My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and eighteen, people cannot eat too much

"They just want to join in the fun now, it's too late!"

Xia Jingxing sneered again and again. It was not that he underestimated the three major portals, but that they and Penguin had already seized all the opportunities.

From the launch time of the platform, to the implementation of celebrity strategy, to the emphasis on Weibo business, this life will be earlier and stronger than the previous life.

For example, eight months after the launch of Sina Weibo in the previous life, Penguin Weibo came belatedly, and the other two companies were similar. They were all just playing a soy sauce role and did not try their best to develop and promote Weibo business.

But this time, only one month after domestic Weibo went online, Penguin Weibo has caught up.

It cannot be ruled out that Wu Yimin leaked the secret, or Xiaoma wanted to find some unpleasant reasons for Haihai Holdings.

But Xiaoma made the right bet. Because it was launched in a timely manner and the operation strategy has been followed up, Penguin Weibo in this life can always bite the back of domestic Weibo.

If Penguin is still the same as in his previous life, arriving late with teammates such as Sohu and Zhuchang, the day lily will probably be cold.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing was not afraid at all when the three major sects tried to interfere.

Gao Lili frowned and said: "No matter what, we still have to maintain a sense of urgency. After all, the three major portals are not just ordinary people.

They have money, media resources, and a user and brand base.

If they go all out, they can still pose a certain threat to us.

What I am most worried about is that they will attack us as a group and let Penguin Weibo take advantage of it. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "It's not that mysterious, but we are still joining forces with Wu to fight against Cao!

Pig Factory is now fully committed to making games. .

Changyou is going to be listed soon, and Charles is about to get his second listed company, so he will definitely feel more at ease in cultivating immortality.

Sina may be a little anxious. They have never found the second growth curve. In the past few years, they have been fighting for corporate control, and they have fallen behind a little.

Now that the situation has finally stabilized, the new accountant Cao will definitely try his best to do something to enhance his prestige and consolidate his position.

If you must keep an eye on it, just keep an eye on Sina, and don't worry about the other two companies. "

After Xia Jingxing's analysis, the two of them felt that their eyes suddenly became brighter.

Shen Xinyi suddenly said: "Sina probably doesn't have much energy to do Weibo business recently. I heard that they plan to acquire part of Focus Media's outdoor digital advertising business."

Xia Jingxing nodded and said, "That's true. I heard Chen Hong and Tan Zhi talk about this. Focus' stock price has plummeted in the past year or two, and it can no longer hold on. After selling off some assets to complete the reduction, it will facilitate the subsequent capital operation.

I don’t know what Jiang Nanchun was thinking, but this business was not handed over to his old friend Hanergy, but to Wang Ran from Yikai Capital. "

Yikai Capital is also one of the top boutique investment banks in the country. The wife of founder Wang Ran is also a well-known actress, the one Zhang Mo blocked and beat up at the school gate.

Originally, she was blocked by relevant forces, but because she found a financial tycoon husband, the seal was broken.



"It is indeed three years of sharpening a sword! Look at... this Chinese art style and this rendering effect are very characteristic of our traditional culture!

Nowadays, in domestic games, Western fantasy has become a trend, or the characters are made into plastic surgery faces in the Chinese style. Even the game characters have a special awl face, which is also expressed in capital letters.

Hey, this mount is a bit interesting, riding a dragon, a tiger, a chicken, or a giant panda?

Well, although the characters are also full of traditional Chinese characteristics... they are still a little ugly and a little less interesting! "

Xia Jingxing was sitting in the conference room of Domestic Games, watching Ling Hai, the president of the gaming subsidiary, play the game "Xunxian" frame by frame like a traditional Chinese ink painting, and he would sincerely praise and complain from time to time.

Although "Xunxian" is operated by Penguin Games as an agent, Xia Jingxing did not slander the game because of this, and his evaluation was quite objective.

Judging from the game screen alone, this realistic fairy tale online game still feels quite beautiful and poetic. It can arouse people's beautiful yearning for the magnificent fairy tale world and generate strong cultural resonance.

Ling Hai is a bit fat, his face is full of flesh, and he smiles like a Maitreya Buddha. He smiled and said: "I have to say that this game still has a lot of merits.

Anyway, if we ask our self-developed game studio to make a game of the same level now, it may not be possible. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled and said, "Don't stop me with your words. I can't ask you to develop a high-level online game right now.

At this stage, and even in the next one or two years, domestic games will still adhere to the development strategy of "agency operations as the mainstay, self-research as the supplement", and there will be no wavering midway. "

Ling Hai laughed awkwardly and said, "Mr.

However, Peng Haitao's team in Chengdu is currently recruiting people from all over the world, expanding its manpower significantly, and has even invited many experts back from abroad, which has greatly enhanced its strength.

After the "Q version of Dream of Red Mansions", which is still under development, is launched, they will begin to develop a large-scale domestic online game of MMORPG or MOBA type.

This is the real first battle of our self-research studio, and we will definitely come up with a work that will shock the industry! "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and said it quite nicely. If the game goes out on the street, you will be the first one to accuse you.

They have not given up on self-developed games, but the progress is quite impressive.

This cannot be achieved overnight, because at this stage the entire country and the entire industry are lagging behind in this area, and it is difficult to recruit top talents.

He allows domestic games to make money by operating games through agents and supports self-developed game studios. He just hopes that one day this studio, which is far away in Chengdu and focuses on R\u0026D, can make domestic high-quality games, and it is best to go overseas and maintain a certain level of competitiveness. .

When the time comes, there will be another video game interaction, and online Chinese comics will go overseas, and the cultural power pie he drew for the second elder will be able to be explained.

At the same time, this is also part of the pan-entertainment plan. In the future, all related entertainment assets will be put into overseas holdings, and the social pan-entertainment empire will be officially formed.

Speaking of which, not only is he engaged in pan-entertainment, Perfect World also established a film and television company this year, and Shanda has never stopped extending its industry chain across borders and becoming a large-scale entertainment kingdom.

However, relying on the cash cow of Vision Capital, he is already many steps ahead of others in planning.

When other capital enters the market, you will find that high-quality assets and leading companies are all under his command.

The only regret is that the online article area is still blank and lacks upstream IP. I can only hope that Lao Chen will get sick soon and go abroad soon.

"Let's not talk about self-developed games. Let's do it bit by bit. You can't rush it. Let's talk about "Xianxian". I heard that Penguin attaches great importance to this game and wants to use it to defeat "Dungeon and Fighter" and make our players Grab them all.”

Ling Hai nodded and began to introduce: "This is the first 3D online game operated by Penguin Agent. Everyone in their company attaches great importance to it and attempts to use this game to become a first-class game publisher.

At present, "Xunxian" has achieved very good results.

In the public beta conducted at the end of October, the number of people online reached 380,000 in the first week of the public beta;

In November, 400,000 people were online at the same time, nearly 10 million gamers registered accounts, and more than 2,000 domestic large-scale online game guilds settled in. The momentum was huge.

Soft articles are also flying all over the place, and countless media have praised it, saying that this game is the domestic 3D MMORPG with the highest number of online users so far.

Now Penguin is even shouting the slogan: it will exceed one million people online at the same time before 2009!

To this end, Penguin Games held a lot of activities and spent a lot of money on it. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and sighed: "Becoming a first-tier game publisher! This shows that Bonima still has high hopes for the game business.

They raised HK$5 billion through a share placement some time ago, and they probably want to attack on both Weibo and online games.

Now that Weibo's business has suffered a slight setback, they have turned their attention to online games.

Having said that, they didn't have any impact on our game business, right? "

Ling Hai said calmly: "There is definitely an impact, but only 400,000 people are online at the same time, so the impact is not too big, let alone an impact.

But when they reach one million or two million people online at the same time, they will definitely steal many of our players.

China's online game market is only that big, and there are only so many active players. Whenever a new hit online game appears on the market, it will eat into the market share of some other games.

In the past year or so, we have successively launched three extremely popular online games: "Dungeon Fighter", "Cross Fire", and "Dance Era".

At the same time, the former game kings "Journey", "Fantasy Westward Journey" and "Audition" have lost a lot of players, and most of them have come to us.

In the same way, if Penguin Games rises and soars into the sky, as the current king of games, we will be the first to bear the brunt. "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Then press them to death and don't give them a chance to rise."

Ling Hai nodded heavily and said: "We are already deploying, and we will never let Penguin Games get on top of us."

Xia Jingxing thought silently. Because of him, Penguin Games had been deprived of its luck and could not rise smoothly this year.

At this time in the previous life, the penguin holding two popular games, CF and DNF, walked with wind.

Therefore, when operating "Xunxian", he seemed to be less concerned.

This also resulted in a game with a good foundation failing to achieve long-term good results. It was like a brilliant meteor that quickly crossed the sky. It only shined brightly for a moment and then quickly fell silent, which made countless players regretful.

Penguin Games in this generation are much worse. There are only a few light online games such as "QQ Fantasy" and "QQ Speed" that can only be called a second-tier game manufacturer.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing estimated that Penguin might be too fond of the solitary seedling of "Xunxian", and he would not follow the same path as in his previous life, right?

He is actually very sinister in his heart, and really hopes that Penguin will continue to have bad luck and the game business will suffer another setback. In that case, Penguin will have fewer and fewer cards to play.

Any opportunity to weaken Penguin should not be missed.

And if there is no chance, you have to create an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing decided to explain to Ling Hai.

He called Ling Hai to him and assigned him a task.

After hearing this, Ling Hai suddenly took a breath of cold air and whispered: "Mr. Xia, is this not good?"

"What's wrong? We are also trying to save China's gaming industry."

The boss's reasons were so strong that Ling Hai was completely speechless.

He nodded, "I'll get started right away!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Don't mess it up, keep it secret, move fast, and have a cool posture."

Ling Hai said seriously: "I understand, Mr. Xia, don't worry!"

Xia Jingxing nodded with satisfaction, but he still couldn't let the pony eat too much!

Once this person eats too much, he is prone to various problems and has strange thoughts.

In the early years, Xiao Ma was clamoring to sell the company every day, but now he doesn't want to sell the company anymore and is increasing his stock holdings.

He must wake up the pony now and make the pony recognize the reality. He can live with Penguin's current possessions and stop messing around.


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