My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and four, overseas dispatched employees

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"My fan?"

Xia Jingxing held Scarlett's soft, boneless hand and couldn't help but look at her more.

It must be said that Scarlett was at her peak appearance during this period, and her beauty was so dazzling that no wonder some people clamored to drink her bath water.

Scarlett retracted her hand, and as she was not tall enough, she looked up at Xia Jingxing and smiled slightly, "Yes, I follow your Twitter, and I also bought a mobile phone produced by your company."

After saying that, Scarlett raised the Fuxing FX2 in front of Xia Jingxing.

"Haha, really? How do you feel about using the phone? Do you have any good suggestions?"

Scarlett smiled and said: "It's very good. The only flaw is that the game seems to be missing a bit."

"There is nothing we can do about this for the time being. There are still too few developers of Android mobile applications. We are recruiting a large number of developers recently. I believe that by next year, there will be too many games in the application market to play."

"That's great. When will your new phone be launched?"

Scarlett acted very excited, just like a little girl who met her idol.

Xia Jingxing was quite pleased with this. After all, no cadre could withstand such a test.

Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays "Pepper Pepper", looked at Scarlett and Xia Jingxing's heated chat with some disdain in her heart, and secretly cursed countless times.

She glanced at Robert Jr., whose eyes remained on Scarlett, which made her feel a little sad. Was she getting old?

Compared with the 25-year-old Black Widow, Pepper has indeed become Old Pepper. At 37, she already looks a little older.

This is also a common problem among European and American women, the shelf life is too short.

Xia Jingxing didn't stay too long. He chatted with Scarlett for a while, exchanged phone numbers, and then left for another office under the reluctant gaze of the other party.

There were more than a dozen young people with black hair and dark eyes sitting in the room, all of whom were film professionals assigned by Jupin Pictures to study at Marvel.

The leader was a man in his thirties with the same haircut as Ekin Zheng. As soon as he saw Xia Jing entering the house, he hurriedly greeted her.

"Mr. Xia, I am Ning Cheng."

Xia Jingxing smiled and shook hands with him, "I have heard of your name. Zhang Zhao spoke highly of you and said that you can become a major player in Chinese movies in the future."

"No, Mr. Xia, you are overly complimentary." Ning Cheng expressed his modesty.

After chatting for a few words, Xia Jingxing's first impression of Ning Cheng was not bad, but he didn't know what his professional level was.

After shaking hands with others one by one, Xia Jingxing invited everyone to sit down.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, I'm here to inspect work at Marvel today, and I just happened to come over to see everyone.

It’s been more than half a year since you’ve been in the United States. Are you still used to life? "

Xia Jingxing's greetings made the dozen or so young people present a little flattered.

After joining the company for so long, this was the first time for almost everyone to see Xia Jingxing.

As a billionaire, the big boss spoke to them so politely, which moved them a little.

Ning Cheng smiled and replied: "Thank you, Mr. Xia, for your concern, everything is fine, there's nothing I'm not used to.

A trip to the United States opened our eyes. The film industry system is indeed well-deserved..."

Ning Cheng introduced what he saw, heard and learned after coming to the United States and joining Marvel.

Xia Jingxing showed no sign of impatience and quietly became a listener.

He attaches great importance to this group of potential directors and behind-the-scenes producers sent to the United States.

Because he hopes that these people will succeed in their studies in the future and play a greater role after returning to China.

It is not expected that they will change the Chinese film industry, but that they can create some value for Jupin Pictures and Domestic Holdings Group and bring some different film shooting models.

After listening to Ning Cheng’s introduction, Xia Jingxing nodded, “The company had high hopes for you when we decided to send you to study at Marvel.

Everyone must learn with an open mind and understand other people's strengths.

After returning to China in the future, everyone will be able to take on more important jobs. "

After hearing Xia Jingxing's words, many people showed joy. This was because they wanted to follow the rhythm of themselves and others!

"Have you heard about the "Shushan Project"?"

Hearing this, everyone including Ning Cheng nodded.

Although they are far away in the United States, they have all heard about this big movie project. Xia Jingxing plans to adapt the 5 million-word "Swordsman of Shushan" to the big screen one after another, and shoot ten or more movies.

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Let me tell you the truth, this is an Oriental Xianxia universe that is comparable to the Marvel universe."

Hearing this, many people showed expressions of "Sure enough".

Xia Jingxing continued: "China does not lack good and popular stories! It only lacks good screenwriters and directors who know how to tell stories.

Marvel is the memory of generations of Americans, and every superhero is a well-known IP.

"The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" was written during the Republic of China, and it was considered a well-known IP at that time. Even Premier Zhou was a martial arts writer for a few days, which shows how popular chivalry was at that time.

However, after all, the Republic of China was too long ago from the era we live in now, and few young people today have read this book.

However, martial arts has been passed down and has become China's unique culture.

In recent years, martial arts movies have become somewhat declining and outdated, and there is a serious lack of changes to keep pace with the times.

I very much hope that everyone can use new shooting techniques to revitalize martial arts and fairy tale movies and show the unique culture of our country and nation.

It would be even better if it could go abroad, go to the world and become a Chinese business card like Japanese animation and Bangzi TV series. "

Hearing this, Ning Cheng and the young directors and editors present looked thoughtful.

As a literary and art practitioner, who doesn’t want his works to be on a bigger stage?

The beautiful blueprint drawn by Xia Jingxing made them fascinated.

"Don't think this goal is too difficult or too far away. You can take a look at the entertainment industry in Bangzi Country. They used to be a dumping ground for Hong Kong movies. It was only in the 1990s that they began to vigorously develop the entertainment industry. In just a dozen years, Then it rose up, and Dae Jang Geum and the Thigh Era became popular throughout Asia.

Today's young people are almost brainwashed by Bangzi dramas. For those working in the Chinese film and television industry, this has to be said to be a shame and sadness.

The media in Bangzi Country are so complacent that they almost regard our country as a cultural colony. Some celebrities were interviewed and said that they would go to China if they had no money.

Even I, as an outsider, can hardly stand it anymore. People working in the film and television industry are unwilling to make progress. The entire industry has been at a trough and is sinking. There are Kazakhs, Koreans, Japanese, and American pugs everywhere!

This phenomenon deserves vigilance and deep thought by every Chinese.

Other entrepreneurs may not want to take care of this, but I do! "

Xia Jingxing's voice suddenly rose, "The Shushan Project is just the beginning. In the future, the company will shoot more movies, TV series, and animations involving Chinese history, mythology, culture, and other fields.

If everyone learns skills well and improves their professional skills, there will be no need to worry about not having a film in the future.

But I have said ugly things before. What I need is people with real talents and practical skills.

The reason why I sent you to the United States is that I hope you can realize the gap with others, find your own shortcomings, and become a new generation of Chinese filmmakers. "

Ning Cheng and other directors and screenwriters present were stunned when Xia Jingxing revealed so many plans at once.

They don’t quite understand the boss’s decision to invest heavily in China’s entertainment industry. Maybe he is too rich and has begun to pursue spiritual wealth?

Changing the future of an industry and preventing young people from being poisoned by the Korean Wave sounds like a sense of accomplishment.

Xia Jingxing didn't bother to explain the overseas holding group's social pan-entertainment strategy.

He definitely wants to take the entertainment industry into his hands and develop it in a big way, because it is a leg of Domestic Holdings.

But he didn't want to use Aidou's bad money to make some stupid operation of pouring milk, so he could only take the right path.

What is the right path?

Filming some historical dramas, other than ancient puppets and fairy tales, is definitely not a crooked way, nor does it teach bad things to children.

Going a step further, whether long-form videos will be profitable in the future will probably depend on whether he can control the Chinese entertainment industry.

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