My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and twenty-five, Hongmeng Internet of Everything

Late December.

Lu Qi and Andy Rubin flew from Silicon Valley in the United States to Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in China's Silicon Valley.

The two came to attend the opening ceremony of the Android China Research Institute.

Originally, the Android China Research Institute was supposed to be established in August this year, but due to a series of changes, the establishment time was delayed.

But hurrying and hurrying, the research institute that Xia Jingxing had high hopes for was finally officially launched in Haiding Park of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park before the New Year.

Android China Research Institute is the first step for Android to enter the Chinese market. It is also the regional headquarters of Android in China. It is responsible for developing the Chinese market, liaising with and serving Chinese partners nearby, and cultivating Chinese scientific and technological personnel.

Andy Rubin glanced at the somewhat empty office, then touched his bare head and complained: "There are too few employees, right? There are only forty or fifty people.

Qi, didn’t you say there are many engineers in China? And they don’t have high requirements for remuneration.

Android can easily recruit thousands of high-level Chinese engineers by paying the same salary as a few hundred American engineers.

Then we can assign some low-end research tasks to the Chinese team, which not only saves costs, but also speeds up project research and development progress. "

Lu Qi glanced at Andy Rubin, who was looking confused next to him, and explained with a smile: "Andy, nothing is accomplished overnight, we must have enough patience.

Give the Chinese team three years to ensure that it builds an elite R\u0026D team of thousands of people for Android. "

Andy Rubin shrugged, "I personally don't care about this, as long as it doesn't delay Darren's plan."

As you know, Darren has high expectations for the Android China Research Institute. He hopes that we will take root in this ancient land, and then develop rapidly and drive Symbian and Microsoft mobile operating systems out of the market. "

Lu Qi smiled, was it just to expel his opponent? I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think.

Given the confidentiality of the matter and Andy Rubin's nationality, some things are not necessarily stated so clearly.

When it comes to copycats, Rabbit thinks he will be as good as others in his life.

Android has entered China, so we must help developing countries develop technology!

Microsoft Research Asia and Google China almost do the same thing.

The two companies were tricked by Chinese executives into setting up technology research centers in China to fund university laboratories and scientific research projects. They have quickly developed into the Whampoa Military Academy in China's IT industry.

Of course, while the two companies spend money to help China cultivate talents, they also make a lot of money in the Chinese market.

This is a mutually beneficial thing, but it cannot be said that Americans are short-sighted.

Andy Rubin suddenly looked around at the technicians around him suspiciously, and found that they were all unkempt IT men. He didn't see any beautiful women, and there were even very few women.

This made him feel quite regretful. He also wanted to meet two IT goddesses, so it seemed that he could only go to Sanlitun Bar at night.

Before coming to China, he had already inquired about it and knew that Sanlitun was a fun place and that there were many foreigners like him.


Hearing this name, Andy Rubin was immediately startled and quickly stopped looking around.

Xia Jingxing had already warned him that if he dared to cheat on others, he would be kicked out of the company.

It was a real cleansing. Without the high salary and options from Android Company, he could not afford to support a wife and several girlfriends, so he would no longer be a eunuch.

While Andy Rubin was in a daze for a few seconds, Lu Qi had already gone to the front desk to greet Xia Jingxing and his party.

Xia Jingxing stopped at the door and stared at the green robot logo hanging on the company's cultural wall for a few seconds, then quickly looked away.

Then he saw Lu Qi calling his name and walking quickly towards him.

He stepped forward and shook hands, "Old Lu, what do you think of this place?"

“The location is very good, next to Google and Microsoft, and also very close to Fuxing Industrial and Domestic Holdings Group.”

"Well, let's make do with it for the time being. The Fuxing Building will be built soon. At that time, Android China can move there together, or we can consider building a building by ourselves."

Lu Qi smiled. He felt that it was a bit early to discuss this. Android China has just been established now, and there are only three or two big cats and kittens, which is completely out of scale.

After chatting with Xia Jingxing for a few words, Lu Qi shook hands with Shen Xiangyang who was standing aside with a smile on his face, and said, "Xiangyang, we haven't seen each other for several years, right?"

Both Shen Xiangyang and Lu Qi studied for a doctorate in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. Shen Xiangyang, who is five years younger than Lu Qi, entered the school for a year first and is considered a senior.

The two were good friends when they were in school. After graduation, one went to Microsoft China and the other to Yahoo's US headquarters. A few years ago, they both became the highest-ranking Chinese executives in Silicon Valley companies.

Now that both of them were working under Xia Jingxing, they seemed to have a lot to say when they met again.

Xia Jingxing did not interrupt the two of them to reminisce about old times, and turned his gaze to Andy Rubin, who was looking at him with a flattering look on his face.

"Andy, are you getting used to coming to China?" Xia Jingxing walked over with a smile and put his arm around Andy Rubin's shoulders affectionately.

Andy Rubin immediately nodded wildly and said very excitedly: "Adapting, adapting very well! Darren, I really like it here. Everything is full of oriental charm."

Looking at Andy Rubin's exaggerated acting skills, Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and interrupted the other person's flattery: "Oh, since you like China so much, how about arranging for you to be the director of the Android China Research Institute?"

Andy Rubin suddenly stopped talking as if his throat was being strangled.

After a while, he sneered and said: "Darren, I still have a wife and children in the United States, so..."

Seeing the humanoid Teddy playing the family card with him, Xia Jingxing secretly felt funny.

But he stopped teasing the other party and said: "I'm kidding you, you are our number one Android general, so naturally you have to stay at the headquarters.

However, the Chinese market is very important, and Android will inevitably invest a lot of money and resources in it. Some people at the US headquarters may have bad thoughts and feel that their status and rights have been weakened. "

Andy Rubin is not stupid. After being beaten a little by his boss, how could he not know how to express his position? He immediately expressed his loyalty: "Darren, you are the chairman of the company, and everything is up to you." of.

If you want to open up the Chinese market, then we will try our best to gain a foothold in the Chinese market.

If anyone dares to violate the rules, I, Andy Rubin, will be the first to refuse. "

Looking at Andy Rubin who was filled with indignation and looked loyal and protective, Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "You need to reassure the team and let the people below know and understand the company's strategy.

The status of the US headquarters will not be weakened. Next, the company will conduct a round of large-scale financing, and all the funds obtained from the financing will be used to improve our system and build our software ecosystem. "

When Andy Rubin heard that he was going to raise funds again, he suddenly felt a lot more energetic.

He is also a shareholder of Android Future and will become a shareholder after the large amount of options he holds is exercised.

The exercise cost is very low, and Android has a large floating profit based on its current valuation.

However, when Android's valuation continues to rise, the value of options will naturally rise accordingly.

Therefore, Andy Rubin is the person who is most looking forward to the company's financing and even ringing the bell to go public.

After Xia Jingxing and Andy Rubin, Lu Qi and Shen Xiangyang finished greetings, they visited Android China's office together.

Android China is still very proud. It rented an entire floor of the building below as an office. It has an area of ​​almost 2,000 square meters, enough to accommodate 300 people working at the same time.

However, the office still seemed very empty at this time, with as many as 80% of the workstations vacant.

The first batch of forty or fifty employees recruited are all full of energy, serious about their work, and have solid skills.

As a foreign-funded enterprise, Android China is still very popular at this time. Those who apply for interviews are like crucian carp crossing the river, so they can naturally choose the best.

After a brief visit to the office, Xia Jingxing held a small meeting with Lu Qi and Andy Rubin. Shen Xiangyang also attended the meeting as a representative of Fuxing Industry.

The meeting mainly discussed one thing: Android China and Fuxing Industrial Group established a Sino-US joint venture - Hongmeng Everything Internet Technology Co., Ltd.


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