My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and nineteen, sky-high compensation

The next day.

The patent infringement lawsuit between Huaxin International and Gulf Power, which has been entangled for six years, officially opened in the Federal District Court of Alameda County, San Francisco Bay Area, California, under the attention of the industry. The two companies ushered in the final battle.

Ever since Gulf Power first sued Huaxin International for patent infringement and theft of trade secrets in December 2003, the two companies have been at war with each other.

During this period, it first went through out-of-court settlement, Huaxin International paid compensation and handed over technical data to a third party for custody. Gulf Power can check the technical account at any time to confirm whether there is any infringement.

After just over a year of silence, Gulf Power took Huaxin International to court again on the grounds that Huaxin International did not abide by the settlement agreement. The lawsuit moved from the mainland to the United States. In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed. Today’s case The lawsuit is the final conclusion to this matter.

Both companies attach great importance to today's lawsuit, which can be seen from the lineup of executives attending the court hearing.

Regarding Huaxin International, Zhang Rujing led a group of executives who flew to the United States from the mainland to sit around Xia Jingxing. Fuxing Industrial CFO Deng Yuanjun, Fuxing Semiconductor CEO Liang Mengsong, Spreadtrum CEO Li Liyou, Fuxing Industrial American Chip Design Institute President and Suanni Chip Semiconductor executives such as the person in charge, Chen Zongjian, were also among those who came to observe.

As for Gulf Power, Zhang Zhong, who is 78 years old and returned to Gulf Power as CEO this year after four years of retirement, also led a group of Gulf Power executives to the court hearing in person.

People from the two parties sat clearly separated on both sides of the auditorium, and a strong smell of gunpowder could be felt through the air.

This was the first time Xia Jingxing saw Zhang Zhong, and he couldn't help but take a second look.

Although the old man has silver hair, he is in good spirits and will have no problem living for another dozen years.

It really goes with the old saying, good people don’t live long, but disasters last for thousands of years.

As if he was aware of it, Zhang Zhongmou turned his head and happened to meet Xia Jingxing's eyes.

A smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth. He also had no favorable impression of Xia Jingxing, a young man with a far-reaching reputation.

The fact that the other party took in Zhang Rujing, Liang Mengsong and other Taiwan rebel generals was only part of the reason that aroused his disgust. Another part of the reason was that he couldn't stand Xia Jingxing's unruly and arrogant attitude.

Just like in his previous life, he did not believe that Xia Jingxing could achieve anything in a continent where the semiconductor industry environment was like a desert.

In his opinion, the other party's large-scale acquisition and integration of mainland semiconductor industries including Huaxin and Spreadtrum are completely useless efforts. A pile of garbage is still a pile of garbage. If you want to design and manufacture high-end chips, you must first throw away the garbage. Let’s talk about it after decades of semiconductor development time.

Xia Jingxing saw the proud smile on Zhang Zhongmou's face and was not too angry.

Putting aside the feelings of family and country, the other party did have the capital to look down on him as a newcomer to semiconductors.

Zhang Zhongmou is known as the Godfather of Yizhou Semiconductors and the King of Chips. He entered the semiconductor industry at the same time as Gordon Moore, founder of Intel and proposer of Moore's Law, and Jack Kilby, inventor of integrated circuits and Nobel Prize winner. Working at Texas Instruments created the era of semiconductor foundry and has been in the industry for more than half a century...

These extraordinary achievements are worthy of being the first in the Chinese semiconductor world.

The only thing that Xia Jingxing dislikes and even hates is that both the old man and Li Huangtai are refined egoists. Both of them were born in troubled times, and they both fled under the iron heel of the Japanese. They have seen the tragic situation of the destruction of their home and country, but there is no trace of them. The heart of serving the country.

In contrast, Zhang Rujing, whose parents had the same experience as Zhang Zhongmou, has not forgotten his roots and is sparing no effort to contribute to the country and nation in his own way.

But on the other hand, it is a good thing that Zhang Zhongmou looks down on him, Fuxing Semiconductor and Huaxin International.

Anyway, the old man still has a long life, so he should be able to see how the career he is most proud of in his life goes downhill step by step.

I just hope that Fuxing Semiconductor will rise faster and let the old man die with hatred.

A few hours later, with the judge banging the gavel, the lawsuit officially came to an end.

A U.S. judge ruled that Huaxin International illegally used 61 of the 65 controversial semiconductor patent projects submitted by Gulf Power, causing huge economic losses to Gulf Power.

From the date of the verdict, Huaxin International must stop continuing to infringe, stop using the relevant patents, and compensate Gulf Power for its economic losses of US$1 billion!

After hearing the penalty document read out by the judge in court, everyone around Xia Jingxing burst into laughter.

Although everyone was prepared to lose the lawsuit, they never expected that such a large amount of compensation would be paid.

Huaxin International lost a lawsuit a few years ago and compensated Gulf Power with US$200 million.

This time the amount of compensation has been directly increased five times, and the penalty that belongs to the top level cannot be exceeded again!

Compared with the frustrated senior executives of Huaxin International, Gulf Power's side has become a sea of ​​joy.

Before leaving the court, the group could not help but start celebrating.

Xia Jingxing glanced at the dejected executives beside him, who looked like defeated roosters, and couldn't help but frown. It was only 1 billion U.S. dollars, so what if he had to pay them compensation!

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing decided to do something, so he called out to Zhang Zhong.

"Mr. Zhang, please stay!"

Zhang Zhong was walking out surrounded by executives such as Liu Deyin and Wei Zhejia. When he heard the shouts from behind, he immediately stopped and turned around to look back.

Under the unkind gaze of a group of senior executives of Gulf Electric, Xia Jingxing walked quickly to Zhang Zhong.

"This is the court, what do you want to do?"

Liu Deyin stepped forward to protect Zhang Zhongmou behind him. Seeing this, others also stepped forward to block Xia Jingxing's way.

"Nothing to do! As you said, this is a court, what can you do?"

Xia Jingxing looked at the group of middle-aged and elderly men with half-white to completely white hair in front of him with a smile. If I really wanted to beat you, I'm afraid you would all be lying down by now.

However, he didn't explain too much. Looking at the group of people in front of him who looked like a formidable enemy, he felt an indescribable feeling of joy in his heart.

"Mr. Xia, what advice do you need from an old man like me?"

Seeing Zhang Zhongmou waving, a group of Gulf Power executives stood aside.

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Zhong, who was standing there with an imposing manner, and said with a smile: "I don't dare give you advice. You are a senior and an expert in the industry. Who dares to give you advice?

I came here for no other reason than to ask you a question. "

"Please tell me." Zhang Zhongmou replied calmly.

"This six-year lawsuit has officially ended. Huaxin International will transfer the compensation to your company's account within the specified time. Shouldn't the matter between our two companies end here? "

Hearing this, Zhang Zhong felt a little funny. What does this mean? Please let me stop suppressing you?

"I didn't quite understand what Mr. Xia said. Didn't the penalty document just now make it very clear?

Your company has infringed our patent rights and refused to repent. We have no choice but to take up legal weapons to protect our legitimate rights and interests.

This matter is indeed over here. As long as Huaxin International does not engage in those sneaky things in the future, Gulf Power will naturally not knock on your door for no reason.

Finally, I would like to advise Mr. Xia that Huaxin International’s problems are not small and need more rectification. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Okay, thank you for your advice!"

After Zhang Zhongmou gave Xia Jingxing a few small lessons, he led the others away with satisfaction.

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