My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and fifty-four, 12-digit lessons

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A few days after the case of Hualco's failure to acquire a stake in Rio Tinto ended, and public opinion had not completely subsided, a breaking news attracted the public's attention again.

Four employees of Rio Tinto Magic City were kidnapped by local police and suspected of being involved in a commercial case.

The leading Rio Tinto employee is named Gu Shitai. He was born in China. At the age of 16, he was admitted to Beijing University with the aura of a young genius. Later, he was selected to study in the Kangaroo Country. After completing his studies, he did not choose to return to his country. Is joining the kangaroo nationality and Rio Tinto Group.

At the beginning of the century, Gu Shitai changed his identity and returned to China as a returned Chinese, and assumed the position of Rio Tinto's chief commercial representative in the Magic City.

Gu Shitai is not well-known in other industries, but he is a man of the hour in the steel industry. He is both the God of Wealth and a boy who spreads wealth, and he is also the target of countless domestic steel entrepreneurs.

Its level of "prestige" is not inferior to that of many compradors of the old era.

Now that Gu Shitai is behind bars, many people feel uneasy and have a feeling that a storm is coming.

Chen Hong walked into Xia Jingxing's office in Jinmao Tower with this news.

As soon as he entered the room, he hurriedly said: "Jing Xing, have you heard? The steel industry is about to change!"

Xia Jingxing nodded with a heavy expression. He also heard the news that Gu Shitai, a scumbag, was tortured away.

"It's long past time to take action! Although I am not in the steel industry, I have also heard about some of Gu Shitai's actions. He wears the sign of Rio Tinto and a patriotic Chinese persona to make friends in the steel industry. Obtaining the core operating data of each steel company during the exchange of wine and chips has made a "major contribution" to Rio Tinto's increase in ore prices in recent years."

Chen Hong nodded slightly, "Within two years after joining the WTO, China has developed into the world's largest steel producer and consumer, occupying an absolute share of the iron ore trade.

We hold market share, so it stands to reason that we should have a certain say in iron ore transaction negotiations.

But the reality is that as the world's largest buyer of iron ore, we have repeatedly been at a disadvantage in the negotiation games with iron ore manufacturers. We have no pricing power at all and have suffered the bitter consequences of the crazy increase in iron ore prices.

Let’s just talk about last year. Against the background of the global financial crisis, Rio Tinto not only did not reduce the price of its ore, but also directly increased the prices of iron ore powder and ore nuggets. The increases were as high as 79.88% and 96.5% respectively, setting a record. new highs.

These transactions are so humiliating that Hualco is so eager to invest in Rio Tinto. At the same time, the national level also supports this and does its best to coordinate loans from various banks. "

Xia Jingxing sneered and said, "What can we do? Not only are the steel companies in disarray, but even the color of their underwear has been figured out by other people's business details. The only way to get good deals is to negotiate."

Chen Hong nodded slightly, "Now some news has come out, saying that Gu Shitai took advantage of his position to divide and disintegrate our steel industry alliance, and at the same time, he also used means to obtain the core operating data of some steel companies.

Therefore, Rio Tinto can see through China's trump cards in every negotiation, and at the same time, it also knows how to exploit the disunity among Chinese steel companies to defeat them one by one.

It is said that Gu Shitai has made us spend this amount in the past six years. "

Chen Hong gestured to the number "seven" and emphasized: "Twelve digits! It is equivalent to 10% of Kangaroo Country's national GDP last year."

Xia Jingxing scratched the back of his head and said with emotion: "Things have already happened, it's a foregone conclusion! We don't need to worry about it, someone will deal with the aftermath."

"I know it has nothing to do with us! But it's a pity that the investment in Rio Tinto failed."

"So what if it succeeds? The mine is not on other people's land. It's easy to play tricks on you, such as introducing a plan to adjust the tax rate. The workers demand higher wages, otherwise they will go on strike."

Chen Hong sighed, "Yes, it's difficult! It's really difficult!"

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "This incident should be a complete wake-up call for many people. How important it is to control the upper reaches of the industrial chain and the supply of raw materials. This is an important lifeline.

In the future, more knowledgeable people will definitely come to Envision Securities and let us help them complete mergers and acquisitions overseas.

We are just businessmen, and what we can do is help them go out successfully, and in this way contribute a little bit to the rejuvenation of the country. "

Chen Hong nodded and said: "When Chinese capital grows, it is inevitable to go overseas.

However, overseas is not a kind place. Chinese investors have no place to redress their grievances when they are cheated. They are trapped everywhere and people set up traps everywhere.

But in order to expand their living space, they had to go to sea.

If you don't go out, it means handing over the market to others. This is similar to the isolation of the country hundreds of years ago. If you don't go out, the land of heaven and the country sitting on the mine cart will belong to others. Future generations are still suffering and suffering. "Repaying debts" will lead to endless disasters!

Let’s just talk about that poor place in Africa. The foundation was laid by aid decades ago. In recent years, there have been more Chinese investments. However, big-money industries such as energy and mining are still tightly controlled by Western capital. Chinese capital In the past, I could only do hard work that others looked down upon and that paid slowly.

Although Gallic Chicken no longer directly colonizes that land, it secretly still firmly controls the economic lifeline of many African countries through international trade, monetary policy, and aid (debt).

Although the earth is big, it has already been divided up. Even if we want to do some business honestly, others will not allow it.

In the Western dictionary, if there are too many of you, you deserve to be poor and you do not deserve to live a good life. Once you live a slightly better life, you will challenge the international order and destroy regional balance. "

Speaking of this, Chen Hong was also filled with emotion. It is too difficult for Chinese-funded enterprises to expand overseas because there are too many hidden resistances.

Hualco's story is just a microcosm. There are too many bloody stories.

“If Envision Securities can build a safe bridge to go overseas, it can provide financial advisory support to overseas companies. In addition, Chinese Bank and Envision Capital can also provide equity financing, debt financing and other support for some companies.

These are our advantages, and we should make good use of them to help companies that really want to expand their territories, rather than bad people who transfer assets. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "I know this. In fact, the fate of Envision Financial Holdings is closely tied to the fate of China's industrial capital. Their development height will determine the development height of Envision Financial Holdings."

"Oh, by the way, speaking of going to sea, a new customer came to our door today."

Xia Jingxing suddenly became interested and asked, "Who came to the door?"

“Weichai Power from Shandong Province is interested in Ferretti, Italy’s oldest luxury yacht manufacturer.

Ferretti was in debt due to the financial crisis, and shareholders were eager to sell the company.

After Weichai Power acquires Ferretti, it will use its internationally renowned brand and complete sales channels to better develop the company's heavy-duty engine business.

They probably heard about Hualco, so they asked someone to find me, hoping that we could help.

They don’t understand the overseas market and have never built a yacht, so they are a little worried that they will get into trouble. "

Xia Jingxing laughed at this, "Then can we handle it? We haven't done business in Europe either?"

Chen Hong shrugged, "Just give it a try. In everything, you have to take the first step to know the subsequent results."

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "Then give it a try. We can't screw up again this time."

"Please explain to Wu Jianmin, he will arrive in Shanghai soon, and it's time for me to officially take over."

Chen Hong has officially completed the last task of his tenure. He turned negative news into good news and brought Envision Securities' overseas mergers and acquisitions business into the domestic market. At the same time, he also left a deep impression on Chinese entrepreneurs.

Well, wouldn’t Weichai Power just come to your door?

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Let Hanergy Investment also join in this case of Weichai Power's acquisition of Ferretti."

Chen Hong waved his hand repeatedly, "Forget it, Hanergy doesn't have the conditions to carry out overseas M\u0026A business yet."

“As you said, in everything you have to take the first step to know the subsequent results.

Isn’t your dream to build a truly globally influential investment bank?

We can definitely realize this dream together. The overseas M\u0026A market is large enough to accommodate our two companies. "

Chen Hong didn't refuse after thinking for a while, nodded and said: "Then I'll give it a try! Alas, I can't escape the fate of being exploited by you even after resigning from Envision Financial Holdings. It seems that I have a hard life."

Xia Jingxing laughed, "Haha, if you work as a model worker for a few more years, let me follow you and make some money."

Chen Hong smiled slightly. He knew that Xia Jingxing was taking special care of himself, because the "globalization, whole industry chain" layout of Vision Capital and Vision Financial Holdings was enough to establish an invincible and invincible investment bank.

When Hanergy joins it, it is actually the one that really makes money.

However, he will not be so useless. At least he will work hard to explore projects in the country and then send them overseas to cooperate with Envision Securities to complete the escort mission.

This is the correct way to start cooperation. One party uses its strength domestically, and the other party exerts its influence overseas. Everyone divides labor and cooperates to make progress and development together.


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