My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and sixty-five, be lenient if you anticipate the enemy

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Xia Jingxing glanced at Chen Hong, who understood and handed a document bag in front of him to Li Guangnan.

Li Guangnan didn't know what he meant. He opened the document bag in confusion and found a thick stack of materials inside, so he read it carefully.

After watching it for a few minutes, Li Guangnan became more and more frightened. Finally he couldn't help but raised his head and asked, "Where did this come from?"

Xia Jingxing replied: "I heard that Mu Zhixin recently planned to launch a second round of restructuring of Conscience Company, so I specially arranged for someone to investigate and prepare to send a congratulatory gift to our godfather!"

Li Guangnan frowned slightly, "These things alone may not be able to defeat Mu Zhixin."

"I know that he is the godfather of business, an iconic figure in government-owned capital entrepreneurship, and the founder of the first "Private Fortune 500".

He can't fall down, otherwise he will pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, which will make everyone look bad. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing had a clear understanding, Li Guangnan stopped reminding him and nodded gently: "As long as you understand this, don't make the same mistake I made.

I underestimated Mu Zhixin back then, and was driven away by him in despair. "

Xia Jingxing had a faint smile on his face. It was easy to win over a Mu Zhixin, but behind Mu Zhixin there were thousands of little Mu Zhixins.

The reason why Mu Zhixin is revered as the Godfather of Business is because he has explored a way for everyone to make a fortune. Can the little Mu Zhixin not regard him as their big brother?

Everyone has a burden in their hearts, so while sending their wives and children to their new home, they stay in their hometown to watch and listen to all directions, and are ready to go out and start a new life at any time.

Mu Zhixin's incident was just a splash in that great era, and there were many people who were uglier than him.

Mu Zhixin thought he had grasped the pulse of the times and played these little tricks of changing cages and birds again and again.

If he hadn't appeared, he would have succeeded this time.

Xia Jingxing was very aware of the problems involved, so he was not prepared to put his hopes in snitching, which would really lead to Li Guangnan's old path and put too many people on the opposite side.

However, he will not let go of Mu Zhixin and Conscience Company, not only for personal vendetta, but also because Fuxing Electronics lacks the important business segment of computers.

"Mr. Li, what do you think of us buying the conscience holding group? If there is a chance in the future, we can also privatize the conscience of Hong Kong Island."

Li Guangnan's originally cloudy eyes were now staring at Xia Jingxing with great concentration.

"Personally, I very much agree with your idea! Conscience was once a good company, a good company that is not weaker than the Chrysanthemum Factory.

It's a pity that Mingzhu secretly invested and wasted more than ten years in Mu Zhixin's hands. Now it has hundreds of billions of yuan in revenue, but its annual net profit is only a few hundred million to a billion, which is even worse than Fuxing Zhijia. However, let alone compared to Renaissance Electronics.

This is the sequelae of not mastering core technology and trying to make quick money. After the computer dividend period in the 1990s and early 2000s, conscience companies have seen both gross and net profit margins decline in recent years.

This kind of decline cannot be stopped, it can be said to be a rapid decline! "

Li Guangnan shook his head as he spoke, his expression extremely regretful.

He dared to assert that if the conscientious company continued to be controlled by Mu Zhixin's group of people who were just eating nothing, even in five or ten years, they would not be able to truly embark on an independent and controllable scientific research path. Even if the revenue increased several times, Net profit also increased several times at most.

At that time, there will be a strange technology company with hundreds of billions of revenue, several billions of net profits, and a net profit margin of 1%.

This can also be called a technology company. I am afraid that foreign peers and even domestic rising stars will laugh out loud.

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Conscience Company is in the hands of Mu Zhixin, so of course it can only do some assembly, trading, and financial work. His personality is there, and he is very selfish, just like the landlords and old wealth in ancient times. .

But it’s different in my hands. Fuxing Industrial’s research institute can make up for the technological heart that conscientious companies have long lacked. ATL can supply batteries, Fuxing Semiconductor can design and manufacture computer chips, and Fuxing Mall can sell computer products...

The revival of mobile phones, tablets and conscience computers can also form a three-in-one consumer electronics set, which can be promoted together.

These three major devices, plus cars and smart homes, are enough to build a huge user and developer ecosystem. If we use our self-developed Hongmeng operating system, it will be perfect. "

Li Guangnan smiled and said, "I'm afraid computers can't do it. The Wintel Alliance is too powerful and its position is indestructible."

"You still have to have dreams. At least you have to have emergency replacement, so that there won't be a crisis and all the equipment becomes a pile of scrap metal."

Li Guangnan nodded lightly towards Xia Jingxing, "That's right. You can't despair just because your opponent is too strong. Even if the gap can be narrowed a little, it will be an improvement."

After the two chatted for a while, the topic returned to Conscience Company.

"I support your acquisition of conscience companies, but this matter is not easy."

Li Guangnan looked at Xia Jingxing and said with a solemn expression: "Because you are digging at the root of Mu Mu's ambition, he will definitely fight to the death!"

Xia Jingxing spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter! I'll do what's mine, and he'll do what he resists. Let's all do our own thing!"

Mu Zhixin pondered for a moment and said: "To consider the reaction of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, their attitude is the key.

In addition, we must also consider the internal reactions of conscientious companies and the reactions of society.

Conscience is a large company that entered the Fortune Global 500 last year. Although it may look like an assembler to you, in the eyes of some people, it is a treasure. "

Xia Jingxing found it a little funny, but what Li Guangnan said was true.

Just because he has a disdain for conscientious companies does not mean that other people and companies do not care at all about the change of control of conscientious companies.

Therefore, we need to come up with a solution that satisfies all parties!

Naturally, this "party" does not include Mu Zhixin's side. They must be eliminated!

"Especially within the Conscience Company. You criticized Conscience so miserably in the past. They must be resistant to your taking over. If Mu Zhixin incites it again, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences will take into account the impact, this matter may go south."

Chen Hong stood up and said: "Huake Holdings and we have already had a successful cooperation, and both parties have a certain foundation of trust.

In the acquisition of China Digital, we gave them a very satisfactory quotation.

If they are willing to sell their stake in Conscience Holdings this time, we will also make an offer they cannot refuse. "

Li Guangnan nodded and said: "I know this! But Conscience Holdings is not China Digital. This is Mu Zhixin's core asset. He will definitely do everything possible to prevent Fuxing Industries from taking over."

Deng Yuanjun smiled and said: "The Chinese Academy of Sciences is not a unit of one family, so what can Mu Zhixin do to stop it?

If Conscience Holdings is sold to us, the headquarters, tax revenue, and employment will still remain in the capital. Conscience Holdings can even go further, provide more jobs, and pay more taxes.

I believe that in China, there is no one more suitable for the introduction of shareholding reform than Fuxing Industrial Group as a conscientious holding company. "

Li Guangnan said: "You still have to be cautious, because you only have one chance. If you miss it, you may not get it again."

Deng Yuanjun replied: "Of course, we are making corresponding preparations now. We will not alert the enemy until we are absolutely sure."

While the three of them were having a heated discussion, Xia Jingxing seemed a little distracted. He looked motionless into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Jing Xing, can you ask Lou Wei for help? If Huake Holdings can transfer its equity to China Investment Group, many problems will be solved directly."

Chen Hong looked at Xia Jingxing and reminded: "Mu Zhixin has been running his home for more than 20 years, and his relationship with the Chinese Academy of Sciences is deeply entangled.

If the equity is separated from Huake Holdings, then Mu Zhixin will be a toothless tiger, capable of twitching and skinning at will. "

Xia Jingxing did not reply immediately. He was thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. CIC is a central enterprise that manages foreign exchange and important financial companies. It is separated from the Chinese Academy of Sciences by industries, and its reach is not that far."

Chen Hong added: "You have to try it before you know. If this plan succeeds, even if Mu Zhixin has great abilities, he will not be able to save himself."

"Okay, be lenient if you anticipate the enemy and give our business godfather the attention he deserves."

After determining the course of action, Xia Jingxing began to assign tasks to Deng Yuanjun and Chen Hong.

The acquisition of Conscience Holding Group, the controlling parent company of Conscience Company, is the primary target.

If the acquisition does not go smoothly, Xia Jingxing has also made a plan to do the next best thing and break up the Conscience Holding Group. As long as the computer business sector, real estate, finance and other diversified businesses that Mu Zhixin has developed are not needed, because there is no money to hold them. How useful it is, it has little strategic significance.

Li Guangnan listened to Xia Jingxing's acquisition plan and felt indescribable excitement in his heart.

He thought he would never be able to return to the conscientious company he co-founded in his lifetime, but he didn't expect that Xia Jingxing brought him hope.

It is not only his hope, but also the hope of conscientious companies, and the hope of countless Chinese users.

Because America’s conscience may really become China’s conscience this time!

He extremely hopes that Xia Jingxing can successfully acquire Conscience Holding and Conscience Company. Only in this way can the Conscience brand embark on a journey of self-redemption and wash away all the stigma and bad reputation brought to Conscience Brand by those selfish villains. , facing Chinese users again with a new look.


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