My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and five, you kid wants to go to heaven

After drawing a piece of cake for Xia Jingxing and giving some encouragement, Lou Wei started the planned beating again.

"You made a lot of money by shorting the Li family and the other three major real estate families on Hong Kong Island, right?"

Lou Wei looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face, but the latter did not think it was a compliment, but keenly sensed something was wrong.

So Xia Jingxing hurriedly replied: "During the outbreak of the financial crisis, listed companies around the world were plummeting. Short selling is also a market behavior."

“There’s no problem with short selling, but with so many people taking to the streets to perform, it’s a bit over the top!”

Lou Wei put away the smile on his face and looked at Xia Jingxing with a serious expression, "Some time ago, people from Hualian came to Beijing and said that you were misbehaving in Hong Kong Island, which caused a lot of complaints.

The leader blocked them back and said that we should be more tolerant of you. The international financial market has its own market rules. At the same time, he also warned us not to interfere with your "ideology" too much and tied your hands.

That's a lot of care for you!

But who would have thought that you could poke such a big hole with your back foot and think that no one would be able to find you if you hid in Europe? You underestimate the power of the state machine. "

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips and said nothing, but his mind was racing rapidly. .

He guessed that some of his actions some time ago might have fallen into the eyes of someone who was interested.

From this point of view, the higher authorities are still keeping a close eye on what is happening on Hong Kong Island, and all troubles and disturbances cannot be hidden from them.

But from Lou Wei's tone, he probably didn't mean to do anything to him.

Otherwise, how could he sit here? He would have been handcuffed when he got off the plane that day.

"If you are doing finance, do it well and don't interfere in other matters. You have to trust the officials. The officials will solve all the problems in that land."

Xia Jingxing did not defend himself. He knew that he had stepped over the line.

After only spending tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, the four major real estate families were collectively devastated. At that time, I felt quite happy.

But now we need to pay for these "arbitrary actions".

If I hadn't made some real contributions over the years, I might have been invited to tea.

Looking at Xia Jingxing who looked uneasy, Lou Wei felt a little funny in his heart. He was obviously a business tycoon, but sometimes he still did things without considering the pros and cons, just like a young boy.

But then again, isn't he just a young boy?

Not to mention the second eldest son of the Li family, he is nearly twenty years older than the young man in front of him and is even more ambitious.

Strictly speaking, Xia Jingxing was only retaliating in self-defense, not actively provoking.

And it didn't have much impact on public order. It might even make the furnace that was already boiling with resentment and about to explode deflate.

Therefore, those who should be tolerated should still be tolerated.

Likewise, those who deserve criticism must still be criticized.

Otherwise, if you do something outrageous next time, you won't be able to get over it so easily.

After harshly criticizing for a while, Lou Wei softened his tone and said: "Because you are young, you will inevitably fall into the trap of someone with malicious intentions. The above opinions are mainly criticism and education. I hope you will reflect on yourself.

If you offend again, you will be dealt with according to national laws and family rules! "

Xia Jingxing swallowed, knowing that he should have passed the test this time.

But it is indeed a bit outweighed by the gain, which is equivalent to the previous credit being offset by this fault.

It’s better to be less impulsive in the future. If you don’t get bitten by a dog, bite the dog once.

The Li family is all about to move, but I don't know how to move. I have to continue living here, so why bother with them?

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing bowed slightly to Lou Wei, "Mr. Lou, thank you for helping me."

Lou Wei waved his hands repeatedly, "Don't thank me, I don't have that much face."

As he spoke, Lou Wei pointed at the ceiling, and Xia Jingxing instantly understood that it turned out that someone above was protecting him, and he should be the same person as the advocate of private international investment banks.

Who it is specifically is self-evident.

Then Lou Wei said: "In short, even if this matter is completely changed, you should not keep it in mind.

Your first priority now is to do a good job in science and technology, finance, culture and sports, enrich the people's spiritual life, reduce the cost of scientific and technological products, and let more people enjoy the fruits of victory brought by the development of national science and technology.

At the same time, you must also lead China's science and technology to go global, strive for the upper reaches of the industrial chain, obtain higher pricing power, and set a good example.

We also need to broaden the pipeline of financial blood and make Vision Capital a bridge connecting friendships around the world. "

Xia Jingxing thought to himself, this is really a lot to ask for!

But even if Lou Wei doesn't bring it up, these are what he will do next.

Standing at the forefront of the times and not devoting himself to the vigorous cause of national rejuvenation is simply a shame for the name he gave Fuxing Industrial Group.

"Mr. Lou, actually I have a small request for the official."

Lou Wei glanced at Xia Jingxing and said to himself, "You still want a death-free medal?"

Don't be too pushy, young man.

Xia Jingxing stood up silently and walked to his desk. He took out the most bulging one from the many cowhide bags and handed it to Lou Wei.

Lou Wei opened the cowhide bag with a puzzled look on his face and found a thick stack of documents, bound together, as thick as a book, with "Proposal and Advocacy Book for the Development of my country's Private Aerospace Industry" written on the cover.

Lou Wei smiled and said, "Private aerospace, you want to go to heaven?"

"What? Isn't it possible? If possible, I still want to go to space once in my life.

Even today’s children say they want to be astronauts when they grow up. Shouldn’t those of us who have grown up be allowed to have our own dreams? "

Lou Wei was aroused by Xia Jingxing's words and joked with a smile: "Having dreams is a good thing, but you want to make rockets, right?

How to make this thing? I'll go to the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation to help you recruit some old academicians? "

Xia Jingxing smiled and rubbed his hands, "That's the best. I promise to raise a few old academicians to be fat and white. They are the wealth of the country and the people."

Lou Wei pointed at Xia Jingxing and nodded, "You are daydreaming! How dare the country leak these technologies to private companies.

It’s not that I don’t trust you, but that every country regards aerospace technology as top secret, and nothing can go wrong. "

Xia Jingxing sighed, "That's not necessarily the case, NASA has handed over the technology and experts to SpaceX.

This private rocket company successfully launched the world's first non-governmental rocket into space in September, on the day our Shenzhou-7 returned.

Just as our country is celebrating the Chinese spacewalk, American private rocket companies have stepped onto the world stage.

What this means is that we are falling behind the United States in a completely new area. "

Lou Wei looked at Xia Jingxing with a gloomy expression. He suspected that this boy was deceiving him, but he had no evidence.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask more clearly, and he could not be regarded as a national sinner.

“What are the benefits of a private rocket company?”

Xia Jingxing said in a very emotional tone: "The benefits are huge, otherwise the Americans wouldn't have expended such effort.

The first is cost. The operating costs of private aerospace are definitely much lower than the costs incurred by official aerospace exploration activities.

After the space shuttles previously developed by the Americans were found to be costly and uncontrollable, they have been entrusting Mao Xiong to help launch satellites. Although Mao Xiong's price is not low, it is still better than the last few outdated space shuttles they launched themselves. The cost should be low.

Until SpaASA saw a new possibility, using private space companies to replace launch missions.

This does not mean that NASA can stop space exploration from now on, but it can create an industrial chain division of labor.

NASA focused its funds on other key scientific research projects, leaving the rocket delivery task to SpaceX.

This is just like Ali, who builds their own e-commerce platform and the courier company delivers the goods for them. "

Lou Wei smiled and said: "How come I heard that Jingxi is self-operated logistics!"

Xia Jingxing also didn't expect that such a big leader would study e-commerce platforms, so he smiled and replied: "Let a hundred flowers bloom!

If there are lower-cost private rocket companies as substitutes, officials can subcontract simple tasks such as material transportation to the space station and low-orbit satellite launches, saving money to focus on deep space exploration. "

Lou Wei thought for a moment and asked: "Well, are there any other advantages?"

"With the advancement of science and technology and the prosperity of the country, space exploration activities will become more and more frequent in the future. Sooner or later, our rocket capacity will not be able to keep up and needs to be supplemented. This is the second reason."

"Third, the military role. When an overwhelming number of satellites surround the earth, every move we make is exposed to the eyes of others.

If the cost is cheap enough, we can also send thousands of satellites to the sky.

In addition, during wartime, private space bases can be converted to military use at any time, including personnel.

As long as the country needs it, I can hand over everything to the country at any time. "

Xia Jingxing spoke smoothly and robbed Xu Tingyin of all his future lines.

These simple and unpretentious words fell into Lou Wei's ears, making him feel a little emotional, but he still had some doubts, and it was impossible to be easily convinced by Xia Jingxing in just a few words.

If something goes wrong with Rocket Company in the future, even if he just helps deliver materials, he will still be held responsible.

Xia Jingxing continued to elaborate: "I wrote a lot of things in my recommendation letter, including possible hidden dangers and solutions.

If we don't catch up now, I'm afraid we will be left behind by the United States again.

The Shenzhou 7 spacewalk had a huge impact on the United States. It is said that relevant plans are already being drafted, and relevant American companies may be prohibited from cooperation and exchanges with us in the future.

By then, it will become more difficult and urgent for private aerospace to rise.

As long as the authorities are willing to relax restrictions on this industry, except for some basic technologies that need guidance, we will be self-reliant in everything else.

Even if a piece of desert is designated for us as a launch site, we will still pay the land price.

I have thought about investing at least 1 billion US dollars in aerospace research every year for at least 20 consecutive years. During this period, apart from technological breakthroughs, I will not ask for any return.

As long as experts working at NASA, ESA, Ermao and other places are willing to come, we will accept them no matter how high their salary is.

Even if we fail in the future, we can still leave some technical achievements and experts to official institutions. "

It's not that Xia Jingxing is deliberately being alarmist, but he remembers that in his previous life, the United States promulgated the Wolf Clause in 2011, which clearly prohibited related industries and enterprises in the United States from cooperating with China in aerospace, even in private scientific research exchanges and discussions. are also banned.

The reason for being so harsh was mainly because I was scared and felt my status was threatened.

If we establish Fuxing Aerospace as early as possible, we still have the opportunity to bring back some technologies and experts before the window closes.

From now on, there will be no chance to buy things from outside, so we can only develop them internally.

Now or never!

Lou Wei thought about it for a while, and finally, as if he had made a big decision, he sighed and raised the document bag in his hand.

"You are so serious. If I don't help you, I'm afraid you will remember me forever, and the country will lose an opportunity to catch up with important industries.

I can submit the materials you wrote to the above, but I am not a professional aerospace researcher. I cannot speak for you, and it will not be effective if I speak.

Your materials will be evaluated and verified by professionals.

If it is really worth doing, space policy restrictions may be relaxed.

If it is not worth doing, the plan may be rejected.

If the plan is rejected, don't feel resentful about it.

After all, we are different from the Americans and have our own difficulties.

If you can't invest in private aerospace, you can still invest in private chips!

I heard that you have acquired Huaxin International. This is the rhythm of doing something big!

Do it well, the big leader has already said, when the park built by Fuxing Industrial in Yizhuang opens next year, he will come to inspect it in person. "

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