My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and thirty, give you some advice

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“There was such a big thing, and if someone hadn’t informed me, I would still have kept it in the dark.

How do you do your job? Have you ever done something like this? "

Xia Jingxing was very angry and got angry at Liu Hai for the first time.

This time he was really angry!

According to the information delivered by David Rockefeller, Christina and her son were most likely being followed. If you think about it more seriously, the servants in the family might have been someone else's spy.

Looking at the livid Xia Jingxing on the screen, Liu Hai felt a little uncomfortable and a little ashamed.

Xia Jingxing trusted him with the heavy responsibility, but within two months of taking office, something went wrong in his work.

Moreover, something went wrong, and the secret that Xia Jingxing already had a son was exposed.

“Jing Xing, don’t be angry yet, I will fly from New York to Silicon Valley to handle this matter right away.

I won't go back to New York until I get to the bottom of this matter. "

Liu Hai was heartbroken and began to issue military orders.

Xia Jingxing keenly heard a hint of key information. Liu Hai was still holding the position of Vision Capital at this time and could not devote himself wholeheartedly to the construction work of Daxia Capital.

Moreover, Daxia Capital has just been established, and many departments have been initially established. It is extremely normal for there to be imperfections.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing's face brightened slightly and he said, "I actually don't mean to blame you too much. After all, you are currently wearing multiple hats, so it is inevitable that there are things you cannot take care of.

I was mainly worried about what danger Christina and Xia Zerui would encounter. "

"I will never let them be in danger. I will send people to strengthen the security force immediately."

As a family office, Daxia Capital not only has investment functions, but also has multiple functions such as housekeeping and security.

Liu Hai holds a lot of power, but also a very heavy responsibility.

He looked at Xia Jingxing with a serious expression, "In addition, I will evaluate the work ability of several employees who previously served as security as soon as possible. If they are found to be unqualified, all of them will be fired from Daxia Capital.

The servants in the Summer Palace are also very suspicious. Although we have all done a background check before joining the company, we will immediately start a second round of investigation. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "I know that these tasks are more tedious and detailed, and they are not as refreshing as commanding thousands of troops to traverse the financial market.

But apart from you, I can't find anyone I trust more, so I can only make you the butler.

With you looking after my home from behind, I can feel at ease fighting from the front, otherwise my home will be stolen by others. "

Seeing Xia Jingxing showing his true feelings, Liu Hai said with a guilty look on his face, "It's me who betrayed your trust."

"Okay, let's not dwell on this issue anymore. You are also a big girl who has boarded the sedan for the first time, and the team itself has not gotten along well. If this matter is serious, I can't blame you."

After comforting Liu Hai for a few words, Xia Jingxing began to arrange the work.

"The next step is to investigate internally. The second step is to find out who is behind the scenes as soon as possible."

Xia Jingxing looked away coldly, "This matter is currently only known to a small group of people, and the media has not reported it.

This reveals something strange!

What is their purpose? Deliberately leading without saying anything? Or are you waiting for our reaction?

This matter needs to be clarified as soon as possible, otherwise we will be very passive. "

Liu Hai frowned and said, "This matter involves you and Kristina. Facebook is about to go public. Is it because of Facebook?"

"This is very likely, but not absolute. Your task is to figure it out as soon as possible."


After a few more instructions, Xia Jingxing closed the video conferencing system.

Sitting on the sofa, he rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, feeling a heavy feeling in his heart that a storm was about to come.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

Facebook has now achieved full profitability, and key indicators such as revenue, net profit, and number of users have completely surpassed Google on the eve of its listing in 2004.

Google created the myth of technology stock listings, and the wealth creation effect of Facebook's listing is only strong.

This is like a ripe fruit, which is bound to attract people from all walks of life to salivate.

Whether they join forces to ban the fruit from being sold on the market, or slander it as a rotten fruit, they can muddy the waters and profit from it.

Of course, Xia Jingxing, the fruit farmer, was not the only one offended by these people's actions.

Everyone has worked hard to plant fruit trees for several years, but no one wants to sell them cheaply or throw them into their hands.

Blocking people's way of wealth is like killing your parents.

Xia Jingxing felt that it was necessary to unite the current Facebook shareholders and establish a united front.

Now everyone's interests are the same, and ensuring Facebook's smooth listing and high price is more important than anything else.

Whoever comes to stop us is our common enemy.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing dialed Blankfein's phone number.

Goldman Sachs had reserved a seat as an underwriter for the IPO a few years ago, and also invested in Facebook with an internal fund that included hundreds of partners.

If Facebook's IPO was attacked, Blankfein would not and could not remain indifferent.

The phone rang a few times and was quickly connected.

"Hey Darren, what can I do for you from Goldman Sachs?"

Blankfein has always been humorous and made Xia Jingxing, a big customer, very happy.

Xia Jingxing hesitated for two seconds before telling Christina that he and Kristina had given birth to a son.

As an important shareholder of Facebook and the leader on the road to listing, Goldman Sachs is qualified to know about this matter.

Moreover, Xia Jingxing knew that this matter could not be kept secret for too long. Rather than being exposed and causing negative effects on Facebook's listing, it was better to be honest.

Now he needs Goldman Sachs' help, and Blankfein can't let Blankfein feel cheated later.

"Oh, buy it..."

After listening to the outrageous story told by Xia Jingxing, Blankfein was very surprised and let out a series of sighs.

Then he said with a smile: "Darren, congratulations on becoming a father. You should have informed me earlier. We are good friends and partners."

Xia Jingxing heard the dissatisfaction in Blankfein's tone and quickly apologized, adding, "You were the first on Wall Street to know."

Upon hearing this, most of Blankfein's unhappiness immediately disappeared.

However, when he heard the news brought by David Rockefeller, he immediately became nervous, and even the tone of his speech began to become a little urgent.

"Dylan, you are in big trouble! This must be because of Facebook."

Blankfein's mind was racing, and he quickly measured how much impact this incident might have on Goldman Sachs' interests in Facebook.

"I feel the same way, so I came to you to discuss it. Now our interests are one, and we must cut off all the black hands reaching out to Facebook."

Blankfein sneered on the other end of the phone, did he think of me when something happened?

Goldman Sachs has always played games with others. When did it become someone else’s turn to play games with Goldman Sachs?

"Darren, I suggest you go public with this immediately and Goldman Sachs...and Morgan Stanley will help you.

Rather than letting others throw this bomb to launch a surprise attack, it is better to take the initiative to explode it yourself, at least to control the damage range. "

Blankfein thought about it for a few seconds and felt that money was more important, and it didn't matter who was using whom.

Xia Jingxing remained silent. He had actually considered this plan, but he was a little afraid that his family would be uneasy.

It used to be comfortable, but now my brain hurts.

Blankfein thought that Xia Jingxing was unwilling to accept his suggestion, so he said in a more serious tone: "All potential risks must be eliminated before listing, otherwise if they are exposed when listing, and the stock price drops, you may have to accept it. Allegations of securities fraud, and facing class action lawsuits from investors.”

Xia Jingxing did not refute Blankfein's words, but frowned and said, "Then how should I disclose the matter between me and Kristina?"

Blankfein touched his bald forehead. This was really a headache.

"Do you have any thoughts about getting married?"

Xia Jingxing did not answer the question directly, but asked instead: "From your perspective, from an investor's perspective, what do you think?"

Blankfein smiled, "First of all, let me declare that I have absolutely no intention of forcing you.

I just want to give you some advice from the perspective of a friend! "

Xia Jingxing said in a serious tone: "Just tell me, I can bear it."


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