My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and eleven, Hong Kong circle


Hong Kong Island.

The splendid Peninsula Hotel banquet hall was filled with joy and excitement.

Bonima was wearing a high-end custom-made suit, with a lot of mousse on her hair, combed into the same hairstyle as Fa Ge, and a bright and eye-catching corsage on her chest. She was dressed like a groom attending a wedding. official.

Liu Zhiping and Bonima were dressed similarly, equally dazzling and high-spirited.

The two of them walked through the crowd holding goblets, toasting to the guests who came to the banquet one by one, and at the same time accepting compliments and compliments from all the guests.

Penguin submitted a private placement announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today, or as it is commonly called in Hong Kong, it is called a rights issue announcement. .

According to the announcement, Penguin has successfully allotted and issued a total of 242 million new H shares at the placement price of 2H, IDG, SAIF Fund, Legend Capital, Hony Capital, Axel China and other nearly 10 placees, approximately. Accounting for 11.75% of the total number of issued H shares enlarged after the allotment and issuance of placing shares.

After deducting investment bank brokerage commissions, auditing and other fees, the net proceeds from the placement were approximately HK$5.022 billion.

From the release of the first announcement announcing the conclusion of a placement agreement with the placement agent to the official completion of the placement today, the entire process took Penguin only eight days, which can be called a lightning placement.

In addition, although the placement price is not a premium, it is not discounted either. It is a placement price based on the closing price of the stock eight days ago as a basis.

The closing price eight days ago was HK$20.96, and the placement price was also HK$20.96, which shows that institutional shareholders are optimistic about Penguin's future development.

Stimulated by this good news, Penguin's share price has now risen to between HK$24 and 25, an increase of more than 20% from the share price eight days ago.

Guests from all walks of life who came to the banquet looked at Bonima and Liu Zhiping with a hint of admiration. The two people did a very good job in this allotment. Firstly, they did not suffer losses, and secondly, they also boosted the stock price.

Liu Zhiping, who was chatting happily with the guests, suddenly heard his cell phone ringing. He quickly apologized to the guests and Bonima, and went to answer the phone with a smile.

When he came back after answering the phone, his face was no longer as good-looking as before, and his whole face was so gloomy that water could drip from it.

He calmly pulled Pony aside and told him some bad news: "Artists from Orangeland Entertainment, Bona, Huayi and other film and television companies collectively opened domestic Weibo today!

Look at this, they are deliberately demonstrating against us! "

Hearing this, Bonima couldn't help but frown, and his mood was no longer as joyful as before.

To put it bluntly, in the battle between the two major Weibos, one of the key battles is to compete for celebrities.

Whoever has more stars will be favored by more ordinary users.

But they had just completed the fund-raising, and before they could officially take action, Domestic Weibo preemptively struck.

How can it not make people feel worried?

If we add companies such as Tianyu Media and Jupin Pictures that have already settled on domestic Weibo before, our opponents will almost wipe out all the mainland entertainment companies.

Thinking of this, Bonima suddenly felt that today's banquet was a bit boring.

So what if the money is raised in place? The opportunity has been missed.

Seeing Bonima's sad face, Liu Zhiping didn't know how to persuade him.

He actually felt quite irritable inside because his opponents were too sophisticated in their moves and left them no chance at all.

Facing this kind of opponent, with money, people, resources, means and brains, it is too difficult to deal with.

The two of them did not think that the news was leaked internally, which led to domestic Weibo taking advantage of it.

Because Penguin issued a rights issue announcement eight days ago, planning to raise more than HK$5 billion.

After seeing this news, as long as Xia Jingxing was not stupid, he could definitely guess what they wanted to do next.

Based on their understanding of Xia Jingxing, it was not surprising that the other party acted decisively this time.

Just when the two of them were losing interest, Li Yikai came over with a smile on his face and an elegant old man wearing black-rimmed glasses and slightly bald forehead.

"Boni, Martin, let me introduce to you, this is Dr. Yang Shicheng of King Entertainment!

Isn’t Penguin Weibo now inviting stars and celebrities from Greater China to join the platform?

I told Dr. Yang your plan and he was very interested in Penguin Weibo. "

Having said this, Li Yikai turned to look at Yang Hunting again, "Dr. Yang, you are the king of entertainment in Hong Kong, and Penguin is the king of social networks in the mainland.

The strategic cooperation between the King of England and the Penguin will definitely create new scenes in the mainland! "

Yang Shoucheng smiled and nodded to Li Yikai. His family and the Li family were both from Chaoshan. He still wanted to sell the second son's face.

In fact, Zhang Zhao, CEO of Jupin Pictures, had a conversation with him a few days ago. The other party wanted Hong Kong stars from Yingwang Entertainment to collectively register on domestic Weibo, but he refused.

It wasn't that the conditions reported by Zhang Zhao were too poor, but that as a Hong Kong rich man, the Li family held greater weight in his heart.

Speaking of which, he and Zhang Zhao were actually old acquaintances.

A few years ago, this mainland friend came to acquire the online copyrights of film and television dramas.

He thought at the time that it would just sit in a warehouse and get dust, and piracy was rampant in the Mainland, so he sold the online copyrights of the film and television dramas that the company had accumulated for many years to the film and television copyright fund controlled by Zhang Zhao.

So far, these copyrights have not been seen to have much value. On the contrary, King Entertainment has made a windfall for nothing.

Whenever he thought of this deal, Yang Shoucheng felt that Zhang Zhao was a good friend.

But if he had to choose between Xia Jingxing, represented by Zhang Zhao, and the Li family, he could only choose the Li family.

Although Xia Jingxing severely manipulated the Li family in Hong Kong Island, the foundation of the Li family's huge business empire was not damaged. They had buildings and land in their hands. How could it fall so easily?

Moreover, in their eyes, Xia Jingxing was always an outsider.

The powerful foreign dragon will always leave, but the local snake of the Li family must not be offended.

Upon hearing Li Yikai's introduction, Bonima's eyes suddenly lit up.

Of course he knew Yang Shoucheng, not only the entertainment tycoon, but also the tycoon's niece Yang Yongqing...

At the beginning of the year, Teacher Chen held a popular online photo exhibition in Greater China, and many beautiful artistic photos flowed into the mainland, to QQ Space and Friends.

At that time, Bonima also used a critical eye to appraise the artistic accomplishment of the master of photography.

But the good times did not last long, and the relevant photos and videos were ordered to be purified by relevant departments before they had been circulated for too long.

Because of this incident, the relevant departments also imposed controls on the Internet environment and interviewed various social media companies.

Internet users in the future will not be able to see so many good things.

Bonima mourned for the future netizens for a second in his heart, and then he shook hands with Yang Houcheng with a smile and started talking.

Later, Li Yikai introduced the heads of down-and-out film and television entertainment companies and TV stations such as TVB, Golden Harvest, Media Asia Films, and China Star to Ponima.

As soon as the second son took action, the Hong Kong circle was very enthusiastic about it, and all the company owners and professional managers related to film and television entertainment in Hong Kong came to support him.

Ponima and Liu Zhiping were overjoyed to see so many entertainment company gossips at the scene. Who said that the second young master could only pick up female celebrities? He was obviously also a good pimp.

Bonima and Liu Zhiping secretly thought that now that they have received great help from the Hong Kong circle, they will go to Wanwan to attract some celebrities to join Penguin Weibo, and compete with the domestic Weibo, which has already eroded the mainland film and television entertainment companies. Bo, you can still fight.

Thinking of this, Bonima and Liu Zhiping quickly regained a lot of confidence.

You must know that Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment stars are the real popular celebrities at this time. In comparison, mainland film and television stars are dwarfed and can only be reduced to green leaves to set off them.

Penguin Weibo has a lot of superstars, while domestic Weibo only has a few popular super girls. How can it compete with them?

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