My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and eighty-two, cramps and skin peeling

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Xia Jingxing was chatting with Reid Hoffman, Pincus and others when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from Ricky Milner.

"Ricky, what's going on?"

"I understand. Just take him to sit in the reception room. I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Jingxing's face gradually darkened.

Reid Hoffman, who was on the side, knew how to look at people's faces. He stopped dragging Xia Jingxing to chat with him, and very wisely led a few people to leave.

Xia Jingxing did not persuade them to stay. After sitting alone in the conference room for a few minutes, he got up and walked towards the reception room.

As soon as he entered the reception room, he quickly put on a smile and said, "Mr. Moritz, long time no see!"

Michael Moritz, the head of Sequoia Capital, shook hands with Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face, "I heard that you are holding a meeting for dozens of CEOs. I am not disturbing your work, right?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and shook his head, "No, the meeting is over. Isn't there a financial crisis now? We need to remind the invested companies to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and don't starve ourselves to death."

Moritz laughed loudly, "This is a good idea. It seems that Sequoia will also hold a CEO summit."

Xia Jingxing smiled, is plagiarism so blatant?

But then again, even if he didn't tell Moritz, today's meeting would soon cause quite a stir in Silicon Valley.

Although Vision Capital's VC fund has not yet condensed its divine power at this time, it can't help but have a halo around his head, and his every word and deed has received widespread attention in the industry.

"Darren, I'm looking for you today mainly because I want to talk to you about Airbnb.

Last night, Graham from YC Incubator came to meet with me along with the three founders of Airbnb.

After only ten minutes of listening, I became very interested in the project. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at the ceiling. He wouldn't believe even a single punctuation mark from this old man's words.

As if he didn't see the ugly expression on Xia Jingxing's face, Moritz continued to talk to himself: "When I heard that you met the three founders yesterday and made the decision to invest in Airbnb, I was very interested in this rental property." The website is more interesting.

What project is it that can make you look at it differently? "

Moritz looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile. He was really interested in Airbnb.

The investment is not large anyway, and Darren Xia’s vision is worthy of trust!

Xia Jingxing wanted to curse in his heart, Sequoia was like a lingering ghost that could be encountered wherever he went.

LinkedIn, Treasure Box... They have tried against Sequoia countless times.

“I saw that those three guys were very similar to me when I was young, so I let them try their luck at Vision Capital.

But since they approached you first, I’ll leave this project to you. "

Moritz asked with a smile: "Really?"

"Really, you can take it. Their qualities are not in line with our investment values."

Moritz smiled and said: "Don't blame those three young people, Graham said a long time ago that he would introduce them to me.

Your appearance disrupted our meeting plan.

After Graham learned the news that the three young people were meeting with you, he immediately made the decision to arrange for them to meet with me in advance. "

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, "I understand, you have always cooperated with YC, right?"

Moritz nodded slightly, "Yes, just like you founded the Vision Entrepreneurship Incubator, Sequoia also needs some partner institutions to recommend excellent early-stage projects to us."

After hearing this, Xia Jingxing roughly knew what role Graham played.

If that guy hadn't been meddling, he wouldn't have attracted Sequoia's attention.

"Dylan, do you want to hear my plan?"

"Say it!"

Moritz chuckled, "These young people don't know the rules, but I know the rules, so I came to you to discuss it as soon as possible instead of signing the investment agreement before you.

Because we have a friendly agreement to work together for a win-win situation! "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "Okay, keep talking."

“My opinion is that our family’s investment share in Airbnb is half!

How much shares did Vision Capital originally hope to hold? We asked Airbnb to release twice that amount of investment.

In this case, you have nothing to lose, and Sequoia can work with you to make this cake bigger.

The more strength you have, the more hope you have for success. "

Xia Jingxing understood, and the old man proposed to let the entrepreneurs work together to pass on the losses.

"Are you so sure that Airbnb's entrepreneurial team will agree to the financing conditions you propose?"

Moritz smiled and shook his head, "It's not me, it's us. We invest together. They have no reason to refuse."

Xia Jingxing thought silently in his heart for a few seconds. He had to say that Moritz knew how to share the cake.

"We want at least 20% of the shares."

Moritz frowned and said: "It's too much, our total is 40%, and the founding team has no motivation to work.

If you want to be the CEO of Airbnb, that's fine. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled and said, "How can I have that free time? Let's do this. Between our two institutions, one will get 15%."

Moritz nodded, "You can try."

"Then it's settled."

Xia Jingxing didn't get too entangled, because the plan proposed by Moritz suited him very well.

He didn't have much ill feelings towards Moritz now. The other party acted like he had something to discuss, and came to talk to him on an equal footing. There was nothing wrong with him in any aspect.

What really pissed him off was the Airbnb founding team! It’s a bit disrespectful!

When he promised so many benefits, he actually bowed to him without giving in, and even used this as a bargaining chip to collude with Sequoia! It’s totally outrageous!

At this moment, Xia Jingxing seemed to have forgotten how he played with venture capital back then.

He has done things like making fake phone calls and getting Principal Andrew and John to raise prices for each other.

It is said that the butt determines the head. From the perspective of entrepreneurs, it is natural to cooperate on the basis of merit.

Envision Capital's strong position in Silicon Valley is still much worse than that of Sequoia Capital.

From Xia Jingxing's point of view, he naturally hates entrepreneurs' behavior of waiting for a price.

It is possible that the three young people were also deceived by Graham, thinking that they could induce Sequoia and Vision Capital to bid, and they reaped the benefits.

Facts have proved that you are still too young!

Moritz sold this group of people backhand and prepared to join forces with Vision Capital to put pressure on Airbnb.

Moritz had suffered a lot from Xia Jingxing, and he would not choose to go head-to-head with Vision Capital without seeing absolutely attractive profit prospects.

If Sequoia America dares to bully Envision America, Envision China will dare to continue bullying Sequoia China.

"Oh, by the way, Darren, we also need to have priority investment rights in the next round of financing."

Moritz was even more ruthless than Xia Jingxing and was ready to tear Airbnb apart.

Xia Jingxing naturally had no reason to object to such a thoughtful suggestion and readily agreed.

If Airbnb turns into a situation like Uber or Didi in the future where the founders only hold a few shares of equity, we can’t blame others but the founders themselves. This is the price of jumping left and right.

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