My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and sixty-eight, walking on thin ice

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"After waiting for so long, the time is ripe for bargain hunting."

Jiang Ping pointed to the display screen hanging on the wall of the conference room and said to everyone in the room: "Look, everyone, our short selling point of the S\u0026P 500 index in January last year was 1,400 points, and the delivery point in January this year It's at 805.22 points.

Today, March 9, the S\u0026P 500 index hit a new low in recent years, 676.53 points.

The Dow Jones Index closed at 6547.05 points today. Our short selling position last year was 12800.18 points, and the delivery point was 7949.09 points.

The Nasdaq index further dropped to 1268.64 points. Our short selling position last year was 2602.68 points, and the delivery point was 1440.86 points.

To some extent, our short selling of the three major indexes last year was not perfect. If we had been short selling for another two months, we might have gained billions of dollars more.

Of course, there are no absolutes. In March last year, affected by the Bear Stearns incident, the three major U.S. stock indexes fell for a while, and then ushered in a rebound, reaching their peak in May and June.

If we choose to enter the market for short selling at that time, we must also choose the September stock index futures contract. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve excellent short selling results.

These words are all hindsight. If other organizations heard them, they might drown us in their saliva. . "

Everyone laughed when they heard this, including Li Yaozu and Ye Shuhui on the other two screens. They couldn't help laughing.

You still can’t be too greedy!

Vision Capital's gains last year have topped Wall Street. If you still want to put every last coin in your pocket, you don't know how you will die.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing did not laugh, but instead made a vague criticism: "In May and June last year, the financial crisis had further emerged. If you chose to enter the market and go short at that time, who would be your counterparty?

Buffett? Or Cohen?

Don't think your opponent is so stupid, it's an insult to yourself. "

Jiang Ping knew he had made a mistake, and quickly apologized: "Darren, I am too greedy. Last year's income was already a record, and it is indeed impossible to increase it again."

Abel and Liu Hai also quickly put away the smiles on their faces. Based on their understanding of the boss, they knew that he was really angry.

Xia Jingxing had a dark face. He was indeed a little unhappy in his heart. There is a saying that a arrogant soldier will be defeated.

Financial markets are full of crises and traps. Even if we know the general trend, even if our opponents cannot reverse the general trend, they can still do it by creating obstacles on local battlefields.

“We won last year, but does that mean we can win in the long term and keep winning?

Buffett was careless last year and capsized in the gutter.

We must be stronger than Old Man Ba? This will ensure that the ship will not capsize.

The past rate of return can only represent the past, and every year is a new beginning and a new test. "

Jiang Ping lowered his head and said nothing, feeling a little ashamed.

Reflecting on myself, I have indeed drifted a bit during this period.

Earning 40 billion US dollars a year is equivalent to entering the ranks of Wall Street legends.

Under such great success, I gradually lost myself.

Looking at the boss again, the company has earned more than 100 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to the annual GDP of many countries.

However, the boss still maintains a cool head and has never slacked off.

The more he thought about it, the more Jiang Ping felt ashamed, and at the same time he felt sincere admiration for Xia Jingxing.

How does the boss keep a normal mind?

Xia Jingxing smiled coldly, "I have a friend who said that anyone who is unwilling to work together is not worthy of being his brother.

These words are rough, but the reasoning is not rough!

Life goes on and the fight goes on!

As long as Vision Capital exists, our goal is to keep moving forward. "

Xia Jingxing's words were a bit harsh. Jiang Ping's head hung lower, and the two people on the screen became motionless. The atmosphere of the meeting became very serious.

Xia Jingxing can actually understand and sympathize with everyone's laziness, after all, human nature is like that.

Including him, he was happy for many days because of last year's great success.

But he came out quickly because he had experienced the joy of winning countless times.

Although he earned a lot last year, especially a lot, it is not the upper limit or limit of his life. There are still many pursuits and dreams that have not been completed.

Others do not have his special rebirth experience, so it is easy for them to fall into the trap and become too obsessed with past achievements, thus losing their enterprising spirit. It is also easy for them to cause huge losses to the company due to arrogance.

They are all old people who have followed him in the capital market for many years, and he will not just change them casually.

After all, it costs money to train people.

But time waits for no one, and he will not wait for the stragglers.

Even if he can wait, the company cannot wait.

Envision Capital experienced a bumper harvest last year, just like the IPO of an Internet company.

I have the honor, I have the money, I have everything.

At the same time, it will also bring about a lot of "sequelae of listing."

This kind of sequelae, manifested in Internet companies, is that employees begin to slack off at work and lose their goals and direction.

Financial companies are similar and have these same shortcomings.

After making use of the topic and scolding everyone, the anger in Xia Jingxing's heart also subsided a little.

"I won't mention any unnecessary words. Just one sentence: last year was last year and this year is this year. There is no one in Vision Capital who rests on his laurels to live his life!"

Everyone looked solemn, and they all heard the determination in the boss's words.

Starting a company is not charity. If you can't create benefits for the company, you can only passively contribute to society and make society rich.

Although this scene is cruel, it is indeed the fate of Wall Street people and even people in the workplace.

Jiang Ping, as the company's first brother and pillar, was now directly targeted by his boss, who opened fire arbitrarily.

Even Brother Yi can’t “goof around”, how about asking yourself, can you?

The executives present shook their heads inwardly, suppressing the slackness that had just arisen, and replaced it with a strong sense of crisis.

Without the big platform of Vision Capital, could I and others still achieve such great results? Can you still easily collect hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses?

There is no need to be too clear-cut about some things. Everyone has a balance in his heart and knows who the results, power, and bonuses in his hands come from.

Xia Jingxing looked around the senior executives with his eyes, and especially took a look at Jiang Ping.

I hope the other party can really figure it out, right?

If he really couldn't figure it out, he would have no choice but to help him figure it out.

After becoming a capitalist, Xia Jingxing found that his heart became harder and harder, and he became more and more lonely.

Some things were not his intention, but in this position, he was walking on thin ice, trembling with fear and not daring to slack off at all.

There is no way, there are too many people who want to kill him.

Among the world's top 500, at least a few dozen would not mind throwing a rock into the well when he fell into it.

At this point, there is no use in retreating and escaping. Only by constantly making yourself stronger will you not be missed by thieves.

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