My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and twenty-seven. Do you want to be rich for six generations?

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A week later, Wang Wei responded on time.


It won't work if he doesn't sell, because the knife is on his neck. Just the fact that Vision Capital and Axel team up to rebel is enough for him to drink.

Wang Wei didn't know that because of his knowledge, he successfully escaped.

Xia Jingxing took out the forty-meter sword and put it back.

Witnessed by Tudou shareholders who came from all over the world, Zhang Yong, on behalf of the domestic holding group, and Wang Wei, who represented Tudou, signed an equity acquisition agreement.

Domestic Holding Group fully acquired Tudou at a price of "US$300 million in cash + an additional US$300 million in equity".

After the acquisition was completed, the valuation of Domestic Holding Group further increased to US$6 billion, a small step closer to the market value target of US$100 billion.

At the same time, the original shareholders of Domestic Holding Group also diluted 5% of their equity and introduced some Tudou shareholders.

Because Envision Capital holds 42% of the shares in Tudou and 70.29% of the shares of Overseas Holding Group, after the merger of the two companies, the shareholding ratio of Overseas Holdings dropped to 68.88%.

However, in terms of cash, Vision Capital also received US$126 million in equity consideration, which is enough to invest in ten or eight start-up companies such as

After the signing was completed, everyone held a small celebration party in the hotel.

Jim Breyer, Axel's partner in the United States, was wearing a crisp black suit and was supporting an old white man who was also wearing a suit and tie and who looked to be in his seventies or eighties as he walked over at a slow pace.

"Darren, you are hiding here. Mr. David Rockefeller and I are looking for you everywhere."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Brayer with a smile, and then focused his attention on the old man next to the latter, whose facial muscles were flabby and wrinkled, and who looked exactly like Soros.

"Mr. Rockefeller, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still so strong." Xia Jingxing greeted the old man with a smile.

David Rockefeller also shook hands with Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, Darren, long time no see. I remember the last time we met was at a charity gala in New York last year.

It's a pity that the surrounding environment was noisy at that time, so we didn't have a full chat.

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed, and Darren, your career kingdom is getting bigger and bigger.

In you, you can see the shadow of my grandfather's entrepreneurial days. You are all the greatest business tycoons of an era. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said I look like your grandfather? How can I bear this?

"You are flattering. Mr. John Rockefeller was the first billionaire in the 19th century. His achievements are unparalleled.

The Beijing Union Medical College Hospital he donated and built more than 80 years ago is still the best hospital in China. The Chinese people have always missed and appreciated him very much. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing admired his grandfather so much, David Rockefeller instantly became happy and felt quite proud at the same time.

The Rockefeller family has a history of more than 100 years, has been rich for six generations, and is famous all over the world.

Today, the apparent assets of the Rockefeller family still amount to tens of billions of dollars. Their descendants are spread across all walks of life in the United States, including business, politics, academia, and the military, and they are all among the best.

His second brother once served as governor of New York and deputy commander of the United States;

His fourth brother inherited the New York Stock Exchange bought by his grandfather, and at the same time created the modern venture capital industry and is known as the father of venture capital;

As the youngest son, Lao Wu, he served as chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. Later, this bank merged with JP Morgan and became today's JP Morgan Bank.

In 1973, he also visited China with Nixon and met many of China's founding leaders, and then China and the United States began to establish diplomatic relations.

He has attached great importance to the Chinese market since his grandfather's generation, otherwise he would not have bought the Prince Yu's Mansion and transformed it into Union Hospital.

At present, the Rockefeller family no longer controls any large industrial groups. Family inheritance and wealth preservation mainly rely on family offices, trust funds and the Rockefeller Foundation.

In other words, the Rockefeller family is now mainly engaged in investment.

The earliest batch of venture capital investors in the United States appeared after World War II. Among them was Venrock, a Rockefeller venture capital founded by his fourth brother. It invested in a series of well-known companies such as Wisdom Fruit, Cisco, Intel, and 3. More than 100 companies were listed and exited alone. Home.

It can be said that Rockefeller Venture Capital's investment record is no worse than top venture capital firms such as Sequoia, Axel, and Kleiner Perkins Caufield \u0026 Byers, but it has always been relatively low-key.

Tudou’s D-round financing last year included participation from Rockefeller Ventures, and it was also the lead investor.

Now that has been acquired by a domestic holding group, Rockefeller Ventures has also become a shareholder of Domestic Holdings.

However, just an Internet company merger and exit case is not worthy of David Rockefeller dragging his old body all the way from the United States to support it.

What he really valued was using this incident to establish a connection with Darren Xia.

The main business of the Rockefeller family today is investment, and Darren Xia is a well-known financial tycoon. There is a lot of room for cooperation between the two parties.

It's a pity that Xia Jingxing has always been a prodigal, often running around the world. It is difficult for David Rockefeller to find an opportunity to talk about cooperation. Moreover, the two parties have never cooperated before and lack a little foundation of trust.

The acquisition of allowed him to see an opportunity for in-depth cooperation with Darren Xia, so he rushed over from the United States, intending to seek one last blessing for his children and grandchildren before he passed away.

After chatting for a while, Breyer found an excuse to leave. He knew that David Rockefeller had important matters to discuss with Xia Jingxing and it was not appropriate for him to stay here.

David Rockefeller looked at Xia Jingxing with a gentle smile and said, "Darren, can I take half an hour of your time?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "You are a senior in the industry. I can listen to your teachings. Let alone half an hour, one hour or two hours is not too much, as long as there is no charge."

David Rockefeller laughed loudly, and then followed Xia Jingxing to a quiet small conference room not far from the party scene.

After the two sat down across a table and faced each other, David Rockefeller said, "I heard that Darren, you have established your own family office - Daxia Capital?"

Xia Jingxing was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Mr. Rockefeller, you really pay attention to me."

"I don't have any malicious intent in paying attention to you. On the contrary, I want to establish a cooperative relationship with you on behalf of the Rockefeller family."

Although David Rockefeller is 94 years old, he is in very good spirits. His usually cloudy eyes are looking at Xia Jingxing with vigour.

In fact, judging from his appearance, David Rockefeller looked to be in his seventies or eighties. He was well-maintained and had only six heart replacements.

Xia Jingxing didn't play casually, but asked directly: "What kind of cooperation method?"

David Rockefeller smiled mysteriously, "Do you want the Xia family to be as rich as the Rockefeller family for six generations?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Who wouldn't want to? We Chinese also value family inheritance.

Our Xia family has a long heritage, and its history can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty, the first dynasty in China founded by our ancestor Xia Yu more than 4,000 years ago. "

Tell me about history, then I can only defeat magic with magic.

Xia Jingxing glanced sideways at David Rockefeller to see how you would answer.

David Rockefeller did not deny the Xia Dynasty like other foreigners, but nodded seriously, "I have learned about the Xia Dynasty through the name of Daxia Capital, and I sincerely admire China's splendid and glorious history.

However, Daeron, the glory of our ancestors is in the past, and we need to look forward. "

Xia Jingxing did not refute the old man's last words, but nodded and said, "You are right, it's time to move on."

"China will then complete its rise again on a difficult road and move toward comprehensive rejuvenation." Xia Jingxing muttered this sentence silently in his heart without saying it out loud.

"Judging from the name you gave to the family office, you have placed a lot of heritage significance on it."

Xia Jingxing glanced at David Rockefeller and smiled brightly, "It's just like you Americans like to name companies after yourself.

I'm not even married, so it's too far to talk about family inheritance now. "

David Rockefeller smiled and said: "Darren, although you are not married yet, you already have your own son!"


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