My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and seventy-eight, took the penguin into the ditch

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A few days later.

Xia Jingxing attended the first half-year work summary meeting of Domestic Holding Group.

This meeting was supposed to be held last month, but because Xia Jingxing was distracted by the Conscience Holding Group at that time, the meeting was postponed to this month.

At the meeting, the presidents of each subsidiary reported the work results of the first half of the year in turn.

The results can be said to be very impressive, and it has basically secured its position as one of the top four Internet companies in China.

Among the beautiful financial statements and operating data displayed, there is also a data report that is not so pretty, and can even be called ugly.

Zhang Yong currently serves as the CEO of the group and also serves as the CEO of

He apologized to Xia Jingxing and said, “Mr.

Xia Jingxing sat on the chair with an expressionless face and gently opened the pages of operational data reports placed in front of him with his hands., which was still killing everyone two years ago and a year ago, is now showing its decline.

Since the beginning of the new year, active users have been declining steadily, and the number of new registered users has basically stopped growing as early as last year.

It’s not that Zhang Yong made a major mistake in his work, the main reason is that is facing the plundering and carving up of SNS users by a number of Weibo platforms, led by Hainan Weibo.

In addition, QQ space has completely emerged relying on the highly sticky QQ platform, which has dealt a heavy blow to domestic websites.

Of course, the core reason behind this is that has lost the endless and popular creativity in the past, such as web games such as Happy Farm and Happy Ranch, as well as countless interesting plug-ins connected to the domestic open platform.

In other words, users are tired of the overseas network and have no sense of freshness.

At the same time, the five major Weibo platforms launched by Hainei Holdings, Penguin, Sina, Sohu and NetEase have become the most popular websites in the past year and have attracted the most attention from netizens. This has also dealt a big blow to , attracting many users.

This was also the case in the previous life. After the rise of Sina Weibo, it caused heavy damage to and

However, this does not mean that SNS websites are useless or have no long-term survival potential.

But they cannot survive alone and must take the coexistence route of "qq+space" and "WeChat+moments".

In particular, the powerful combination of "qq + space" has been born at this time, and has shown tenacious vitality in the several-year commercial competition with

Even if Weibo does not divert users from, it will be difficult for to defeat the best partner of "qq+space" if the competition continues in the long term.

There is only one way to win, defeat magic with magic!

Seeing that Xia Jingxing remained silent, Zhang Yong felt a little more uneasy.

He knew Xia Jingxing's overall strategy, and he also knew that must not collapse at this stage, otherwise when WeChat is launched, it will lose a promotion boost.

But users prefer to play on Weibo and play space through the quick entrance of QQ. These are indisputable facts.

In order to reduce the rate of user loss, he led the Overseas Network team to make a lot of efforts, but it only stopped part of the decline.

If does not carry out disruptive product innovation, the open wound will not stop bleeding no matter what.

However, if major innovation is carried out, it will also involve the problem of duplication of positioning between overseas websites and Weibo. Maybe they will not be consistent with the outside world, and they will be the first to do so.

Xia Jingxing knew very well that could not save him no matter what, and he had no intention of doing so.

The role of Weibo is to replace it.

In other words, the replacement object also needs to add a circle of friends.

At present, Weibo has basically established its leading position in the industry, but we still don’t know where Moments is.

If is completely dead at this stage, Weibo will definitely divert some users away, but it will also provide a wave of assistance to QQ Space.

Therefore, cannot withdraw from the stage of history for the time being. It must wait until WeChat is released and Moments reaches the top before it can officially retire.

This is the option with the least internal friction and the most suitable for the development of domestic holding groups.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing slowly said: "No matter what we think of, will be able to hold on for at least another year.

Now, whether all users are lost, the platform collapses, or it is completely merged into Weibo, some of the users who originally belonged to us will be pushed to the QQ space.

This is something we must try our best to avoid. We and penguins are natural enemies.

We cannot sit back and watch them grow in strength, let alone proactively create opportunities for them to do so. "

Zhang Yong felt relieved when he saw that Xia Jingxing had no intention of holding him accountable, but at the same time he felt a little ashamed.

As the CEO of the group, in addition to being the general marshal, he also led the entire army, and as a result, the battle was the worst.

Putting aside for the time being the holding back factors such as the platform's own positioning and Weibo's blood sucking, Xia Jingxing's request is not to win a hearty victory, but not to lose too ugly and not to lose too fast.

I couldn't complete such a task very well, and I was really embarrassed!

Zhang Yong gritted his teeth and said: "Mr.

Seeing Zhang Yong's determined eyes and serious expression, Xia Jingxing nodded gently and gave him an encouraging look.

Leaving aside the non-war crimes of the Overseas Network, Zhang Yong's work performance this year is still remarkable. All other businesses and subsidiaries are singing triumphantly. Otherwise, with Xia Jingxing's temper, he would not have followed so kindly. He speaks.

Xia Jingxing turned his head and looked at Gao Lili and said, "Although we have won a summer battle and invited all the stars and celebrities from the platform and the entertainment industry to Weibo, don't be careless in the future.

Although Penguin has suffered repeated setbacks in the past two years, its vitality has not been lost.

As for the three ancient Internet giants, although they are also showing signs of decline like, after all, they have been kings and hegemons for more than ten years, and the accumulated wealth can support them to fight a few more bad wars. "

After a period of hard work, Gao Lili has shown a somewhat calm demeanor.

She smiled confidently at Xia Jingxing and replied: "Except for Penguin Weibo, the other three Weibo platforms were launched several months later than ours, and so far they have not exceeded 100 million users.

It’s a bit difficult for them to participate in the second round of “Weibo Throne Competition”.

I specifically investigated the recent advertising efforts of the three of them, and I felt that they lacked stamina.

Perhaps the heads of the three companies have lost confidence, or perhaps the investors and shareholders are already dissatisfied.

No matter what the reason is, there is a high probability that the three of them will be eliminated.

Next, our main opponent should be Penguin Weibo.

However, the situation of Penguin Weibo is not much better than that of the other three companies. Penguin Holdings’ 5 billion private placement in Hong Kong stocks has been spent by Ponima.

It is said that shareholders have a lot of dissatisfaction with him. They feel that their money has been easily earned by a group of has-been stars in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and at the same time, it has not played a big role in attracting traffic to Penguin Weibo.

Even if Bonima doesn't give up and wants to continue fighting with us, he must first settle the different voices within. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "The intelligence collection work was done well."

Gao Lili smiled and said nothing.

"You are right, Ponima should be feeling quite embarrassed now.

If he continues to follow, he will not have many chips on the table, and the investors are not good men and women. If he wants to continue to raise funds, it will be difficult.

But if he doesn't follow, then we will win this round. "

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing suddenly felt numb and looked at Ling Hai who was sitting beside him.

If Weibo is just a small hole that bleeds penguins, then games are a big hole, and the blood can be caught in a basin.

"I heard that you took the penguin into the ditch? Now the person Ponima hates the most is no longer me, but you."

Ling Hai showed his signature honest smile, and then touched the top of his head, "I was just joking with them, but they became anxious."


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