My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and eighty-one, the prelude to the decisive battle of fate

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"Dalong, you and your team are far away in Yangcheng, thousands of miles away from the headquarters in the south and north. I am quite busy on weekdays. I have said many times that I want to go to the Yangcheng branch to inspect, but I was delayed because of my busy schedule.

How about it? Are you still used to working and living there?

I specifically told Zhang Yong that if you need any support or help, just mention it to him directly. "

After the meeting, Xia Jingxing specially called his "Optimus Prime", Zhang Dalong, to the office to greet him and make no secret of his respect and appreciation for him.

In fact, Zhang Dalong did not live up to his trust and reuse. In just over half a year, he built a brand-new Internet product for domestic mailboxes to have over 10 million active users.

This result is quite good. It took qq mailbox three years to achieve this result, and it was still relying on qq's huge user base.

Of course, compared with the domestic mailboxes of 10 million active users, NetEase 163 mailboxes and qq mailboxes, which are at the forefront of the industry and have tens of millions of active users, are just a younger brother, and the user data will not be able to catch up for a while.

Zhang Dalong held a glass of water, looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face, and replied: "Mr.

Mr. Zhang is very supportive of the work of our Yangcheng team.

After the domestic mailbox was launched, they recommended us to join the Android basic mobile service, and also asked many sister departments such as, Weibo, and domestic games to help us promote it.

Without the group's dedicated resources, domestic mailboxes would not have become famous in such a short period of time. "

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly. He knew that what Zhang Dalong said was the truth, but it was only part of the truth.

Relying on the huge product matrix and deep relationship network of Overseas Holdings, it is indeed much easier to promote overseas mailboxes than start-up companies without background.

Just by opening up the account system, Domestic Games' popular online games, Weibo, and other products can receive verification codes through Domestic mailboxes to log in, and a large number of new mailbox users can be harvested.

However, harvesting new users is only the beginning. The key is that the email product must be good enough to retain people and accumulate active users.

In this regard, Zhang Dalong's strong product innovation capabilities are reflected.

The page of Domestic Mailbox is clean and concise, and is highly praised and loved by users.

After all, Zhang Dalong is a veteran of email. With more than ten years of experience in email development and operation, operating a new email is just like playing.

What impressed Xia Jingxing and the industry even more was that this guy also innovatively launched a new mailbox function some time ago - the drift bottle.

This function can be regarded as a kind of social interaction with strangers, which is still very fresh in the current Internet world.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the number of active users of domestic mailboxes is increasing steadily.

A large number of young netizens who just use domestic email accounts to log in to the game seem to have opened the door to a new world.

The first thing I do when I go online every day is not to kill people in the game, but to open my domestic mailbox with great expectation to see if there are little girls or boys who will send me drift bottles.

If you open the drift bottle and find a few "positive energy" or "horse-like words" written inside, you can have fun all day long.

From this aspect, Zhang Dalong is undoubtedly very social, or more precisely, he has insight into human nature and understands the spiritual needs of users.

Xia Jingxing waved to Zhang Dalong and said with a smile: "Don't be humble in front of me.

Not to mention anything else, the drift bottle you designed alone is an artifact.

With the blessing of this thing, I estimate that the number of active users of domestic mailboxes can increase by tens of millions.

Maybe Bonima has copied it by now. He is never polite about good products and good designs. "

Zhang Dalong had a faint smile on his face. It was difficult for him to express any opinions when it came to his former club, the Penguins.

Xia Jingxing understood Ponima's words and didn't bother to talk about this guy anymore.

He left Zhang Dalong alone today, so he naturally had important tasks to arrange.

After scanning Zhang Dalong a few times, Xia Jingxing suddenly said: "Dalong, do you still remember the instant messaging sequence I told you last year?"

Zhang Dalong suddenly felt excited all over, and the hand holding the cup was trembling slightly, with a kind of excitement that touched his soul. He looked at Xia Jingxing with the same burning eyes as Xia Jingxing looked at him at the meeting just now.

"Mr. Xia, you...are you saying...that you are going to start this project?"

Zhang Dalong's voice stuttered, mainly because he was too excited. He had been waiting for this day for a full year.

I thought I would have to wait, but happiness came so suddenly!

When Overseas Holdings extended an olive branch to him last year, Zhang Yong told him that Overseas Holdings had the idea of ​​​​entering the field of instant messaging to compete with Penguin.

The reason why he was willing to change his career was because he took a fancy to the opportunity provided to him by Overseas Holdings to "return to the mainstream stage of China's Internet."

Twelve years ago, he entered the Chinese Internet arena with his foxmail mailbox and became famous in one fell swoop.

Then, watching contemporaneous entrepreneurs such as Pork Ding and Charles Zhang move to a more glorious stage step by step, it would be false to say that I am not envious at all.

As an entrepreneur in the ancient Internet era, he still hopes to recreate a product that is better and more famous than Foxmail mailbox.

It's a pity that Penguin cannot give this opportunity because they already have a QQ, and since I have been with Penguin for three years, I can only do some odd jobs in the Yangcheng branch and cannot enter the core management.

Therefore, when Zhang Yong came to Yangcheng to recruit in person, Zhang Dalong agreed without thinking for too long.

After joining Overseas Holdings, Zhang Dalong worked very hard because he knew that the Overseas mailbox was his test paper.

Only by passing this exam with high scores can Xia Jingxing and Zhang Yong confidently hand over the command of the decisive battle that will affect the fate of Overseas Holdings in the next ten or even twenty years to themselves.

Now it seems that he has passed the assessment?

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "Yes, I think the time to show the sword to Penguin has gradually matured.

First of all, the 3G license has been issued for more than half a year, and the shortcomings in telecommunications infrastructure have been made up.

Secondly, the product matrix of Overseas Holdings has been basically established. Momo Voice and Overseas Mail have been tested and promoted successively, and the feedback has been good.

Finally, it is your work performance during this period, which has strengthened my confidence a lot. If I leave WeChat to you, I believe it can bring me a brilliant victory. "

Zhang Dalong felt quite embarrassed to be praised so much by Xia Jingxing, and his trademark silly smile appeared on his face.

"But don't get too happy yet."

Xia Jingxing gradually put away the smile on his face and became serious.

Seeing this, Zhang Dalong also sat up straight, ready to listen to Xia Jingxing's arrangements.

"This is a social war related to the overall strategy of Overseas Holdings. We must work hard without any reservations or retreat.

After winning, Domestic Holdings jumped over the dragon gate and became a true Internet giant, dominating a track like Ali and Baidu.

If it fails, Overseas Holdings may fall apart and become an inconspicuous splash in the history of China's Internet development. It is occasionally mentioned as a failure case. "

Zhang Dalong nodded heavily towards Xia Jingxing and said with a solemn expression: "Mr.

Xia Jingxing's face relaxed and he said with a smile: "We are not going to die, so there is no need to be so nervous. Just calm down.

I have been preparing for this battle for several years.

Although qq is powerful, it does not mean that it is invincible.

Since we dare to challenge it, we are determined to win! "

Having said this, Xia Jingxing picked up the landline phone on the table and dialed a number.

Zhang Dalong looked at Xia Jingxing's actions in confusion. The latter smiled and said, "It's okay. Sit down and I'll show you the baby later."


Chapters 977, 1353, and 1371 have been released. If you haven’t read them yet, you can take a look.


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