My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and thirty-three, integration of industry, academia and research

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"People's words are terrible! Mr. Xia."

Deng Yuanyun looked a little excited and advised: "I know you are not selfish, you want to integrate domestic semiconductor resources better and more efficiently, so that domestic semiconductors can achieve better development.

But this kind of thing, firstly, violates a taboo, secondly, someone's interests must be harmed and you deliberately say bad things, and thirdly, it will arouse vigilance from the other side of the sea, which is against your original intention.

Let me give an analogy. Junzheng, a member of the association, designed a CPU chip. Huaxin International, a member of the association, is responsible for the foundry manufacturing. The finished product is sold to Bubugao, another member of the association, and the end product is sold by Jingxi Mall.

And it just so happens that these companies are all invested by the Renaissance Industrial Fund. Will someone accuse us of dominating the market? "

"This is to increase the localization rate of semiconductors. Besides, BBK has nothing to do with us."

Deng Yuanjun smiled bitterly, "I'm just giving an example. What I want to express is that this kind of resource exchange and integration cannot be done openly and can only be done secretly."

Speaking of this, Deng Yuanjun sighed. He understood Xia Jingxing's painstaking efforts.

In short, domestic enterprises support domestic enterprises, give each other orders, and everyone works together to seek development.

However, the technical level of each manufacturer varies, and product prices and costs are not necessarily comparable to those of foreign-funded and joint venture semiconductor companies with more advanced technology.

Enterprises are profit-making organizations. Naturally, they will use whose products are cheaper and of better quality. It is useless to talk about other righteousness and localized industrial chains.

Xia Jingxing remained silent. In his previous life, the other side of the sea wanted to win over Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to form a four-nation semiconductor industry alliance, and his intentions were quite sinister.

In the face of extremely severe development situations that may be faced in the future, if we do not unite for warmth now, we will only be crushed by more powerful interest alliances in the future.

However, Deng Yuanjun's reminder also made him calm down a little.

Are you too anxious?

We agreed to develop in a low-key manner, but why did we start to get high-profile again?

Deng Yuanjun observed what was said and saw that Xia Jingxing seemed to be hesitant, so he continued to persuade while the iron was hot: "Mr.

After the industrial chain is initially sorted out, it is natural to strengthen the weak links.

Otherwise, if there are no orders, how can the company expand and how can technology progress? Do we need to rely on us to continuously transfuse blood? This is neither healthy nor scientific.

But pay attention, I am talking about internal resource integration. "

Deng Yuanjun looked at Xia Jingxing, "They are all our own people who have invested in Fuxing Industrial. Everything is easy to discuss and they won't make a big fuss.

When we have straightened things out internally, we will then consider exporting this successful experience to the outside world and to the whole of China.

And I think internal business alone is enough!

The Renaissance Industrial Fund invests in the top two players in each sub-sector of semiconductors, adding up to hundreds of companies.

Just investing in, handling, and coordinating these companies will keep us busy for several years.

Ten birds in the forest are worse than one bird in the hand.

If we do a good job in reviving semiconductors, do a good job in industrial funds, and cultivate an industrial chain that we can control and influence, we will already be contributing to the construction of socialism. "

Deng Yuanjun pursed his lips, but there were still words left unsaid: Ancestor, don't make it more difficult for yourself or me.

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "The Semiconductor Industry Association still needs to do something."

Deng Yuanjun felt that he had lost all his strength in an instant. Come on, all that was said was in vain.

"But you are right, the name and functions should be changed, and we should not focus on the industrialization aspect. We should conduct industrialization privately and internally, so that there is less resistance and it is relatively hidden.

We should set our sights elsewhere and do things that others are unwilling or temporarily unable to do. "

Deng Yuanyun asked with confusion, "What do you mean?"

"How about we engage in education? Focus on semiconductor research and training of practitioners!"

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing looked eager to try.

This is an area that has been neglected for a long time!

We call ourselves a chip powerhouse all day long, but there is currently a serious shortage of integrated circuit-related professionals in China.

In order to recruit people, Fuxing Semiconductor went to the United States and Europe.

In addition, in order to retain these talents, Fuxing Industrial has provided housing, built supporting private schools, and will also provide cars after the R\u0026D and launch of Fuxing Automobile.

It could be said that Xia Jingxing took care of these science and engineering men as his treasures.

If this doesn't mean that generations of the Xia family will go through fire and water, it would be a bit unreasonable.

“Tsinghua University, as the highest institution of science and engineering in our country, does not have a school of integrated circuits, but only a department of micro-nano electronics, which was just established five years ago.

Even half of the semiconductor industry, Tsinghua University, is like this, let alone other universities.

Lack of faculty and funding, lack of a school-enterprise co-construction environment, lack of academic environment and respect for talents are the three major obstacles that weigh on China's semiconductor professional education.

Most of the talents currently owned by Fuxing Semiconductor, and even the top talents of other companies, have returned from studying abroad.

I have heard that many students from prestigious microelectronics schools have transitioned into working in the Internet industry. I have to say that this is a pity and very abnormal. "

Deng Yuanjun shook his head and laughed: "Who can make the Internet develop better? Contemporary young people are also under great pressure. If they want to gain a foothold in first-tier cities, it is almost difficult to achieve without becoming a senior talent in the semiconductor industry.

If you want to become a high-level talent, you have to study abroad and work in a large foreign factory for a few years, which eliminates many people.

Domestic semiconductor companies are currently generally very small in scale and are in a difficult stage of starting a business. Even supporting themselves is a problem. How can they have enough money to engage in school-enterprise co-construction majors? "

In response to the dilemma of lack of talents, Xia Jingxing proposed a school-enterprise co-construction major last year and is currently preparing to launch this plan.

But now he changed his mind and planned to make it bigger and cooperate with more schools besides Tsinghua University.

"I am going to spend 5 billion yuan to establish an integrated circuit school in cooperation with Tsinghua University.

At the same time, another 5 billion yuan will be spent to select five to ten schools for cooperation. "

Deng Yuanjun was not too surprised that Xia Jingxing took out 10 billion yuan without blinking an eye, because he was used to it.

“If you pay so much money, no university will refuse to cooperate.

But what is really difficult is the environment, and the academic environment needs to change.

At the same time, how to arrange for so many students after they graduate?

There are more than a dozen universities, with at least several thousand graduates every year, right? Absorb them all into Fuxing Semiconductor. We don’t need so many people for the time being.

What’s the point of training if you shut them out? "

Xia Jingxing said: "You have forgotten the Renaissance Industrial Industry Fund. By the time the first batch of integrated circuit students graduate, it will be four years later. We should have invested in hundreds of semiconductor-related companies, absorbing thousands of people every year. Not a problem.

After these students with a solid foundation enter the workplace, they continue to improve their abilities through work practice. Even if only one out of a hundred excels, there will be dozens of outstanding talents every year, and there will be hundreds in ten years.

At the same time, we can also select some outstanding grassroots employees to further their studies at the cooperative integrated circuit college to speed up the pace of talent training.

People often talk about the "integration of industry, academia and research", but in fact few companies can achieve this goal.

But Fuxing Industrial Group can. We have a huge physical manufacturing industry and various research institutes that are at the top level of research in China. The key is that we have money. At present, we only lack the "learning" sector.

We rely on China. If Chinese education is strong, Chinese enterprises will be strong.

No matter how big the investment in education is or how difficult it is, we must do everything possible to improve the level of education.

Not only the semiconductor industry, but other industries also need to strengthen cooperation with universities.

It’s impossible to spend one billion or eighty million dollars to sponsor American universities, right? My son should be able to get in based on his talent. "

Deng Yuanjun couldn't help laughing, and said: "I support the improvement of higher education with both hands.

Regardless of whether it can bring benefits to the revitalization of industry, it is a matter that benefits the country and the people.

However, we need to come up with a complete plan, and don't do bad things with good intentions, resulting in little fruit but overgrown with pests. "

Xia Jingxing understood Deng Yuanjun's reminder. Yes, a full 10 billion yuan is enough to equal the entire net worth of Robin Li and Bonima, who ranked eighth and tenth respectively on last year's Forbes rich list.


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