My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and fifty-seven, dare to love and do

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Xia Jingxing didn't know what Li Ying meant by what he said. It was just superficial, or... it had other meanings.

A few years ago, he knew that Li Ying was interested in him.

With outstanding business talents like him, coupled with a young and handsome face, and a tall and stylish figure, for many girls, they are walking hormones.

Whether it's an Eastern girl or a Western girl, kill them all!

Over the years, he has met too many beautiful girls who have thrown themselves into his arms!

Courageous Western girls once sent him private and cool photos through Facebook.

The stack of small notes I received from participating in various activities was as thick as a dictionary.

But he did not completely indulge himself. First, Xi Ge's lessons learned made him wary, and second, his few remaining moral values ​​told him that he really could no longer expand his team casually.

Especially those women from good families who go there for the purpose of getting married, really can't have random hookups.

Therefore, a few years ago, he and Li Ying were about to cross the border, but he took the initiative to retreat.

Now he suddenly heard Li Ying mention Kristina, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"Christina is lucky because she met you earlier than me.

I once imagined that if I went to college a few years later and went to Stanford instead of MIT, would I also have the opportunity to be your "co-founder"? "

Li Ying raised her slender and white neck and drank the red wine in the glass in one breath. Two blushes gradually rose on her cheeks.

She looked at Xia Jingxing, who had remained silent, with a half-smile, "But it's good to be like this now. Being able to work under a boss like you is what every subordinate desires.

Abundant development funds, no constraints, full trust...

Mr. Xia, don’t worry, I will definitely lead Fuxing Smart Home to go abroad and compete with brands such as Siemens, Panasonic, and Samsung. "

In order to resolve the awkward atmosphere, Xia Jingxing pretended not to understand, smiled and nodded: "I believe you, we can definitely achieve this goal."

Li Ying picked up a piece of chicken with chopsticks and put it into Xia Jingxing's bowl, and introduced: "This is Dongjiang salt-baked chicken, a special dish that Hakka people love to eat. It has a rich flavor, smooth skin and smooth meat. It's not very spicy, I don't know. Your eating habits.

I recently learned Sichuan cuisine from a Sichuan cuisine chef for a period of time, but I am stupid and the taste of the dishes I cook has never been up to standard, so I don’t have the nerve to show off my dishes today. "

If Xia Jingxing didn't know why Li Ying, a Hakka, learned to cook Sichuan cuisine, he would be a fool.

Kristina has learned to cook Sichuan cuisine, Shen Xinyi has also learned to cook Sichuan cuisine, Ivanka is learning to cook Sichuan cuisine, and currently she can only make steamed buns that look like steamed buns...

Have they all read the same book? If you want to capture a man's heart, capture his stomach first.

Like most Sichuan people, he is very particular about food, especially spicy food.

Over the years, eating habits have hardly changed.

Almost everyone around me knows this.

Xia Jingxing buried his head while eating the salt-baked chicken and praised: "It tastes very good. Compared with the spicy chicken slices in my hometown, it is another kind of enjoyment for the taste buds."

Li Ying smiled and said, "Don't comfort me. In your eyes, it's definitely not as good as Sichuan cuisine."

"You are totally wrong. Sichuan people don't like spicy food as much as people think. Many famous Sichuan dishes are actually not spicy..."

Watching the two of them chatting about Sichuan and Hakka cuisine, Liu Xiaoduo, who had always been a little transparent, finally dared to use chopsticks.

She ate the vegetables with big mouthfuls, and then served herself a bowl of white rice.

A few minutes later, Liu Xiaoduo, who was full of wine and food, said goodbye to the two of them.

"Mr. Xia, Sister Ying, I'm full, I have to go home quickly!"

Looking at Liu Xiaoduo who was talking and picking up her bag to leave, Xia Jingxing and Li Ying finally noticed her.

"Feeding up so quickly? It's not like you!"

Liu Xiaoduo smiled apologetically at Xia Jingxing, "Mr.

Xia Jingxing said "Oh" and suddenly remembered that Liu Xiaoduo was still the leader of the fan group, so he didn't stop him.

"Okay, you can go back to the hotel and rest! Remember not to leave it too late. Tomorrow we have to go to Skyworth's factory for a field trip."

"Mr. Xia, I know I won't delay things. Goodbye, Mr. Xia! Goodbye, Sister Ying!"

Liu Xiaoduo waved to the two of them, and then fled the villa that almost made her feel suffocated.

Others don't know about the ambiguity that happened between Xia Jingxing and Li Ying. Doesn't she still know?

As Xia Jingxing's secretary and Li Ying's best friend, she knew the story between the two of them very well.

However, she is not very optimistic about Sister Ying's future with Mr. Xia, unless she can tolerate Mr. Xia's bad habits.

After running out of the villa, Liu Xiaoduo looked back and sighed slightly in his heart.

If it were you, you should be able to endure it, right?

It's a pity that Mr. Xia always treats her as a younger sister, and gives herself some tickets to movie premieres, movie screenings and concerts from time to time.

Although it is not a valuable gift, it is very heart-warming and very in line with my preferences.

In the house, Li Ying watched Liu Xiaoduo leave, but rarely said anything to persuade him to stay.

Now, only Xia Jingxing and Li Ying were left in the room, and the atmosphere became a little quiet.

Xia Jingxing was thinking, should he say goodbye too? She was also worried that doing so would hurt Li Ying's self-esteem.

"Now it is considered an electronics group. The group already has three sub-groups. Next, I plan to upgrade the consumer electronics business group to a sub-group.

In this way, we have four major sub-groups: semiconductors, automobiles, home appliances and consumer electronics.

Looking back on those days, when Fuxing Industrial was first established, we didn’t even have a single profitable business. Now the entire holding group’s businesses combined should be able to enter the Fortune Global 500. "

Li Ying thought to herself that if the consumer electronics business group was upgraded to a sub-group, what would it have to do with me?

She quickly realized that Xia Jingxing was changing the subject, so she echoed a few words: "Most of the group's valuation and revenue are contributed by the consumer electronics business group, so it stands to reason that it should have been upgraded a long time ago.

Waiting until now to upgrade is actually a bit late. "

“It’s not a good thing to be busy! In the past few weeks, Fuxing fx2s has created a sales miracle of selling 1 million units in three days after its release, which is also the best result since the launch of Fuxing mobile phones.

We took advantage of the celebration party the day after tomorrow to do this together. "

Li Ying keenly heard the key information and asked with a smile: "Are you going to return to the capital the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, it's been decided. I'll leave you to worry about the work of Fuxing Zhijia Group."

Although Li Ying still maintained a smile on her face, it was not as bright as before.

In the past few years, Xia Jingxing had been like this every time he met him, coming and going in a hurry.

Just like the relationship between the two, they were distant and then close, and now they are gradually becoming distant.

She sensed that Xia Jingxing was deliberately keeping a certain distance from her.

"I am now 29 years old and have worked for you for four years. I can work for you for the second four years and the third four years...

When I get old and can no longer work, I will find a nursing home to stay by myself and spend the rest of my life.

By then, I believe Fuxing Industry will become more prosperous, and I will continue to send him silent blessings. "

At this point, Li Ying was so moved that her face burst into tears, and the crystal teardrops streaked across her face that once had a hint of baby fat but has now become a little thin.

Xia Jingxing sighed, he finally broke the window paper, why bother?

Emotionally, he has always adhered to the principle of "not taking the initiative, not refusing, and being responsible".

Even so, he is still a morally corrupt scumbag.

But why, there are still so many good girls flocking to him like moths, this little flame that doesn't look very stable and reliable on the outside.

"It's a little late, I have to go!"

Xia Jingxing stood up, walked to the door, grabbed the coat hanging on the coat rack, put it on his body, and prepared to leave.

He knew that if he stayed any longer, he might become soft-hearted and get himself into debt again.

The debt he now carries is enough to make his scalp numb. It feels good, but this kind of responsible feeling is not really good, but will gradually become a moral shackles.

He also reflected on himself, and with the expansion of money and wealth, whether his desires also expanded.

This change is subtle and amplifies the bad qualities that most men have.

And we can't really cut off the root and cure it permanently, we can only be awake and confused sometimes.

It seems that I can only ask Master Yongxin for advice later and ask him how he cultivates his moral character.

But Xia Jingxing was afraid that Master Yongxin would retaliate against him, and the food and wine would go through his intestines and stay in the heart of the Buddha.

Xia Jingxing had just opened the door and before he even took a step forward, he felt someone wrap around his waist and a hot body pressed tightly against his back.

"I don't care about those things. I just don't want to wait four years after another for the day when I am old and see your children and grandchildren around my knees, while I am alone. For me, that is too terrible. I can't do that. Be open-minded.”

Xia Jingxing didn't look back and said calmly: "I'm not as perfect as you think, I can't even describe it as a scumbag.

I have many, many women, but I will not give any title to any of them. "

"I know, I said I don't even care."

When the other party said this, Xia Jingxing felt the arms hugging his waist tighten.

"You could have had a happier life."

Xia Jingxing turned around and looked directly at Li Ying, only to find that not only was there no depression on the latter's face, but she had a little girl's smile on her face.

"This is my happy life. I am satisfied and will not regret the choices I made today.

Christina is willing to remain unknown like this, so there’s nothing I can’t let go of. "

Before Xia Jingxing could react, he felt like his mouth was blocked by a red lip.

He was pushed against the wall and banged.

He reacted instantly after not doing anything like that for several months, turning from passive to active.

After a long time, the two separated.

Looking at Li Ying with a pretty and crimson face, Xia Jingxing wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Li Ying put her index finger on her lips empathetically, her dark and bright eyes flashing with joy, "Don't say anything anymore, and you don't have to put any pressure on me. Everything is done willingly by me."

Xia Jingxing felt that he was too passive, so he kicked the door behind him, and the door closed with a bang.

Then he picked up Li Ying who was standing in front of him, walked through the living room, walked into the bedroom, and played a piece of bliss on earth.


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