My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and seventy-five, vision home

Remember [new] in one second! In the cloudless sky, the mattress was being ravaged one after another, emitting rhythmic wails one after another.

After a while, the old scalper, who had been plowing fields for more than 20 years, finished his day's hard work out of breath. He grabbed the mineral water from the cabinet next to him, unscrewed the lid, and began to replenish the lost nutrients and water.

"Huhu~, why are you so excited today? Have you taken stimulants?"

Ivanka's face was bright red, and she lay weakly on the bed.

Xia Jingxing glanced at the charming Ivanka and said with a smile: "As an athlete who pays attention to the Olympic spirit, I never touch those things. I rely on my strength."

"Then what is your goal? Faster, higher?"

Although her body was sore and weak, Ivanka still managed to sit up and reached out to Xia Jingxing for a bottle of water.

Xia Jingxing took a bottle of water and handed it to Ivanka, then sat down next to her.

Worried that the Olympic God would kill him with a big move, Xia Jingxing had no choice but to explain to Ivanka his understanding of "faster, higher, stronger" in a low voice.

Ivanka laughed out loud and kept slapping Xia Jingxing's arm, "Thankfully you are still the richest man in Asia and the fourth richest man in the world. All you think about is sports."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Life lies in movement!"

As he spoke, Xia Jingxing suddenly grabbed Ivanka's vitals, as if he wanted to pull her to exercise again.

Ivanka hurriedly dodged and waved her hand: "I'm tired, I won't come."

"Who said you should tire me down? Have you exercised only a few times today?"

Seeing the big bad wolf approaching her with malicious intentions, Ivanka huddled in the corner like a panicked little white rabbit.

She doesn't know why this is happening? Could it be that I have become more attractive recently?

Fortunately, Xia Jingxing only scared her and didn't make her do the fifth set of radio gymnastics.

This was a great relief to her. .

Xia Jingxing sat back down and looked towards the porthole. The weather outside was sunny and the person he was looking at was in a good mood.

In fact, Ivanka didn't need to remind him that he himself had noticed some changes in his body.

Since counting his assets, he seems to have been relieved of a huge burden. He is several years younger and his athletic ability has been greatly enhanced.

Of course, it's also possible that the old Chinese medicine doctor's prescription has finally worked.

As a promising young man in the new era who cares about his waist, he still has a lot of beautiful scenery to experience. He does not want to be like Golf Liu, who collected countless luxury cars when he was young, but can only drive a wheelchair when he is old.

Therefore, he started soaking wolfberry in a thermos cup many years ago and paid great attention to health preservation.

While Xia Jingxing was in a daze, Ivanka ran to the shower room in the bedroom and took a shower.

After a while, she came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Then she took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and poured a glass each for Xia Jingxing and herself.


Xia Jingxing took the cup from Ivanka, took a sip of wine, then glanced at Ivanka who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, and said, "The bedroom area of ​​this airplane is a bit narrow."

Ivanka glanced around and said with a smile: "Is this still narrow? It can accommodate so much furniture, so the area is not small."

"I want to change to a large aircraft of the "Sky Palace" level, otherwise I won't be able to move my body properly."

Ivanka pursed her lips, "If you customize a new phone, it will cost at least several hundred million dollars, and you still have to wait."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "The financial crisis broke out. Maybe someone can't afford the payment. We can just pick up the leaks and renovate them."

Ivanka spread her hands and said, "I have no objection. Anyway, you have money and can afford 100 planes."

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Xia Jingxing laughed loudly, "I'll buy you one too!"

Ivanka's eyes suddenly sparkled, and she said with joy: "Really?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "Of course it's true, so you can work for me more efficiently."

Ivanka's eyes became a little strange, and she felt that Xia Jingxing must have had some evil intentions.

More efficient! Hum ~

Xia Jingxing saw the suspicion on Ivanka's face and couldn't help but joke: "What are you thinking about? I'm talking about Vision Homes, a housing rental company jointly established by the Real Estate Recovery Fund, your family, and Puppy Office."

Ivanka suddenly realized, "Oh, so you are planning to exploit me? Let me fly across the United States to help you acquire and manage houses?"

Xia Jingxing admitted that he meant what Ivanka said, but he still said it in a nicer way, "Once Vision Home is operational, you will definitely become very busy.

It will undoubtedly be much more convenient if you have a plane for your business trip. When you feel tired, you can catch up on your sleep on the plane and no one will disturb you midway.

I'm not afraid that you will be exhausted. Mr. Friedrich doesn't know how to feel sorry for his daughter, so I will be the only one to feel the pain. "

Hearing these words, Ivanka felt happy and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will help you manage Vision Homes well and make it the largest house rental company in the United States."

"This is not only my career, it's your career."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "If you perform well enough next, I will convince the board of directors to reward you with equity."

Ivanka has a beautiful smile. She has always longed to have her own career.

Xia Jingxing helped her realize her dream since childhood.

Even though she is a rich second generation, she actually lived a very ordinary life growing up.

Her father, Friedrich, divorced her mother when she was very young. In addition to paying normal alimony, Friedrich would not give her any pocket money. At the same time, he said that if she wanted to spend money, Earn it yourself.

So she started working part-time at a coffee shop when she was a child. She also earned ghostwriting fees by helping her classmates with their homework. She even designed some trendy clothing to earn pocket money. When she was in high school, she started Works part-time as a model.

Later, when she followed the Hilton sisters and joined the socialite circle, she could only be reduced to a follower because she had no money in her pocket.

Therefore, she has a strong desire for wealth and status.

In front of Friedrich, she was always a well-behaved and sensible daughter.

Because she knows that whether she can become a rich person in this life, she must coax her father to be better.

Since meeting Xia Jingxing, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xia Jingxing gave her a house and a car, let her take charge of a billion-dollar company, and now he also gave her a plane.

Although she didn't specify what kind of plane it was, the huge happiness had already made her dizzy.

She has now shifted her focus to Xia Jingxing, and her father is no longer her best hope.

Even if she doesn't get any inheritance in the future, she won't feel regretful or distressed.

"Darren, what are your thoughts on the next operations of Vision Homes?"

Ivanka put away the ripples in her heart and began to focus on her work.

She wanted to prove to Xia Jingxing that she was not a flower vase, nor worse than that farmer's daughter!

It's just that the woman was lucky. If I had been studying at Stanford University back then, nothing would have happened to her.

What the Queen of Silicon Valley, I want to be the Queen of Rentals!

It seems that she is not domineering enough, she should be called the Queen of Real Estate!

Xia Jingxing glanced at Ivanka, who was suddenly sitting upright, and said with a smile: "Three steps, buy, repair and sell."

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