My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and ninety-six, thinking about retreat

After a group of short sellers who were shorting Volkswagen closed their positions with tears in their eyes and raised a white flag, Volkswagen's stock price dropped from 1,500 euros to below 900 euros the next day, leaving a huge gap on Volkswagen's weekly K-line chart. Upper shadow line.

At the same time, this also officially declared this epic and classic short-squeezing battle, and the bulls achieved a comprehensive victory.

However, this matter is not completely over!

After suffering such a big loss, who among more than a hundred short sellers would really be willing to do so?

They soon colluded and jointly filed a complaint with the German Financial Supervisory Authority and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, accusing the Porsche family of working together with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Vision Capital to manipulate Volkswagen's stock price and engage in insider trading.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the exchange also responded and stated that they would investigate the matter thoroughly.

Media throughout Europe and even the world are paying close attention to this matter and reporting on it in series.

It seems like there may be a reversal in this drama? This is the first reaction of people who eat melons.

Xia Jingxing knew very well that participating in such a major financial event would definitely have some sequelae, and he had been prepared accordingly. .

No matter whether these people wanted to file a lawsuit or find secretly help from all kinds of friends with powerful powers, he didn't panic at all.

Because he is not alone, all the powerful LPs of Vision Capital can get a lot of benefits from this short squeeze case. With the greed of these people, they will never take what they have eaten into their stomachs again. Spit out.

Compared with the silence and low-keyness of Vision Capital, the Porsche family is much tougher and more radical.

They issued an official response immediately, stating that all their operations in the stock market are compliant and legal, and you can check it at will!

If the HKMA rules that the short squeeze is illegal, then not only the Envision Capital family will suffer, but the Porsche family will also be ruined.

Therefore, dealing with the counterattack of short-selling forces is not the responsibility of Envision Capital alone.

Although Xia Jingxing stopped communicating with Wolfgang, the two companies still reached a tacit understanding in secret.

Xia Jingxing didn't take this matter too seriously and quickly ended his trip to Germany to watch the theater and returned to London.

Not long after he returned, Vision Capital’s London office received dozens of invitations.

Sitting in the spacious and bright office on the 49th floor of Canary Wharf Tower, Xia Jingxing put his legs on the desk, folded his hands in front of his chest, and listened with a smile to Liu Xiaoduo sitting in the reception chair opposite, writing letters one after another. Open and read the invitation letter.

"Dear Mr. Xia, we are the XX family office. We greatly admire Vision Capital's professional financial operations and hope to meet with you to discuss and cooperate..."

"We are reporters from the Financial Times. We hope Mr. Xia can take the time to attend our exclusive interview column..."

"On behalf of the Royal Bank of Scotland, I invite Mr. Xia to visit our company..."

As he listened, Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed.

As soon as he and Vision Capital became famous in Europe, all kinds of monsters and monsters jumped out.

There are those who want to invest in funds under Vision Capital, those who want to interview themselves or Li Yaozu, and those who want to receive investment from Vision Capital...

All of this is inseparable from the fact that Vision Capital has revealed its trump card.

Different from previous secret short-selling operations, Vision Capital went long to the public this time and made it public at the last minute.

Generally speaking, bulls are not as notorious as bears.

Even if it is a short squeeze, the massacre is of institutions with roughly equal status. It is not squeezing retail investors, nor does it disrupt the financial order in a real sense. It does not bring much notoriety and pressure from public opinion.

So he let Vision Capital surface for once.

It's good to make a fortune in silence, but if you want to use other people's money to make more money, and find more LPs with background and strength to get on board, the fund must maintain appropriate exposure.

In addition, there is a reasonable explanation for the reason why Vision Capital subsequently distributed a large amount of accounts to LP - it made money from the public.

Although Vision Capital's financial actions have always been quite confidential, the amount of funds and profits are too huge, and it is impossible for no news to spread.

For example, when an LP shows off its rate of return to others in private, others can basically infer the overall profitability of Vision Capital, and then follow the clues to figure out some specific operations of Vision Capital.

Vision Capital has shorted the whole world this year. Once it is all exposed, even if it does not suffer any punishment, it will still be in a lot of trouble. For example, every move may be watched by others.

Xia Jingxing himself did not want others to know his specific assets, control of funds, etc.

It makes people feel unpredictable. At the same time, instead of shooting, sneaking into the village is definitely the best thing.

With the public short squeeze as a cover, the possibility of exposure can be reduced.

The profit scale of several offices of Envision Capital is very large, but a large part of the funds is its own funds.

Even few people within Vision Capital are fully aware of these principal and profit conditions, let alone spreading them out.

If this part is subtracted, the overall profit scale of Envision Capital will be much smaller, which can just correspond to the profit scale of Volkswagen.

Even if it's still a little worse, it won't be so eye-catching.

Xia Jingxing did not intend to hide the truth forever. After all, even if there were no problems within Vision Capital, there was no guarantee that something would happen to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

He has always used and defended these two companies.

If it weren't for the purpose of increasing leverage, if it wasn't for the two companies to take the blame for short selling... he wouldn't have entrusted such confidential matters to the two companies.

Outsiders are always unreliable, especially with the ethics of the two investment banks. If Vision Capital turns against them in the future, or someone offers a higher price, Blankfein and Mack will definitely give Vision Capital to them without hesitation. sold.

Now he still needs to work hard to make money overseas, just like walking on a tightrope, he has to be careful every step, and at the same time, he needs to maintain the balance of power among all parties.

In short, I can hide it for a while.

At present, the economies of various countries are in recession, public dissatisfaction is boiling, and Vision Capital's global short selling has been exposed. It may be even worse than Paulson. Even if someone wants to protect them and keep them to continue to make money, they will consider doing this. Costs and Benefits.

When the economic situation improves, it will be better to bear the pressure of public opinion if it is exposed again than to face the gun now.

According to Abel's feedback, Como's mad dog has not given up its goal yet, and has been watching their every move, waiting for them to reveal their flaws.

Therefore, the closer you are to success, the more you need to maintain restraint and calmness.

Xia Jingxing thought carefully in his heart.

Now that Vision Capital's second wave of large-scale short-selling operations in response to the financial crisis has gradually come to an end, he must consider his options.

European and American countries have always been hostile to and wary of flower growers. This needs no elaboration.

At the same time, because he is not an authentic Jewish investor, he travels around the world in the name of "financial management on behalf of clients."

But as time goes by, or as the size increases, sooner or later someone will target you.

In other words, he is already being targeted, but he just doesn't know it.

Should we shrink the size of the fund?

The goal of being No. 1 in the world is too big and may not be a good thing.

Just when Xia Jingxing was thinking hard about the future of Vision Capital.

Liu Xiaoduo suddenly picked up an invitation and read: "Dear Mr. Xia, We are George Gillette and Tom Hicks, the two shareholders of Liverpool Football Club.

Although we have never met, we admire you very much.

Here, we would like to first congratulate Vision Capital on its victory in public that shocked the global financial community..."

Xia Jingxing had heard enough of this kind of flattery today.

Just when he was about to wave his hand to stop Liu Xiaoduo from continuing to read, the other party suddenly said: "Under the offensive of Jinyuan Football, the operation of the Premier League is becoming more and more difficult. We kindly ask Mr. Xia to meet with us to discuss financing cooperation. !”

Hearing the word "financing", Xia Jingxing was stunned for a moment, then reached out and took the invitation letter from Liu Xiaoduo's hand.

After he read through the text in the invitation letter again, he suddenly smiled and said: "Dahua, what do you think we buy a football club?"

"It doesn't seem to be of any use, right?"

Liu Xiaoduo frowned and said: "Our country's football is so bad, not many people like football."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Don't overturn a boatload of people with one pole, the women's football team is a hundred times better than the men's football team!

Besides, it’s not like we’re buying a domestic club, we’re buying a European giants team! "

Liu Xiaoduo thought for a few seconds, shook his head and said, "I don't understand football, so I can't give you any advice."

Xia Jingxing nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He looked down at the invitation letter. If he remembered correctly, Liverpool, a once wealthy team, was about to go bankrupt due to the two American owners who fans called the "bloody duo".

It won't be long before Liverpool will be put on the market by their creditors.

Do you want to buy the dip?

Under the financial crisis, 90% of the world's assets have experienced massive depreciation.

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