My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and fifty-one. The deep-seated reasons behind the boom in going abroad an

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After Fu Binglin and his party left, Xia Jingxing successively met with representatives from six universities including the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Xidian University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, and Fudan University.

Originally, Xia Jingxing selected 5-10 universities for cooperation, but in the end he thought it would be better to concentrate his efforts.

Rather than casting a wide net, it is better to focus on supporting a few colleges and universities to carry out integrated circuit professional education.

The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is located in his hometown of Rongcheng and is a well-known professional electronics school, so he selected him into the cooperation team.

Xidian University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Sun Yat-sen University have been selected as cooperation partners by Xia Jingxing based on their excellent educational strength and good reputation.

Fudan's microelectronics major is also doing well. At the same time, it is close to the Magic City, the headquarters of Fuxing Semiconductor, so it also gave the Magic City a place.

The six universities are located in Northeast, Northwest, Southwest and Central, East and South China. Together with Qingmu University in North China, they just cover the seven major geographical regions of China.

This arrangement can give students in various regions more opportunities to choose semiconductor majors.

Just like football, China's Messi may still be a migrant worker, and China's top chip talents may have been cut off by five buckets of rice before they have grown up, and have early chosen to join industries such as the Internet and games that make money quickly.

In fact, we cannot blame students for "wasting their talents". Everyone has the right to pursue a better life as long as they do not betray the country.

Among the seven integrated circuit colleges established by Fuxing Industrial Group in cooperation with seven universities, the College of Integrated Circuits under Aoki University received the largest allocation from Fuxing Industrial Group, with an investment of 5 billion in nine years.

From a personal perspective, Xia Jingxing did not have a good impression of Aoki University. In his early years, he even often ridiculed it as a preparatory school for studying in the United States.

But from a practical point of view, Aoki University has a rich alumni circle and a reputation as a prestigious school, so Fuxing Industrial chooses to cooperate with it, which will yield the fastest results.

It is undeniable that Aoki University is the best university in the country at this stage, with a relatively better source of students and a higher success rate.

The main criticism among the public is its export of talents.

Other less famous universities actually send out less talents, but Aoki and Keijo University are more famous and receive the most attention, and it is easier for them to go abroad.

While reshaping the academic style and strengthening patriotic education, we should also reflect on ourselves. Why do some people leave?

Is there anything that can be strengthened in terms of academic atmosphere, scientific research environment, respect and training of talents, etc.?

Times have changed. Scientists who ride on the 28th big bar to study nuclear bombs without asking for any fame or reward are becoming increasingly scarce. In a commodity economy society, everything is about money!

Even if a scientist can work hungry, his wife needs to buy cosmetics, his son needs a dedicated house to go to school, and his mother-in-law requires him to provide a shelter for his wife and children in a big city where he is unfamiliar...

Faced with various pressures and difficulties in reality, are the poor allowed to engage in academic research?

After graduation, the salary of students majoring in integrated circuits cannot compare with that of some major Internet companies and game companies.

You need to work hard until you are thirty or forty years old, and have extraordinary talents and perseverance, in order to gradually gain a place in the semiconductor field.

Even so, the semiconductor technology giants may not be able to make as much money as the Internet giants, let alone those entrepreneurs of the same age who chose to start their own businesses early in e-commerce, live streaming, and games, and reaped industry dividends.

This actually has a lot to do with the overall plight of the domestic semiconductor industry. China’s Internet can reap the dividends of the entire country, and even rush abroad to expand territory...

But domestic semiconductor practitioners can really only make a living. Not to mention going abroad to sell chips, even the domestic high-end chip market cannot be opened, and they can only earn some hard money.

The company's profit margin is not high, so it is naturally unable to support high-level talents.

These high-level talents can either choose to start their own business and become their own bosses and strive to get ahead, or they can go abroad to earn high wages.

But if you choose to start your own business, the threshold for starting a semiconductor business is relatively high and is no easier than starting a business on the Internet. Moreover, investors also like to see whether you have work experience in major foreign chip manufacturers such as Intel and NVIDIA, which forces talents to go abroad for gold plating.

Perhaps when the day comes when the two armies meet, some who really just want to make money, learn skills, and gild, and still have this land in their hearts will choose to come back, while some will never come back again.

The craze for chip talents to go abroad is just a microcosm of the plight of the semiconductor industry. If we zoom in and look at all industries, the more backward domestic industries are, the more people are going abroad.

Because the domestic industrial difficulties limit the growth height of most people, if you don’t have the courage and wisdom to choose to start a business, and if you want to make breakthroughs in academics, wealth, and status, you can only go to a higher platform to receive training.

But those who have the opportunity to go abroad but are still willing to stay and develop together with China's semiconductor industry should be respected.

If even these people leave, the domestic semiconductor industry will be completely empty, let alone develop.

The only way to break the brain drain is to develop industries and strive to narrow the gap with foreign countries.

When the domestic Internet industry developed, Chinese people with the highest positions in Silicon Valley, Lu Qi and Shen Xiangyang, both returned to China.

In the early stages of industrial development, domestic talents were unilaterally lost in large numbers;

In the middle stage of industrial development, while some people go abroad, others see the booming chip entrepreneurship scene in China and choose to return home to join in;

When the industry reaches its peak, few people will go abroad because they cannot learn technology or get gold plating when going abroad. The top manufacturers are all in China.

In the early days of the Internet industry, middle and low-level managers poached from Google and Facebook were treated as treasures, and later they were gradually treated as equals.

If the development of the semiconductor industry is divided into several stages, it is currently in the transitional stage from the early to the mid-term.

This transition in the previous life took a long time, almost ten years.

To attract semiconductor talents to return to China, whether they become employees or start businesses, we need to create a positive environment and strengthen their confidence in the domestic semiconductor industry.

Therefore, the country established a 100-billion integrated circuit industry investment fund, established the Institute of Integrated Circuits, and upgraded it to a first-level discipline...

All of this is to use administrative power to create a hot spot for semiconductor entrepreneurship and development in China, and at the same time attract high-end talents to return to the country.

Of course, some people who stay abroad still think that the country is not doing well enough and are unwilling to come back because they think it is risky;

Some people feel that it is enough for them to display their talents, and they can also develop areas where they are not able to display their talents.

If everything is built and all walks of life are at the forefront of the world, there will be no need for people who are still waiting outside to come back.

Those who want to come back can also be regarded as speculators who seize the fruits of such-and-such victory.

Therefore, when it comes to going abroad, you should not be too narrow-minded and just treat it rationally.

The key is to see if you are willing to come back and when you will come back.

Xia Jingxing considers himself a good role model for international students. He came back to build the motherland with the money he earned and the resources and technology he acquired from the United States. He is still doing what the country started to do a few years or ten years later - trying his best. Create a good environment for semiconductor education, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Other international students did not earn as much money as he did, so naturally they did not have the courage to return to China and engage in construction.

He felt that we should be more patient with this group of people. Comrades who joined the team late could not be said to be bad comrades, but they just did not have such firm beliefs. They were also people who could be united and re-educated.

However, we must resolutely crack down on those speculators and bad elements who scorn the booming business.

Therefore, people who are stranded overseas must be treated differently and cannot be killed at once.

Take the life experiences of Wu Ping and Chen Datong as an example, and then borrow shopkeeper Tong’s mantra to make assumptions: If they had not gone abroad, they might have worked as teachers at Qingmu University or as researchers at a certain scientific research institution, and naturally there would be no exhibition news. The birth of communication.

Then MediaTek is the dominant player and sells baseband chips very expensively. Even if rice cuts costs again, the mobile phones that will eventually reach consumers will be dozens of yuan more expensive.

If the same is true for other chips, if the costs are added up, it will really be harvested by others.

Tesla’s pricing in the Chinese market is the lowest in the world. This is not only because the factory is located in Shanghai, which saves supply chain, tariffs, transportation and other costs. It is also more likely that it feels the “full price” from domestic electric vehicle manufacturers. Malice”.

The rise and fall of a country's industry is an important factor related to the happiness index of ordinary people. It is also a top priority related to national honor and the rise of the nation.

Therefore, ordinary people who have "a humble status but dare not forget about the country" engraved in their bones sometimes have a lot of misunderstandings about studying abroad. They think it is the biggest obstacle and stumbling block to the rise of national science and technology, and they attack hard on the Internet.

In fact, there is no need to do this. People who pretend to be asleep will not wake up if they are scolded, and people who are awake do not need repeated reminders from others.

As long as the country continues to develop upwards, even those people who say that foreign countries are good every day and will never come back will come back. They call themselves responding to the call, but in fact they are here to avoid disaster, or they can no longer survive abroad.

Xia Jingxing didn't think that far-reaching for the time being. Everything he was doing now was planned from the perspective of industrial development.

He alone cannot support the entire Chinese semiconductor industry. He can only get more people to join in earlier.

Some links may never be able to be fundamentally solved, but after all, the gap is constantly narrowing. It is better to be able to use it half-heartedly than to be directly paralyzed in some countries.

His investment in education is long-term. He has decided to donate 10 billion yuan, of which 5 billion will be donated to Aoki University, and the other 5 billion will be divided into six equal parts and donated to six other universities.

Because the other six universities received relatively small donations, the allocation speed has been accelerated and is divided into five installments over five years. The average annual allocation for each school is about 167 million yuan.

Coupled with each school's own commitment to provide no less than 84 million yuan in special funds for the construction of integrated circuit colleges every year, each university can have more than 200 million yuan in development funds each year, and it is initially possible to start an integrated circuit college.

Five years later, the Renaissance Industry will decide whether to make additional donations based on the performance of the seven universities and re-divide the proportion of donation funds to each school.

This is what Xia Jingxing said openly. The purpose is to let the seven universities compete with each other and form a development trend of chasing each other. If it doesn't work, change schools or get less donations.

Aoki University received the largest amount of donations, but the other six schools were not convinced. They were very excited and prepared to unseat Aoki University.

If the top school loses in the competition, Xia Jingxing has the right to cancel the next four phases of donations totaling 2 billion yuan.

Not getting the final payment of the donation is a small matter, but being embarrassed in front of the people and superiors across the country is a big deal. Fu Binglin attaches great importance to this and has returned to the capital to hold several seminars in succession - Deng Feng and others told Xia Jingxing about this.

Because of the donation, Xia Jingxing has now become an honorary alumnus of Aoki University, and may be awarded an honorary doctorate in a few years.

People are too young nowadays, and a 25-year-old doctorate is a bit easy to be criticized.

At the same time, due to donations and honorary alumni, Xia Jingxing had a lot of closer ties with the Aoki Chip Gang, which helped him mobilize and integrate the Aoki chip resources.

In addition to the seven integrated circuit colleges, Xia Jingxing has also established a cooperative relationship with Yao Ban of Qingmu University to develop a free game in the field of artificial intelligence.

I heard that many universities have successfully received donations. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics also came to Shanghai after hearing the news.

As soon as they saw Xia Jingxing, they took the initiative to explain their intention.

We must help Fuxing Aerospace Technology Company cultivate talents in the aerospace field! Sign the targeted employment agreement at will!

Xia Jingxing was currently worried that Fuxing Aerospace could not recruit suitable talents, but as soon as he dozed off, someone immediately sent him a pillow.

Two professional aerospace schools have been paying attention to the development of Blue Origin and SpaceX, and they have heard about the approval of Fuxing Aerospace for a long time.

The reason why he didn't come to the door immediately was because he was worried that Xia Jingxing was playing tricks.

Now that 10 billion real money has been spent on seven integrated circuit colleges, the two aerospace colleges can no longer sit still - Mr. Xia is a sentimental entrepreneur who is easy to talk to.

Because it was difficult for Xia Jingxing to recruit relevant talents for domestic private aerospace technology companies in the past, he could only focus on the two major groups of Aerospace Science and Industry and Aerospace Technology.

Due to relatively good salaries and young people's interest in the concept of private rockets, the two major groups have already poached many people from China Renaissance Aerospace.

This has caused the two major aerospace groups to have strong opinions on Renaissance Aerospace and have already complained to their superiors.

After Xia Jingxing received the unexpected call, he could only restrain himself a little and did not dare to poach a large number of people from the two major aerospace groups.

Therefore, cultivating talents yourself has been put on the agenda.

The arrival of two major aerospace colleges has further strengthened Xia Jingxing's determination to cultivate talents.

Anyway, if you are not short of money, there is no harm in investing in education and national defense.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, Xia Jingxing happily decided to donate 200 million yuan to the two major aerospace colleges each year to jointly establish the "Fuxing Aerospace College". The donation period was set for ten years.

This time Xia Jingxing was no longer polite and directly took over the naming rights of the college.

In fact, the College of Integrated Circuits could also ask for the naming rights, but Xia Jingxing gave up. He did not want to make too much of a fuss, nor did he want to be criticized for "capital invading education, and one company building seven colleges."

Private aerospace is a blank industry, and Fuxing Aerospace is just one player. No matter what Fuxing Aerospace does, it will not cause too much controversy.

Groups of colleges and universities left Shanghai Magic City with Xia Jingxing's donation agreements, and groups of universities were rushing to the city at high speed.

Among them, some offer majors in vehicle engineering, some offer majors in new materials, new energy, and the Internet of Things, and some plan to jointly establish a "Smart Home Appliances Academy" with Fuxing Industrial.

There were so many schools that came to beg for help that Xia Jingxing couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to change his office.

At this moment, Chen Hong suddenly returned to the Magic City and brought back bad news.


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