My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and twenty-four, friends do not distinguish each other

As a descendant of the military sage, Masayoshi Son has naturally seen Sun Tzu's Art of War.

As soon as Xia Jingxing finished speaking, he immediately said the following: "The shape of a soldier is to avoid the real and attack the weak."

Xia Jingxing clapped his hands and praised: "Mr. Sun is worthy of being a descendant of the sage of war. Sun Tzu's art of war is well known by heart. I am the one who used the big sword in front of Guan Gong."

Sun Zhengyi laughed heartily. He liked it best when others recognized his status as a descendant of the Soldier Saint. Xia Jingxing's words undoubtedly scratched his itch.

"Darren, you're so honored. In my opinion, you are the entrepreneur who best understands Sun Tzu's Art of War. When Facebook was growing up, I saw a lot of references to the Art of War.

Please tell me how to avoid the real and attack the fictitious. "

Everyone knows the truth. The key is how to use it. This is where a person's ability is tested.

Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment, then gently picked up the small teacup on the table.

"The tea ceremony first originated in China and later spread to Japan. Although Japan in modern times has been clamoring to "leave Asia and join Europe", Japan has always been a country deeply influenced by Chinese culture."

Son Zhengyi nodded slightly, "Yes, everyone is in the circle of influence of East Asian Confucian culture. This is undeniable."

“Okay, this involves the issue I just mentioned.

As an American company, Smart Fruit Company’s strengths are its brand and technology, but what are its weaknesses? "

Son Zhengyi frowned slightly, this question... well, I can't answer it for a while.

Xia Jingxing smiled at Sun Zhengyi, "Let me answer you, its weakness is arrogance. This is a common problem of many large companies, and it is also a stumbling block that prevents them from going further in localization."

"Are you arrogant?" Sun Zhengyi was a little confused.

"Aren't you arrogant? I heard that they finally succeeded in negotiating with NTT after a lot of hard work. They not only required NTT to promise a certain sales volume and allow a share of phone charges, but also required NTT to open up its patents.

I can conclude that NTT would never have agreed to sign a contract with Wisdom Fruit if it had not been threatened by our business combination. "

Sun Zhengyi didn't say anything because Xia Jingxing was right, and he was so right. NTT's status in Japan is the same as that of Att in the United States and China Mobile. If he hadn't been frightened by SoftBank's crazy number of new users, he would have been in Japan anyway. Nor will I bow to the fruit of wisdom.

“Zhiguo has always had a strong attitude towards its partners. This is because they are very confident and believe that their products can bring new users to telecom operators, thereby making telecom operators shut up. I will hold back any dissatisfaction. "

Son Zhengyi frowned slightly, what he said... didn't sound very good.

"But our Fuxing Mobile phone is different. We respect every partner because we firmly believe that only local partners know the local mobile phone market best and can develop marketing and promotion plans based on local conditions.

Only when you respect your friends can your friends respect you.

When a close business team works together to do something, the effect is more than just one plus one equals two.

In other words, the relationship between our pair is more harmonious than that between Wisdom Fruit and ntt. There is not so much intrigue between each other, and we both recognize and trust each other very much. "

Son Zhengyi nodded and smiled. This was true. Their business pairing was indeed closer than the pairing of Zhizhiguo and NTT.

Not long ago, Zhizhiguo wanted to poach someone, but he rejected him outright, which is proof of this.

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly and said: "So we must avoid the "real" nature of the wisdom fruit and attack its "virtual" nature."


Sun Zhengyi lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then quickly replied: "Darren, do you mean that NTT is the void of the wisdom fruit?"

"Yes, haven't you noticed? NTT has been unwilling to sign the cooperation agreement from the beginning. If we increase the pressure a little, the business pair may have to fight with each other."

Increase oppression?

Masayoshi Son came to his senses. After working on it for a long time, he asked SoftBank to gnaw on a hard nut. Wasn’t his calculation too precise?

Masayoshi Son shook his head like a rattle, "No, no, no, Darren, SoftBank has launched discounts such as no down payment for zero-yuan purchases, and free replacement of batteries if the battery is damaged within one year.

In order to solve the network problem where SoftBank does not have an advantage, we also invested a lot of money in laying out wifi.

If we continue to increase investment, we cannot bear it alone. "

Xia Jingxing secretly cursed the old fox in his heart, "You have also been the richest man in Asia and even the richest man in the world. Although it is just a one-day trip to the rich list, you can't be so cowardly."

"Mr. Sun~"

Before Xia Jingxing could speak, Sun Zhengyi waved his hand and said: "Darren, since we are the closest partners, I will give you an explanation.

I agree with your plan to avoid the truth and attack the fictitious, and I also think that we should give priority to attacking NTT before they have tasted too much sweetness from the cooperation with Wisdom Fruit.

However, this matter is not only SoftBank’s problem, the revival of mobile phones should also contribute.

Think about it, if our two families work together to seek development, but the other two families are not of the same mind, what will be the consequences?

The Japanese mobile phone market is very closed. Once Fuxing Mobile is acquired, it will be able to secure its dominance for at least ten years. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, and was taught a lesson by Old Suntou.

But Lao Sun is not talking nonsense. The Japanese mobile phone market is indeed relatively evil. In the previous life, Wisdom Fruit was the first to enter and has been firmly in the dominant position ever since. Chinese mobile phone brands that have been devastated in other countries' markets cannot even come in to get a share of the pie.

This has a lot to do with the weak power of Chinese brands, but it is also inseparable from the fact that Smart Fruit took the lead in achieving market dominance.

Xia Jingxing thought about it. In order to take root in the Japanese market in the long term, instead of just making a quick buck and running away, long-term investment is definitely essential.

And once Fuxing Mobile took root, WeChat also began to follow this network to go overseas.

This again involves the Japanese's habitual thinking. Once you get used to something, you won't change it easily.

In the past, Japan was one of the few markets that was not captured by WhatsApp. The country’s instant messaging market was dominated by a product called Line, which was developed by nhn japan, the Japanese subsidiary of South Korean Internet group nhn, and later cooperated with Softbank. The controlled Yahoo Japan merged into a larger Internet group with more diversified businesses.

Now Masayoshi Son says that SoftBank will contribute half of the money to help revive the development of mobile phones in Japan. Of course, Masayoshi Son’s main purpose is to attack NTT and grab market share from the other party.

But now everyone is in a relationship where everyone is prosperous and everyone suffers.

Lao Sun will also benefit from spending money to revive his mobile phone, and WeChat Japan will also benefit from it in the future...

Xia Jingxing calculated in his mind that he would definitely not lose money this time, and this business could be done.

So he quickly made a decision: "Since Mr. Sun has said so, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you."

"It's not that serious. Your thighs are thicker than other people's thighs even if you pull out any hair. If Asia's richest man takes action, even NTT will be heartbroken!"

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly. It seemed that this old grandson was really a descendant of his grandson. He was tricking people one after another.

That’s okay, I’ll take advantage of it once.

"Okay, Mr. Sun, let's make an agreement. Fuxing Mobile will spend two years of profits from the Japanese market to play with you."

"Darren, we are a win-win situation. Fuxing Mobile can take this opportunity to achieve better sales results in the Japanese market, and then firmly occupy the minds of users like Japanese cars in China."

Xia Jingxing smiled. It was not easy to be as domineering as Japanese cars. The main reason was that the domestic national automobile industry had not been able to develop, which gave the notebooks a chance.

However, the current Japanese mobile phone manufacturers, Sharp, Sony, Fujitsu, and Kyocera are all old and do well in hardware, but not in software and ecosystem.

In the past, strong players such as Nokia were unable to conquer the Japanese market. This was because the Japanese electronics industry was quite developed and at the same time relatively repellent to outsiders.

When the wisdom of both software and hardware comes in, the bookies can't stand it anymore. In addition, the opponent is an American product, so they just sit back and count the ball.

"Darren, how are Facebook's preparations? It's been more than half a year since the financial crisis ended, and market confidence is recovering rapidly. If Facebook steps forward at this time, it will definitely play a role in boosting market confidence, and it can also attract people. A lot of capital is coming in.”

Xia Jingxing knew what Sun Zhengyi was anxious about, and replied with a smile: "Next year! I will definitely not be able to catch up this year."

"Okay, next year will be good too."

Son Zhengyi smiled, and with a sense of propriety, he stopped asking any more questions so as not to annoy others.

"Youtube has spent a lot on bandwidth in the past two years, and it may need another round of financing to survive until it is acquired by Facebook."

Sun Zhengyi stared at Xia Jingxing with wide eyes, feeling trapped.

Isn’t it said that “guaranteed capital and interest, quick exit”?

Xia Jingxing saw Sun Zhengyi's dilemma and smiled brightly, "What I mean is that we go to the oil tycoons. Those people are not short of money, but they are short of projects."

Sun Zhengyi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Sogasnai!"

He is no stranger to oil tycoons. Those people... well, they are quite easy to talk to.

"Mr. Sun, now that we have basically finished discussing the cooperation between us, is it time to talk about the matter that I asked you to do?"

Sun Zhengyi looked up at Xia Jingxing, looked at his smiling face, and replied without any hesitation: "Of course there is no problem. What you told me, Dai Lun, is my business.

I wouldn't dare invite you in today without finishing it for you. "

"Haha, then there is Mr. Laosun."

"There is no distinction between friends."


After taking medicine for two days, I feel better. I will resume updating today, otherwise someone would say weird things again, hahaha. Fortunately, most book friends are still reasonable. Thank you everyone for your understanding.

By the way, after stopping updating for two days, the monthly ticket ranking has actually risen, which is really a bit embarrassing. Thank you again for your support.


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