My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and twenty-seven, flashing and moving

After the meeting, Xia Jingxing and Shen Xiangyang said goodbye to Lu Qi and Andy Rubin, went downstairs and left in the car together.

Sitting in the large and comfortable car, Shen Xiangyang felt scratchy in his heart. He looked at Xia Jingxing sitting next to him and hesitated several times.

After all, he couldn't hold it back and asked: "Mr. Xia, does Hongmeng really not make a mobile operating system?

This is the long-cherished wish of generations of Chinese scientific researchers, who long to have our own operating system. Doesn’t Academician Li talk about “autonomous controllability” and “technological security” every day?

If he knew that we gave up the mobile operating system, I don't know how disappointed he would be. "

Xia Jingxing shook his head gently, "The best opportunity has been missed, and the development of the domestic mobile phone industry chain has been so slow, we can only choose to stay dormant for the time being, quietly waiting for the next era to come."

When he said these words, Xia Jingxing felt regretful.

Yingjiang is a country with hegemony in science and technology. The word "hegemon" is very spiritual. It can mean domineering or bullying...

At present, the Android system is only used by Fuxing mobile phones, and its market share in the world's mobile operating systems is less than a point, which is not very impressive.

However, as the Android camp develops and grows, some business rivals may have to make unforeseen moves, and Yingjiang will also jump out and try to deviate.

At that time, he will no longer be able to firmly control Android, and can only choose to sacrifice money to avoid disaster and form alliances with some interest groups in exchange for their protection of Android.

If Hongmeng chooses to take the lead at this time and succeeds, it will probably not escape the same fate as Android.

This is the virtue of the Angsa gang, and they don't want to see others rise.

Therefore, Hongmeng can only choose to stay dormant first, starting from the direction of Internet of Things equipment, and solidifying its foundation bit by bit.

One of the great benefits of cooperating with Android is that you can "borrow a boat to go out to sea" and share the huge developer resources that Android will have in the future around the world.

When Hongmeng has a firm foothold in the global IoT operating system market, has a huge user and device base, and has mature developers and industry chains, it can turn its guns and enter the mobile operating system market. .

If this still fails to successfully gain a place in the mobile operating system market, then we can only wait for the birth of other new devices that can replace mobile phones as the mainstay of life and work, perhaps AR, VR devices, perhaps brain-computer interfaces, or Maybe it's some other mysterious black technology.

Whenever new revolutionary technological equipment appears, there will be a major reshuffle affecting all traditional forces, reshaping the industry and industrial structure.

In addition, when developing an operating system, no matter what kind of operating system it is, it will not work alone.

By doing this, he was actually building a high wall, hoarding supplies, and slowing down to become king. He secretly accumulated strength by absorbing Android's resources.

When the time comes, he will rebel.

Of course, Android, whose shareholder structure will become more complicated in the future, may also be suspicious of Hongmeng, a loyal brother who has been following him to conquer the world: I feel like you are "hiding armor secretly", and you have the intention of treason!

At that time, acting skills need to be tested. After all, rebellion is a technical job. If you can hide it for a while, you can build up more strength and increase your chance of winning.

When Xia Jingxing revealed all his thoughts, Shen Xiangyang was stunned.

This is not about taking one step and looking at three steps. It is simply taking one step and looking at ten steps, and planning the strategy for the next ten or twenty years.

"If others don't force us, we won't rebel! But if someone wants to kill your whole family, will you resist?"

Shen Xiangyang nodded slightly, this is the reason, but he is fighting against a powerful country like Yingjiang! It's inevitable to feel worried.

Seeing the worry on Shen Xiangyang's face, Xia Jingxing smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry! Yingjiang has become a mess now. It won't take ten or eight years for the financial crisis to heal. All these are It is precious development time left to us.

And by then, the rabbit will be able to bite people too! "

Xia Jingxing had a very clear understanding in his heart that how far Hongmeng could go actually depended on how strong the baby rabbit was.

When a bunny can knock down an eagle with one punch, then companies doing serious business don't have to worry about off-market moves.

Otherwise, no matter how good your skills are, it will be difficult to resist the encirclement and suppression of the army.

There is nothing he can do about it. Since he has chosen to breathe the same breath and share the fate with the nation, he must calmly accept and face the difficulties and obstacles on the road to rise.

Over the years, he has moved around among the major forces, and he has actually developed some real kung fu.

In the days to come, I will continue to perform Chinese Kung Fu, or Eastern political philosophy.



The next day.

Xia Jingxing, along with Shen Xiangyang, Lin Bing, Li Ying and other senior executives of Fuxing Industrial Group, attended the "Setting in China Celebration and Press Conference" held by the Android China Research Institute at the Shangri-La Hotel.

After receiving the invitation, founders of Internet companies from Envision Capital such as Amap Chen Congwu, 360 Zhou Hongyi, UC Browser He Xiaopeng and others came from all over the country.

This is not just to give Xia Jingxing face, because they also heard that Android will hold a developer conference in China soon, and are ready to mention the bye-bye dock.

Many of them have already responded to the call to develop Android mobile applications.

Whether it will be popular in the future depends a lot on Android China, the leader of the app store.

Zhang Yong brought executives from domestic holding groups such as Shen Xinyi, Gao Lili, and Zhang Dalong to attend the meeting, because Weibo,, and Hainan Mailbox were all selected into the Android China Software Family Bucket.

As members of the Android Alliance, more than a dozen Chinese mobile phone manufacturer representatives, including Huawei Xu Zhijun, Meizu Sassafras, and Tianyu Rong Xiuli, are also on the invitation list.

After hearing the news, dozens of mobile phone industry chain supplier representatives including Lens Technology Zhou Qunfei, Luxshare Precision Wang Laichun, and Wingtech Technology Zhang Xuezheng also came.

A large number of people from telecommunications operators, venture capital circles, chip circles, and media circles also came to join in the fun.

Andy Rubin's eyes widened when he looked at the crowd of heads at the scene.

Isn’t it just a small company with forty or fifty people settling in China? So many guests came.

When Lu Qi told Andy Rubin that the hundreds of people present, except reporters, were all business representatives, and their identities varied, ranging from CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to small business owners who had several rounds of corporate financing and were worth tens of millions. Boss...covers it all.

Andy Rubin is not calm at all. Is this what the richest man in mainland China looks like? So scary.

Xia Jingxing also didn't expect so many people to come to the meeting, many of whom came uninvited.

He originally wanted to hold the meeting in a low-key manner, but now it seems that he can no longer keep a low profile. His strength does not allow it!

"Next, we invite Mr. Xia Jingxing, chairman of Android Company, to take the stage to deliver a speech."

As soon as the host finished speaking, thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the venue.

Others craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the richest man.

After defeating Li Huangtai, successfully shorting the public, and becoming the richest man in mainland China for the second time, this is the first time Xia Jingxing has appeared in public, and naturally he has attracted much expectation and attention from the outside world.

Unknowingly, Xia Jingxing's status in the world has improved a lot.

Under the spotlight of everyone, Xia Jingxing walked onto the stage with steady steps and then stood in the center.


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