My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and fifty, the energy of the Jewish gang

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"Dylan, look."

Abel walked into Xia Jingxing's office with a serious expression, and then handed a newspaper to the latter.

Xia Jingxing took it and took a look. The title was very bluffing - "Mysterious Hedge Fund Shorted Three Major Stock Index Futures and Made $30 Billion in One Battle."

After quickly scanning the text a few times, Xia Jingxing casually threw the newspaper on his desk, "It's the Wall Street Journal again, and it's still here!"

Abel frowned and said, "News Corporation has targeted us not once or twice."

Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly, "No, if it's really News Corporation that's up to something, I'm afraid it won't just be based on rumors, but our name will definitely be used."

"Whether News Corporation is behind it or not, this matter has been reproduced and reported by many media, and is also fermenting on the Internet.

The profit of 30 billion US dollars is astonishing, twice as much as Paulson’s shorting of subprime mortgages the year before! "

Abel looked helpless, not sure if this was a happy worry.

Xia Jingxing leaned back and rotated the chair under his butt while thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind.

I did make a lot of money this time, and it is normal for me to attract the attention of interested people.

He has been mentally prepared for this.

But this time there is no Paulson to block the bullet for Envision Capital. If the outside world knows that Envision Capital is enriching their national wealth, there will definitely be trouble.

Seeing his boss who was brooding and silent, Abel asked tentatively: "How about we let Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley speak out and let them take the blame for us again."

Xia Jingxing shook his head and said: "That's not right! Even though anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is not the work of the two major investment banks, but if I deliberately clarify it now, there is a suspicion that there is no 300 taels of silver here...

Oh, you don’t seem to understand this Chinese allusion. Let me explain it to you. "

After listening to his boss popularizing Chinese culture, Abel nodded, and then asked: "What should we do? Ignore it and let everyone guess?

There are now a lot of discussions outside, some saying it was done by Bridgewater Associates, and others saying it was done by Paulson Fund.

Of course, some people suspect that we did it, but their voices are still relatively quiet.

In everyone’s perception, Envision Capital is still a notch behind Bridgewater and Paulson Fund.

I used to feel mentally unbalanced, but now I don’t know if I should be grateful for the low-key style I have maintained. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and was about to speak when his personal cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw it was Blankfein calling.

As soon as the call was connected, there was an anxious voice on the other end.

"Dylan, we are in big trouble this time."

"What trouble?"

"Of course it's about shorting the three major stock indexes and making a profit of 30 billion US dollars. Don't you know? Goldman Sachs' phone calls were bombarded by reporters today, and countless people are asking us for confirmation."

"Profit of US$30 billion? We don't have that much ability."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was still playing tricks on him, Blankfein became completely anxious, "Darren, this time things are different from the past. The trouble is really big. We really can't handle it anymore. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it." I’m giving you this call.”

Xia Jingxing sneered in his heart, but his tone was still calm, "Then you mean, if you can't keep it secret, you will publish everything? Including the privacy of your customers?"

The other end of the phone didn't speak, as if he was acquiescing.

Anger flashed across Xia Jingxing's face. He suppressed the evil fire in his heart and said, "Mr. Blankfein, tell your conscience, how much financing fees and commissions did Vision Capital create for Goldman Sachs in the past year? "

Blank was speechless and didn't answer.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing raised his voice an octave, "If you don't answer, then I will answer you, more than 1 billion US dollars!"

Are we considered Goldman Sachs’ largest client?

But this is how you treat your big customers?

According to the agreement signed between us, Goldman Sachs has the responsibility to keep commercial confidentiality for us. Attention is responsibility! "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was angry, Blankfein knew that it would be impossible not to answer.

He let out a long sigh and said in a very embarrassed tone: "Darren, I understand what you said, and I am very grateful for the business you have brought to Goldman Sachs.

But now we really can't bear the pressure from all sides!

Who founded Goldman Sachs? It's a Jew!

Let me tell you the truth, the people who are your opponents this time are the Jewish gang.

Half of your profits come from the losses of the Jewish gang.

If you win Jewish money, judging from their past style of doing things, they will definitely not give up.

The media's public opinion machine has already been activated. Next, they may lobby the financial regulatory authorities to intervene, and even mobilize all the forces they can mobilize.

I'm just a worker and don't have much energy.

The influence of the Jews in the United States is so great that even the commander-in-chief has to give them three points. "

Xia Jingxing frowned slightly. It turned out that he had provoked the Jewish gang on Wall Street. No wonder there was such a big fight.

In the United States, Jews exist sideways.

World-famous financial companies such as Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Salomon Brothers are all founded by Jews. JP Morgan, Buffett, and Soros, known as the "world's creditors," are also Jewish.

Silicon Valley also has countless Jewish technology elites, including Google founder Larry Page, Intel founder Grove, Microsoft CEO Ballmer, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, Dell founder Michael Dell, etc. .

In the field of cultural media, Jews are also very powerful. From newspapers and television stations to Hollywood film production and distribution companies, they are all involved and have formed a huge public opinion control network.

The most important thing is that the Jews are very united. They have established various associations and foundations in the United States to develop together.

The most well-known organization is undoubtedly AIPAC, whose main task is to lobby members of both houses of Congress to help the mother country.

Controlling the economy and controlling the media, Jews have penetrated into almost every walk of American society and occupy a place in the "upper class" of every industry, except for not being involved in politics.

As for not being involved in politics, it's just that the Jews did not directly run for the commander-in-chief, but they married the daughters of several commanders such as Zipperton and Frederic.

It’s a bit difficult!

Xia Jingxing is a little confused now. Vision Capital is provoking not one or two Jews, but a group of Jews.

"Then what should I do? It's impossible to give back the money I earned, right? Even if I agree, the blue-blood nobles in Boston won't agree."

Blankfein said: "The contract delivery has been completed, and the money will not be refunded.

They won't go to trouble the blue-blood nobles, but they will target you. "

Xia Jingxing felt that Blankfein had bad intentions and wanted to get him involved. Before he even agreed to Goldman Sachs' disclosure of information, he began to lead him in the direction of "how to deal with the Jewish attack."

He quickly stopped the other party's tirade and said, "Mr. Blankfein, Envision Capital and Goldman Sachs will inevitably have business dealings in the future, and I also need some protection.

What Goldman Sachs is doing now worries me.

If even the most basic confidentiality of information cannot be maintained, what can Goldman Sachs provide me? $20 billion in leverage? "

Blankfein was silent. He knew that the other party was showing off his cards.

After a year of observation, Blankfein slowly came back to his senses.

The reason why Vision Capital originally chose to cooperate with Goldman Sachs was mainly based on two factors. One was information confidentiality, and the other was the leverage provided by TRS financial instruments.

Now that Envision Capital has earned an unknown amount of US$20 billion, it no longer needs Goldman Sachs’ leveraged loans.

Then Goldman Sachs' only remaining role is to take the blame.

Using the TRS total return swap, a financial instrument, the underlying purchaser and owner is Goldman Sachs, but all investment losses and gains generated during the period belong to Envision Capital.

If Goldman Sachs could no longer provide this value, Blankfein would probably change partners if it were him.

And now that Vision Capital has acquired Lehman Asia, I am afraid that Goldman Sachs’ help will no longer be needed for financial transactions in Asia in the future.

Blankfein thought about it carefully and found that selling Vision Capital was indeed not cost-effective.

So he asked: "Darren, is there any other big business that Goldman Sachs needs to handle this year?"

The corners of Xia Jingxing's mouth curled up slightly, and as soon as the bait was thrown out, wouldn't the fish take the bait?

To put it bluntly, Blankfein just feels that the benefits are not enough, and maybe he is still jealous of Vision Capital's huge income.

As long as the money is in place, Blankfein will probably be put on the tiger bench and served with chili pepper water.

"I have business. Please help me acquire Marvell Electronics. If AMD and Nvidia can negotiate, you can also hand over this task to you.

Facebook and Tesla will go public next year, and dozens of companies we invest in in China have IPO plans. "

Blankfein became more and more excited as he listened. There were a lot of good things in Darren’s hands!

Take it!

It must be taken!

All Jewish gangs, go to hell!

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