to decline. Scholars in the UK call it a century of currency depreciation.

During World War I, 1 pound could still be exchanged for nearly 5 US dollars.

After World War II, the British Empire was quickly replaced by the United States as the leader. After the Bretton Woods System was established, the pound-to-dollar exchange rate jumped directly from 4.1 to 2.8.

I think in a few years, the exchange rate will be equal to one to one, and maybe even overtaken by the US dollar. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and waved his hand, "It's not that mysterious. The family fortune accumulated by our ancestors for hundreds of years should be able to survive for another few decades."

Li Yaozu smiled lightly: "No matter what, the decline of the old powers cannot be stopped.

Some Hong Kong Islanders are still focused on running here, but if they watch more news, they won't be so brainless.

The British keep saying that they are welcome to the free world, but I think it is just a matter of work, and the locals do not welcome them.

The unemployment rate is so serious, should they be allowed to come in and grab jobs? "

Xia Jingxing looked at Li Yaozu with a smile. If he kept talking, he would become an old prophet!

However, these views are not difficult to analyze.

As a qualified financial practitioner, you must learn to screen out investment opportunities from countless political, economic, social and other information around the world.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet.

And Li Yaozu is that duck.

"By the way, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley disclosed their short positions. How did the British authorities react?"

Li Yaozu said with a smile: "On the surface, the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) will definitely not intervene, but secretly it has interviewed the British heads of the two investment banks several times.

The implication behind the words is that we are all descendants of Angsa, so that’s pretty much it, don’t force me to be ruthless.

This really pisses me off. You two investment banks are banned from doing business in the UK.

The heads of the two investment banks then came to me to complain, hoping that I would convey their difficulties to you. "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and said, "Don't pay attention to them. If they really can't bear the pressure, they will never react like this.

Blankfein and Mack, the two bosses, didn't say anything. What could they be doing as regional leaders? "

Li Yaozu nodded slightly to express his understanding.

"However, Xia Sheng, the US's 700 billion bailout bill was finally passed after all the hard work, and the UK is also actively rescuing the market, so there should be little room for decline.

In addition, countries such as France, Germany, Italy, and Spain are also following some of the rescue policies of the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Paulson Fund also began to close its positions and retreat.

I think we can just call it a day. "

Xia Jingxing remained silent and thought silently in his heart.

After a moment, he said: "Then withdraw and find a new battlefield."

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